Saxophone Forum

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Hi all. I've been messing around with sax for at least 30 years, but am  self taught so progress is not steady. I jus…

11 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

New to the site and need some assistance with a Selmer


I have a Selmer Saxaphone that my father had and cherished. The Saxaphone was passed on to my mother when m…

11 years ago
by fchiro86 (2 posts)

martin tenor sax holton alto

martin tenor sax, holton alto


My grandfather gave me a martin tenor sax and an alto frank holton sax, …

11 years ago
by fchiro86 (2 posts)

New to site with Conn question

Hi there,

I just joined your site. I used to play 30+ years ago. I have a Conn (I believe Chuberry) that has be…

11 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

Buffet Crampton Super Dynaction Saxophone Serial # 5315

This saxaphone is in excellent condition and I am curious as to the possible value of this instrument. All keys have been…

11 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

I'm as green as they come...

Hey everybody and thanks for reading my post.

Its great to be here. I just picked up my first Alto sax. Was holdin…

11 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

Absolute beginner: two questions

Which reed thickness should I start?
Which book would be helpful to learn?
(No local teachers. Could do skype le…

11 years ago
by rjohns10 (2 posts)


hello my name is Robert cotton I have played saxophone for 14 years. I currently live in Alabama. I'm 27 years of age and…

11 years ago
by rcotton

New to Forum

Hi my name is Emma . I manage a Pawn Shop in Macon Georgia that specializes in musical insturments. We have a store full o…

11 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Boeing Altosaxboy

Hello I'm Boeing from Thailand, I play alto saxophone.
This is my first saxophone video, hope you like it :)

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

New Tenor Sax Player

Hey guys, just thought I'd say hello as I'm new on here.
If you'd like you can check out my saxophone work on my yout…

11 years ago
by shoz95 (3 posts)

Hello I'm new

I decided about a month ago to learn to play the sax.  When I was in elementary school I wanted to play sax and the m…

11 years ago
by PhillipS. (9 posts)

Fresh On

Hey guys, I'm Phillip, but people just call me Phil. I've been playing the saxophone for 6 years and I learn everyday abou…

11 years ago
by PhillipS.

matin tenor sax holton alto


My grandfather gave me a matin tenor sax and an alto frank holton sax,  fourty years ago to play in sc…

11 years ago
by tirambaby77 (7 posts)

silver sax made in Paris

Please, someone help me if you can! I am cleaning out a house and have come across a silver saxophone with the words Armand &…

11 years ago
by vicpasnick (1 post)


I started blowing a tenor sax in HS 41 years and 3 months ago. I thought life ended in a HS band room. It did not. I am en…

11 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Where can I buy a good affordable Alto Sax

Can anyone provide a good website, or websites where I can search for a good and affordable Alto Sax?

11 years ago
by saxgourmet (127 posts)

Sax doubler - looking for the perfect combination


My name is Sheryl, I'm new here. I'm an oboe/english horn player who doubles on sax. Currently I have a Sel…

11 years ago
by sr14051

New beginner

I am very new to this site and to Saxophone's. I have been wanting to play the Sax for years actually decades. Anyway, I am…

11 years ago
by vindeisel1 (6 posts)

need used professional alto sax (nice but inexpensive)

My daughter is looking for a professional alto sax. She is going to college in August and her teacher recommended a Selmer II…

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Winston Pro 1 tenor sax


New member. I saw in Jim's list of approved saxes the Winston. Found one I liked on ebay and bought it. It i…

11 years ago
by Ned

Conn Curious - Part 1

Hi people, I have 3 Conns, a '41 10M which is just fine; a late 30s 6M, more on that later but for now I need info on my o…

11 years ago
by Freddie Nurk (7 posts)


I am just starting to play sax after a 30 year break. Marriage, kids,etc. I play alto sax.Its definately not like riding a bi…

11 years ago
by garycsilber (2 posts)

Hello from a new member.....

Hi, all. My name is Gary, and I'm an almost  60 year old professional photographer and an amatuer musician. I play th…

11 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

New to the Forum

Hey all, 

I'm newer to Sax then most people but I have been playing for a few years now. I signed up for t…

11 years ago
by SaxBunnie
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