Saxophone Forum

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Vintage Buescher Saxes

My 81-year-old brother-in-law has the saxophones his parents played in the firemen's band in Minneapolis MN in the 1920's. Th…

19 years ago
by charms (6 posts)

new here

i'm new here..i'm an italian boy..i have been playing sax fro 12 years and i'm 23...hello to every body.. a question..i've bo…

19 years ago
by saxismyaxe (575 posts)

new sax member...

Hey, I'm new been playing for about 8 years? about...currently working on Glazounov and all-state pieces...and I wi…

19 years ago
by saxismyaxe (575 posts)

Cannonball Saxophones

I'm thinking about buying a Cannonball Saxophone. There are different kinds (Mad Meg, Raven, etc), and I really want to know…

19 years ago
by huesax (2 posts)

Need an ID and info on my old sax.

Hi, my name is Keith. I started playing an Alto sax in 1957. It was a King my folks bought for me to play in Junior high scho…

19 years ago
by cadlights (4 posts)

sax tone

i have a selmer pro model series 3, what other horn has a good tone that as do the selmer models,its an alto

19 years ago
by sax_maniac (984 posts)

Hello All

Hi, I've been playing alto sax for about 7 years. I like classical music, but I can have fun playing jazz too. I haven't been…

19 years ago
by saximous86 (17 posts)


Hi, my name's Dave, and as my handle says I play the C melody sax. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. BTW, come check o…

19 years ago
by CMelodyMan77 (26 posts)


Hallo all, My name is Arie from Holland (Europe). I found this forum by searching for a King Zephyr Special Tenor. I'm grap…

19 years ago
by saxismyaxe (575 posts)

Am I the only one who names my saxophone?

My baby's name is Sha'donka

20 years ago
by saxophones_rock (13 posts)

Soprano sax history??

Can you give me information on the brand "Palais Royal", sr#56614. Where and when was it made. It is also silver plated. I h…

20 years ago
by alsax (4 posts)

Couldn't get old password, re-registered so hello again and....

Hi all. I don't post here often but I had to re-register as I couldn't retrieve my password. Anyway, awhile back I emaild sa…

20 years ago
by martinsaxman2 (13 posts)

Hello, another new sax player!

Heya everybody!!! My name's stephanie, I'm officially new to! iv been playing the saxophone for around 5 years n…

20 years ago
by EL Seano (255 posts)

Information Search

Dose anyone have any information regarding the Meazzi "Formidable" tenor? I bought one in Italy back in 1969. I understand th…

20 years ago
by rhino2104 (15 posts)

story telling

Anyone up to telling how u met ur first sax? i'll tell mine to get this going.. i was in my first week of secondary school wh…

20 years ago
by Sax Mom (964 posts)

New Member

Hi, Dear All I am a new member of this fabulous group. Also, I am the saxophone manufacturer in Taiwan. Our mission is to de…

20 years ago
by gooodman (1 post)


Hi I'm new to this forum and new to saxophones. Ive been a musician for last 11 years (since I was 7) but never played a win…

20 years ago
by spawn2048 (3 posts)


Hey! What's up? My name is Jess, and I've been playing the sax for...a decade?! Woah. A decade. :) I play alto, mainly. But t…

20 years ago
by Spezzie (5 posts)

Woodwind Synthesizers: Akai EWI v. Yamaha MX5, etc.

Hello to all. I just signed up on saxquest. My immediate motive is to get guidance on purchasing a woodwind midi driver and r…

20 years ago
by Professor (1 post)

Selmer saxophone

I would like to know a bit more about the sxaophone that I own. It is a selmer saxophone. I inherited it from my father and I…

20 years ago
by EL Seano (255 posts)

New to the sax

I'm pretty excited... as a clarinet player I am now awaiting the arrival of my first soprano sax. I play with a small band an…

20 years ago
by rhino2104 (15 posts)

Sax Radio and the Big Alto

Yesterday i was browsing alot of internet radio sites, looking for NEW NEW material to play, i was scanning the airwaves when…

20 years ago
by bconroy (2 posts)

Selmer MarkVI

My great uncle was a musical wholesaler in NY in the 60-70's. My father asked him to get me a good sax since I was playing we…

20 years ago
by bconroy (2 posts)

Palais Royal Soprano Saxophone??

Can you give me information on the brand "Palais Royal", sr#56614. Where and when was it made. It is also silver plated. I h…

20 years ago
by dtreed (2 posts)

i need an alto sax

i have been playing tenor since 6th grade and now i am in 9th and they dont march tenors. so i need a alto sax hopefully chea…

20 years ago
by rhino2104 (15 posts)
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