Saxophone Forum

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Greetings from Oregon!

Hello everyone.  I'm new here ... I'm taking private lessons twice a week for the summer, when my practice shed (an a…

11 years ago
by turtlejimmy (14 posts)

New student

Am new bingnnerisn't sax,I need some to tell me how can I go about,I need leson note as well in african,musical college ve…

11 years ago
by magnificant

Glad to find this website :)

I'm a student Saxophone player and I'm new to this website. I had wanted to learn how to play the Saxophone for 17 years a…

12 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Another one from Oregon!

Somewhat of an imposter here. I do not play sax. My son does. I play clarinet. I am just here to learn about saxes.


12 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

new to


I am a new member, an avid amatuer player and saxophone enthusiast.  I play lead alto in a swing ba…

12 years ago
by marci

Looking for information--I'm so confused

I found this site looking for information on a saxaphone that was given to us several years ago, but our kids never took i…

12 years ago
by daisyblue (3 posts)


Greeting everyone! I am new here. I live in Florida, and play soprano, alto, tenor saxophones, clarinet and flute. I playe…

12 years ago
by LSaxmaster (2 posts)

New Member...Great Site!!!!

Hi Folks,
Just found this website and really enjoying the posts! Best wishes to all and keep posting!
-Metro Nar…

12 years ago
by Metro_MarkVI

Boston Brand Saxophone

Hello from San Juan, PR.  I am new to this forum and hope to gain a lot of experience from all of the members of this…

12 years ago
by almoralesfranco (4 posts)


Hi all,
I've visisted this site trying to find out about mouthpieces, really got some good input. I will run to…

12 years ago
by Caatje006

Can't stop squeaks or get the sound that I want!(alto)

Since I turned to metal mouthpieces I have dealt with many problems. I have tried many mouthpieces (sizes and shapes), reeds…

12 years ago
by lallopop (1 post)

where to find sheet music

I am trying to find sheet music. Can anyone help?

12 years ago
by janetwatson (4 posts)

Hi from rainy France

Hi all sax lovers.

I just joined after reading an article about my current problem, the apparently common tenor…

12 years ago
by saxit

New Guy needs purchasing help

Hey everyone, this site has been so helpful that I decided to go ahead and join. I am in the midst of buying an Alto …

12 years ago
by DryMartini

jazz scale

Hello. Newby here. anyone here knows where to find a jazz scale sheet (pdf) or any link? TIA

12 years ago
by Timchenko (1 post)

Fr manila

Hello> Im all the way from manila. Lots of talented sax player. Thank you for being part of this org. and hoping to lea…

12 years ago
by mark-ay

Hi everybody:)

Hello to all Members.

I am Artem and I am new here. I am professional musician and play saxophones,…

12 years ago
by balticband


Yo-ho everybody! I be  the VooDooMaster and am brand new to the SAX world. Looking forward to being part of the commu…

12 years ago
by voodoomaster

Hello to all

hello. My hobby is music, sax and flute. I am glad to be a member of this site.

12 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)


Hello guys, I am new here. Hope my journey will be full of insites and informative. Thanks

Come check my new sa…

12 years ago
by lilrhinotx


Hi, I am a sax pro since 1958, having played on American Bandstand in 1958 - I guess that qualifies me. I am retired, but…

12 years ago
by paulbrier

New to the site

It's so beautiful to see a site devoted to the saxophonic community

12 years ago
by saxual1

Tenor H/R Select 120/ 2 Offset SMS Mouthpiece. Berg Larsen.

While checking the Mouthpiece Museum, I was looking at the Berg Larsen  Select  H/R  120/ 2 Offset SMS…

12 years ago
by robinnibor

Berg Larsen straightbill mouthpiece.

Hi, I waslooking at the Museum Section and noticed a Bronze Alto Straightbill 95/1 SMS Mouthpiece, it has an F stamp betwe…

12 years ago
by robinnibor

Hi, I'm new.

Hi everyone,


12 years ago
by robinnibor (5 posts)
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