Saxophone Forum

by SaxMan
(559 posts)
22 years ago

No one over 18 allowed!!!

this is a thread for anyone in high school, here you will get information from other kids instead of the more "logical" information an adult would give. I find that if a teacher tells me to do something with my sax i usually do the opposite, as people get older they might be a little less untamed as they were in high shool.

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  1. by cuber
    (653 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

    i go to a small school, and weve only got one band director, and unfortunatly, she dosent know ANYTHING about jazz. $20 says she dosent know the difference between blues and jazz... also, shes obsessed with marching band=( and she really cant pick any good songs for anything... classical, jazz, marching, you tell her to pick a song and she'll pick the stupidest song you could possibly find 15 yr soph

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  2. by rebav
    (9 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

    This is not the best thread to read. It seems like all you guys do is bitch about your band directors or the trumpets or other things like that. In my opinion, you guys should really check out some of the older players b/c they'll know what the hell they're doing. I'm a senior in high school in the fine arts acadamy so I think I know a little bit about saxes. I agree with a couple of people on the fact that saxes really do almost belong in just the jazz band. But the thing you need to realize is that the sax was designed to be loud for marching band, it's purpose was never really to play in concert band. I'm a bari specialist, and I'll tell you what, don't even complain about your parts. I had a piece for the honor band this year that I played a total of 6 notes in the whole piece, that's counting repeated notes. When you have to play a piece like that, then you can complain about not getting the melody. And think about it this way, when your older, you can look for a piece that has a sax melody, they are out there. I'm in the process of trying to find a bari feature for the honors jazz band that I'm in. That my friends is one difficult task. You all just need to grow up a little bit and realize that saxes aren't all that. Like they said, it really is the easiest instrument to learn, but the hardest to be great at. So, until you playing professionally and highly sought after throughout the world, don't ever say that you don't need advice from someone older b/c they're stuck in the past. If you think about it, that could help you. The best bari player hands down in many people's opinion is Gerry Mulligan, and he died 10 years ago. The greatest players aren't in high school, they're older. I met Wayne Berguron today and he was amazing, but the way you guys say it, he doesn't know crap b/c he's older and he was a band director. And SaxMan, what's the point in doing a thread like this and saying you don't want "logical" info, that's by far the dumbest idea I've heard in a long time, and I almost broke my neck b/c a bunch of the guys and I decided to go ice skating without skates on a hill, so that's saying something. rebav

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    1. by CountSpatula
      (602 posts)

      17 years ago

      Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

      Chill bro, it's just a silly online forum, if you don't like it don't post here, or quit reading lol, many solutions. Wayne Bergeron is crazy, I still hope to meet him some day.

      Reply To Post AIM

    2. by cuber
      (653 posts)

      17 years ago

      Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

      you are just a high school student yourself, so what makes you better than us? i know older players know a hell of a lot more than i do, i just point out facts. bari "specialist", but you are still in high school... do i need to say more on that? if you are so good, why do you waste your time in school? the rest of the jazz community would love to have another gerry mulligan, Ronnie Cuber, Pepper Adams, Harrey Carney...ect. i doubt you had to be very good to get in your honor band, considering most schools only have ONE bari sax player, so your director was probably trying to hear you as little as possible. no one here really cares that you met *Wayne Bergeron* (this is how you spell it) today. we are not saying all directors are bad, ive played under several good directors (yes, i have giged, on bari, which is probably more than you can say, but look on the bright side you MET Wayne Bergeron!!!!!) This post is probably here just to talk about things, not to actually be taken to heart. If you are so superior to us, then why are you even wasting your time? for the sake of us all, please become intelligent by the next time you post on this site

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      1. by rebav
        (9 posts)

        17 years ago

        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

        All right, so I've only met Wayne Bergeron, however, I DID play with Maynard Ferguson when he was on Peoria. And the honors jazz band includes 2 counties, and the school I go to has 2 baris, as well as the other schools in my district. OK, so I am only in high school, but I was accepted to a conservatory in Ohio my 8th grade year and was also accepted to Lochlen, but my family couldn't afford for me to go. And you're not the only one who's *gigged*(that is how you spell it), the only downside to doing that where I live is that it is actually illegal to do so(as I found out the hard way). I don't know if that is intelligent enough for you or not, but it is kind of sad that you told me to be intelligent and you can't even capitalize mor than 14 words, two of which were in all capitals.

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        1. by CountSpatula
          (602 posts)

          17 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Now ladies calm down...

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        2. by cuber
          (653 posts)

          17 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Fine, I will attempt to type in correct English, but remember I'm only a high school student. I would hope I'm not the only one who has gigged, concidering some musicians on here are professional musicians. Is that Peoria, Illinois? Is the conservatory in Ohio Oberlin?

          Reply To Post

        3. by rebav
          (9 posts)

          17 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Yes, Peoria IL, why? And no, it was the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music

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        4. by cuber
          (653 posts)

          17 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          I live near Rockford, 3 hours north

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      2. by Neco293
        (3 posts)

        14 years ago

        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

        Im currently in jazz band(if u would consider 1 alto sax(me!) 3 trumpets, 1bass and 2 drummers (one of which isnt so awesome, the other one is awesome) a jazz band) its a lot of fun and this year was all improv, i love it. I cant wait to get into my senior high's jazz band... And hopefully i can do marching band. Im also gonna audition in a few months for one of my state's jazz bands(i forget what its called). Hopefully everything goes well :) crossed fingers

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      3. by LoriLynnLee
        (1 post)

        22 years ago

        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

        If you are playing in a marching band, saxophones should suck up their pride (i know, being a sax player myself it's rough when the conductor tells you something silly) and perform as one band. When marching the saxes are always in the back portion of the field (we have 420 members) and one time when we fell the judges didn't even notice! Saxophones don't get the credit they deserve, but just don't worry about it - get involved in a jazz band where saxes have the same, or even more, amount of solos as a trumpet player. The sax in most "band" situations repeats or brings out the french horn part... that's probably why the instructor isn't focused on the intrument. Trumpets bring the shock-and-awe portion of the band so they need the most work. They go to so many more practices and what not so don't even worry about it :) More time for you to work on your Bird. When jazz band comes, blow yer director out of the water and you'll get the respect you want and deserve 15 year old sophomore

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        1. by saxandtrombone
          (3 posts)

          21 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          i just got a new director this year and he always tells us to play louder. and i think that trumpets got more attention cuz they cant play nearily as good so. i cant wait till jazz comes around. 16yr old jr

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        2. by SaxhappyScooby
          (2 posts)

          21 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Our band has 2 directors, one who majors in saxophone and the other as a major in percussion, but they play all the instruments. Anyway, they're both really young and the one whos an expert on saxes feels like our section represents who he is. So we are constantly getting yelled at, which isn't so bad, but it hurts if we were playing our little hearts out and then we get yelled at because we were playing over the trumpets, when two seconds ago we were told to play SO loud because we have the melody!!!! Ah, Jazz is the Saxophone's refuge. Happy playing : ) 16 year old junior

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        3. by Saxman2200
          (64 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Saxophones in concert band are fairly new. Not every composer even see's the saxophone as a "Legit" instrument. I for one have started playing every instrument and I have found that those people are right to some extent. I see the saxophone as more of an extension of the voice. I have not found another instrument that is more freeblowing than the sax. If you don't believe me than just pick up a clarinet, or trumpet, or anything, you don't have half of the freedom that you do on the sax. Listen to any two saxophone players and tell me who is who, easy right? Now try it anything else, not so easy is it? I have taken jazz band, and that is truley where we belong. The sax wasn't even included in classical music untill recently (somewhere in the 1900's). So if you don't like your part in concert band, try another instrument, or just hang with it, I'm sure as time goes on the sax will start to be recognized in classical music. I went to The CMU summer camp, this year and we had a full saxophone choir. That is 36 saxophones, we had 1 sopranino, 5 sopranos, 19 altos, 6 tenors, 4 baris, and a bass. It was the coolest thing I have ever done. So hang in there, and as time goes on we will start to have better and better parts, as more and more composers start to realize the full potential of the sax.

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      4. by Spike
        (248 posts)

        22 years ago

        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

        It's a shame to see this thread go to waste, so here goes: The other day, i was sitting in band, putting up with our assistand director (our main one is in russia at the moment) and she said "tenor saxes, be louder." This was quite amazing, as us saxes have never heard anything but "QUIETER! I NEED TO HEAR THE TRUMPETS!" Which is particularly odd, as they're much loder anyway. So to add a point to this pointless story: Saxes deserve to play louder. We're better than a lot of people anyway. Maybe we should get the melody!

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        1. by sslavoix
          (32 posts)

          17 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          SPIKE that is soooooo true 16 yr old jr anyways me as being the best sax guess what i get put on bari. because im way too loud and our sucky previous bari is very timid so yeah i cant wait to jazz band i just ordered a otto link 6* mouthpiece for my alto and soon enough my soprano yay

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        2. by Sherry
          (1 post)

          22 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Okay, this is my first time on this website and I feel that I can't agree with you guy and girls more. Saxes should be heard more. I am a Junior at my school and I have been playing Alto Sax for 6 years. I am in both of our school's jazz band and I also own a Mark 6. I don't think saxes get enough credit. If it weren't for our section the band would fall apart!!!!! I think directors need to realize that we are loud by nature and we are proud of it. -Sherry

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        3. by AgentSim
          (2 posts)

          22 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          Since its Concert Band season, I'll elaborate on that aspect more. Our concert band is divided into two, because we're so big, and we've got most of the tenors in my period (I play alto). The tenors with their counter melody, and how many we have, outpower most of the band. But then, when we play all togther, both period, with just a couple more tenors, tenors are encouraged to bring out their counter melody because it drives the band. I think it really depends on how big your band is, and the diversity of instruments, what kind of music you're playing, etc. With the music we have now, altos have a mixture of clarinet part and trumpet part, which allows us to bring it out, be as loud as we want to be. But I do sympathize with the majority of you, because I remember those extremely boring background parts. Horrible. We'll get our chance on the field. At least we are allowed to, and do, outpower flutes and clarinets there. :-]

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        4. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          22 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          I absolutely can not agree more, it's not possible to agree enough, I have had several arguments with my teacher, that the saxes are prabably the most instrumental part in the entire band considering that we have no french horns any more, no bassons anymore, no oboes anymore, and 1 baritone. The sax just needs to be heard, it needs to be promoted, and the only instrument that could really over power any other section is the trumpet section, we have 24 flutes, 26 clarinets + 6 bass clarinets, there is no possible way 8 altos, and 4 tenors could over power all those instruments, then we have 18 trumpets, with 6 trumpets, you could probably over power one of those sections. Out of all the arguments, I still haven't done anything except almost got suspended once.

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          1. by markg
            (3 posts)

            22 years ago

            Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

            I'm sorry, I am over 18, but not by much, and I feel I have a little to add to this. I remember being at a music camp playing bari. The camp consisted of about 150-200 kids, and I was the ONLY bari player there. I was told to play quieter. It was my 1st time on bari, switching from the alto and the warm tones impressed me so I felt I should be heard. I mean what could be better than a] saxophone - b] bass (low notes) - c] warm tones? I mean the nerve of the director!

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            1. by AGIII
              (5 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              It's ok, I was really bored and tired at the time, the next day I was wishin I could change it. But, nothing can be better than a sax. Nothing. Lets compare instruments. The clarinet is with out a doubt THE second most annyoing instrument ever, especially in the high range, I absolutely despise high range clarinet, it sounds soooo bad!!! The trumpet, very little low range at all, not much warmth. The bass trombone comes very, very close, all that brassy sound.... I totally agree with you, when a director hands you a piece of music that says mf, and you are a bari, and you are told to play quieter, you are basically being appeased, you are just given it so you can play.

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            2. by imsaxy
              (2 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              yeah we have 6 altos and tehy are just crappers at times so i getso mad at the directer and i just pretend to play so they can actually hearthemselves sound crap, our bigband rocks though

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            3. by bigbirdbass86
              (4 posts)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              being that I'm going to turn 18 in a month, ill take this opportunity to disagree with all of you. it takes all of the instruments in an ensamble to create the winning band. I don't know if any of you were in a competition marching band, but if you think about it, there arent many marching bands that are professional and have saxophones; the drum core is a prime example. trumpets on the other hand, are shaped to sent sound more powerfully foreward toward the judges box. most of the sound of the reed instruements are lost to the sky. The place in which saxes belong is the jazz band and the stringband, I play for the overbrook stringband in philly. as you can guess by the screenname, i play the bass sax, which is an especially powerful instrument yet really only meant (in my opinion) for a stringband. all of the instruements have their places, but its balance that is important 17 yr old just graduated

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            4. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              We are talking about legitimate groups, not marching bands.

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            5. by bigbirdbass86
              (4 posts)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              I played in both concert band and jazz band while in high school also, many times the altos got the lead part, every piece was well blended to have a section dedicated to each of the different instruements, many times the saxes were told to play louder, and by teachers who were trumpet majors

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            6. by Saxman2200
              (64 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Gotta say this guy knows what he is talking about. If all of guys would just stop whinning long enough to listen to your band director you might find out that he probably knows what he is talking about too. The sax has it's moment to shine, and that is jazz band. In a concert band you have to think of the band as a whole and the saxophone just isn't very important in it.

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            7. by ozzy2212ozzy
              (6 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Imagine this, a marching jazz show, yay!!!, our director is in love w/ jazz, and b/c of lack of funding we cant have a jazz band, so for the last 2 years, we have done jazz marching show, 2 years ago, we saxes(6 alto, 2 tenor and a bari) got an ENTIRE song to ourselves while the rest of the band danced around like fools, hehe, we were right up front, we tenors on our knees, the altos and bari leaned up against eachother b/h us, it was awsome, then last year we did a latin jazz show, although that was more trumpet-y, alan and I (the tenors) got a duet!!! sadly this year though we are doin earth wind and fire, so there goes our good parts

              Reply To Post

            8. by imsaxy
              (2 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              yeah we have 6 altos and tehy are just crappers at times so i getso mad at the directer and i just pretend to play so they can actually hearthemselves sound crap, our bigband rocks though

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            9. by saxyjazzman
              (1 post)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              I agree with saxman. I play tenor and all my parts suck. I play almost exactly what the baritones play and that is pretty much all whole notes. Sometimes I actually improvise in concert band because there is nuthin better to do. Not to be cocky, but what a waste of talent. Especially with saxes as a whole. Everyone knows that the most talented people are usually the saxes! (with the exception of a couple good flutes)We need more action! I started and argument with my director and he said next time he'd suspend me for insubordination! I mean honestly, insubordination? As far as overpowering other sections...we deserve to over power them.

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            10. by Spike
              (248 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              I also play tenor. Some years i play alto, but it's never much better. the only ways to get around it are to switch to clarinet, or start a sax quartet.

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            11. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Hey, show this thread to your teacher, and tell him that I told you to so that you wont get in trouble. Then tell him to read all the posts. To the band teacher: your theory is one of the most flawed that I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot of flawed theories. your thinking is idiotic, with no basson, or oboes or french horns, or at least enough of them any way how are you going to fill those parts?

              Reply To Post

            12. by Spike
              (248 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              hah, that'll go over really well! when you get that report card, it'll have a letter. this letter befins with f and ends with -

              Reply To Post

            13. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Well, maybe. But that part where you said about how sax players are usually the most talented, can not be taken with a grain of salt. I mean, look at the clarinet players, you ever notice that they are usually the worst group in the whole band? I dont mean to generalize, but every single band that I have been in and heard of has had some kind of trouble with the clarinets, my 6th grade band had problems that I dont even want to think of in the clarinet section, the same with 7th and 8th. The Same with honors band, the same with........ Flute players seem to have problems too, sure there may be good players, but they play like synthesisers 9sp?) they put absolutely nothing into the music. And who wants to listen to an oboe? the french horn players always have a hard time because of the amount of effort it takes to play a horn, and very rarely do you ever get a nice sound out of a french horn player. (So far the only french horn players I like to listen to are in John williams orcgestra.) Trombone players never play their 'bone the way a 'bone ought to be played, so you cant even here to say anything about them. The trumpet players very commonly play extremely shallow m/p's, and sound terrible, along with the fact that many play all tight, shoulders scrunched up, elbows tucked in as they were trying to break their own ribs, head sucked down... Bass clarinets are really the only section that I have not had a problem with so far, other than the saxes.

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            14. by markg
              (3 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              This was posted on a forum at

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            15. by dustinmac
              (1 post)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Sup guys, I am 18 and about to go to college. I thought this topic was very interesting. Going through stages of my sax career and playing in restaurants and clubs, I have found that to be jazz saxophone player, playing lound is usually essensial. Just remember though to not over power your mouthpieces and horn and play with bad tone quality. I have heard the saxes in the bottom band at my school and even the saxes bellow me in our top band, and usually there problem is playing too soft and sounding like a total wimp, or playing to lound and getting out of tune or sounded irrationally bold. Just remember good sound comes from good ambishure* and if you can play lound and keep the sound, go for it. Oh yea, as for concert band, find the happy medium. The more you sound like a french horn the better. Don't believe me? Just try to find a good recording of the band with you playing in it and if you can hear yourself or at that hear yourself sounding bad, just check out what you are doing and fix it. Peace out guys.. and girl...

              Reply To Post

            16. by jasonparvey
              (7 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Hey everyone. I am 15 and play in the top band at Blaine High school. I totally agree that a lot of band directors have there head stuck up there butt. My director has trouble teaching intervals and wether it is a whole step or a half step. Also, saxophones always need to play louder. Also, half the time when the sax section plays out and plays really well, the french horns always get the credit for it. My band director plays trumpet. It seems as though he always dispises woodwinds (sax's in particular). We always play well. Whenever some brass section plays something the least bit right, the get praised. Also, when I do my regular warm up routine, I play some overtones. My band director heard that and said, "Will you quit that squacking." He obviously has no idea what is to play overtones, figuring he trys to play trumpet. Anyways, yaa for saxs.

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            17. by nat
              (1 post)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              hey guys, im 16 and yeah i agree how directors can suck, especially if they play trumpet!!, anyway yeah i play lead alto in the conservatorium here in , our big bands really good. at my school our director is a trombone player and probably would never of heard the altissimo regester if i hadn;t shown him. talk to you al soon, bye

              Reply To Post

            18. by saxflores
              (18 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Hey guys whats going on? My name is Josh and im 17. Yes i do play a Yamaha Custom and ive played my friends series III and I liked my horn better because it was more comfortable. Anyway I play mostly classical music but I do play tenor in a SKA band. If u wanna talk about sax just let me know.

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            19. by Conntenorman
              (5 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              You know what stinks? Last year cause of the footplayers who stink and can't play concert f got in a high band because football is during the period of band they are supposed to be in. And since their were so many saxophones in each band I got in cadet. :( Since February I have been playing tenor at home and alto in band. (is it even worth calling band). Now I made symphonic and they have this rule about one tenor per band so they just broke their own rule and let me play along with Kyle Moser. :) The mouthpiece that came with the tenor was a king with .060 tip opening so I bought meyer 10 and am still waiting for it to come in the mail. :| Does anybody know about meyers on conn 22m tenors (new kind)?

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            20. by Conntenorman
              (5 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Oh yea and about our band next year. Since we have a relatively small band seems like I'll be playing as loud as possible. If I had stayed alto I would be in honor band, I guess I'll try out again for the semester change or the beginning of the year. :) :( :| Note to anybody who ever switches instruments: never switch from brass to woodwind, woodwind to brass is ok, my friend already did that and now he is switching to a 3rd instrument.

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            21. by vwspeed73
              (1 post)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              What's up...I'm 16 and play tenor sax in h.s. marching band. And, the truth is....tenors own the band....sorry everybody....but anyway, for once the tenors have an interesting part! Triplets, 16 note triplet runs....I love it. Our band is small(57 winds/brass....up from 41 last year). But, just felt like postinhg here cause I'm bored. Oh yea....I play tenor for our jazz band and I play a Martin Committee II alto(best horn imo) in my own random bands.

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            22. by TIMv3
              (1 post)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Hey, what? Don't ever switch from brass to woodwind? I'll let you in on one of the best kept secrets in the band world: You can play ANY combination of instruments and still play them well. Playing a different instrument will not hurt your playing unless you stop practicing the other one. If you play roughly the same amount on each horn, it will IMPROVE your playing on other instruments. So don't listen to idiots who tell you not to learn a new axe- and if you do, don't abandon your old one to make you better at the new.

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            23. by thattenorplayer
              (18 posts)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              hey vwspeed73 your so lucky my part sucks. its so boring. in marching and jazz band. in my christmas parade we are playing this song called a star city christmas, most of the stuff i play are just whole notes and junk. our bass line sucks too. me, the bari player and the tuba practicly run it. (there is 3 other tenors, 4 t-bones, 3 baritones) and don't even get me started on jazz band.

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            24. by thattenorplayer
              (18 posts)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              I play on a 1926 bundy special made in germany. I bought it 3 years ago, it wasn't very well taken care of but i fixed it up the best i could. Well it's dieing now. and transporting it on a truck from concert to concert in jazz band completely killed it and now i am looking for a new tenor. Do you know if marcus martini is any good?

              Reply To Post

            25. by stayling
              (1 post)

              20 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Hi. I have no idea if you're an active member. I'm looking into Marcus Martini, and can't find anything. Did you have any luck finding out what kind of instruments they are?

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            26. by Debs
              (4 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              I'm loving this!!! At work and bored so checking out the forum, and this is fab! I'm grinning so much I may even go and have a break now. Take care all! And good luck with the HS bands. When at school (in UK so a bit different - we don't march!) our director was also a brass nut and favoured the trumpets. Just play like hell - saxes rock! Love debs xx

              Reply To Post

            27. by Conntenorman
              (5 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Band directors who play trumpet suck. Once the director paid so much attention to the other sections teaching them to play this pathetic song that she wouldn't let us play the full song; which is now my warm up.

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            28. by Conntenorman
              (5 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Oh yea if you play sax and want to learn another woodwind; play clarinet. It is very easy to play all you have to do is learn the note names (they are very different from sax; like no fingers is g for them and c# for us.)

              Reply To Post

            29. by Neco293
              (3 posts)

              14 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              I played clarinet before i played sax and i recently picked up clarinet again.the transition is super easy.... But, unfortunatley my concert band consists of a lot of clarinets and not many of them are actually good :( o well...

              Reply To Post

            30. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Ya, my teacher is starting to annoy me a little, he is picking stuff based on technique rather than being a good song that usually feature trumpets. And in symphonic band, we have 15 trumpets, he says that next year some are just going to have to take a break so that it isnt too much.

              Reply To Post

            31. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Ya, my teacher is starting to annoy me a little, he is picking stuff based on technique rather than being a good song that usually feature trumpets. And in symphonic band, we have 15 trumpets, he says that next year some are just going to have to take a break so that it isnt too much. (ya right.)

              Reply To Post

            32. by saxflores
              (18 posts)

              22 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              My band director is a baritone player and is pretty good with giving parts to all sections both woodwind and brass. He does put a heavy emphasis on woodwinds playing well tho which is fine with me. I think that you should get challenged in band class too.

              Reply To Post AIM

            33. by Raven
              (1 post)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Our director plays trumpet, so far i've heard many negative things about trumpet playing band directors, but this one doesn't meet the requirements of being mean and stingy to woodwinds. I play tenor, I have for the last 3 years, now a sophmore. There have definetly have been times when i felt the tenor sax had been underappreciated, maybe because i was the only one. I either had the melody along with the four french horns, or the seven trombones. Majorly flustrating when the director congradulates the trombones and says nothing to me!! All in all though, we have a great band program, both marching and concert. This years marching show broke another school record and got us straight ones in class B at district marching festival (we are only a class C size band so this is a MAJOR accomplishment). Anyways, I'm looking for a new tenor but where to get the cash is my problem. The one i have now is a Yamaha, I don't have it at home right now or i could tell more about it. Any suggestions on what would make a good intermediate Tenor would be great. -Raven

              Reply To Post

            34. by Saxman2200
              (64 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              You ever stop to think that the saxes might be the best sounding instrument because they are the absolute easiest instrument to play. Beleive me I play just about every one in the band, and the sax is a cake walk compared to the clarinet, or the trombone, or anything else. Just try the clarinet if you don't beleive me. and after you finaly do get a sound out. Walk over to a tuner, then try it. The only instrument that I feel is easier than the sax is the trumpet, I will say that the trumpet is easy to play, but it is tough to get a good sound out of.

              Reply To Post

            35. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Are you stupid or something? The sax was invented in 1840, it was availiable to the public in 1846, all the saxes we have today, besides the sub contrabass and sopranissimo were avvailiable in 1867. about 60 years before there was such a thing as jazz, the sax is a classical instrument. There are more applications than your crappy high school band. Ever heard the names glazanov, ibert, creston, dahl, debussey, ravel or tomassi? All of them wrote solos for the sax with orchestra accompianment. heh extension of the voice....ever heard the name pavaratti? No, the saxes aren't the best sounding instrument because there so easy to LEARN. There isn't a single easier instrument to learn other than the kazoo. BUT there isn't a single, more difficult instrument to get good at, I sound good, because I have practiced alot my articulations are good, because I have practiced alot of that too. BTW, bands themselves. are unimportant, you only see them in middle schools, high schools, and colleges, never where it matters, in carnegie hall, you see orchestras there.

              Reply To Post

            36. by SaxMan
              (559 posts)

              20 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              and actually, band directors don't know shit. My band director didn't know any of those names other than debussey, glazanov and pavaratti (Which wasn't part of the sax literature part.) both of them had written music for stuff other than the sax. thats how he knew it. no band director is ever current, even in their own instrument, very rarely do they ever know anything about music other than what they teach and some of the more reknowned stuff like mozart beethoven bach brahms etc.

              Reply To Post

          2. by saxandtrombone
            (3 posts)

            21 years ago

            Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

            well i will have to dissagree with the fact that a sax cant over power another section. in field show this year my band director keeps saying louder louder at this one part. so everyone is now playing a ff. we have a small band but not so small that one sax should over power everyone else. we have 3 tubas 3 trombones 5 baritones 9 trumpets 7 saxes (2 tenors) and the rest flutes and clairnets. plus drumline. and they are all playing at the samt time and playing a ff. since i am right infront i can see the director and dm signiling for us to be louder so i play a ffff. and they still say more. then they said just like that. so at the comp i played just like that and on the tape all you could here was me over 70 people just me. saxes can over power everyone else.

            Reply To Post

        5. by mischievousizyy4u
          (1 post)

          21 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          I think it really depends on the piece as to wether or not we can play loud or not. I do think that the band directors can pick some better pieces for saxophones. Being the only tenor in a band, i got to play loud and proud, but i had a piece where i only had whole notes- that sucked. As to your comment about us being better than other players- u wish- some sax players can't play their scales. -sensible

          Reply To Post

      5. by silverdragon295
        (1 post)

        21 years ago

        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

        OK OK, I see a lot of posts about saxophones not being "heard" or don't get to "play an important role". I believe that was 7th grade! I am now 15 and a sophomore. I am first chair. For the last 2 years our saxophone section has always had a group solo in some song or just had the melody. This year we have the melody, at least once (if not more), in every song that we have. Perhapse it is just your director. Have any of you ever spoken to your director about this? Have you ever asked him if he could actually pick a piece of music that will represent the saxophones in some way? Im thinking not. Anyhow, good playin'. TTYL. silverdragon295, 15, Alto

        Reply To Post

        1. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          21 years ago

          Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

          We are talking about concert music, not jazz band, the only time we have ever had a solo in symphonic band was for basson or english horn ques. Last year, the brass had the melody every single song, which is typical of symphonic music. There arent that many good pieces around that feature the saxes as the melody, non that I know of actally. The synphonians is the best piece I have ever played, but most of the time, the trumpets have the melody, I beleive the saxes only have for maybe 15 seconds. The school I go to is 50 years old, my middle school teacher moved over with me, and the last teacher was an idiot, entire songs were lost, hundreds and hundreds of parts were lost. I went through about 30 songs, putting them in order and marking what is gone, and none of them featured the saxes as melody. I had a friend looking when he was sorting and he found none in somewhere aroun 10 songs. I am guessing that the 4 to 500 hundred other songs probably dont have much in their libraries for saxes either. SaxMan 15, first chair series III alto

          Reply To Post

          1. by OhSaxyone
            (1 post)

            21 years ago

            Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

            boy, this seems to be the place to mention crap teachers/conductors. mine really takes the cake, i dont think he even plays an instrument! hes an awful conductor, doesnt know how to run a productive practice at all and worst of all has no taste in music. i quit his band caus i get embarrased when i have to play things like the adams family theme song at the senior banquet. at my old school i did all sorts of things to help my band teacher, i filed and sorted the back closets and the music cabinets but this guy doesnt even HAVE cabinets! hes a lost cause. BJ 17, taking a breather from hellish teaching

            Reply To Post

            1. by sax_boy
              (1 post)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Ok people lol I have the nicest band director in the world i guess *from ur opinions urs are mean*my band director loves woodwinds and loves saxophones and he plays trumpet. In jazz band we played In The Mood, String Of Pearls, and Moonlight Serenade last year. My band director has awesome taste for music and hes one of the most intelligent person i have ever met and hes 56 and he can play ever insturment *maybe not well but he knows the fingering for every instrument and he can get the notes out*. But my band director does always give the trumpets the melody but in jazz band and in concert band the saxophones always shine in our bandroom.

              Reply To Post

            2. by saxflores
              (18 posts)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Thats cool that youre band director is good to woodwinds as well. For you guys that say saxes dont get a lot of the glory you gotta sorta realize where saxes go in the scheme of things. The trumpets for the most part are going to hold a lot of the main parts most of the time but that doenst mean that the sax parts are usless. Really the complementing parts are just as important as the main melody and usually they are more technically demanding with trills and runs and all that jibbers. Anyway, recent development- my band director wants to do Introduction and Samba by Mourice Whitney with me for the spring concert so I'm revved up about that. Having a good relationship with youre band director pays off- trust me.

              Reply To Post AIM

          2. by childsax
            (1 post)

            21 years ago

            Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

            hey, this is a 13 year old saxophonist..not in highskool our band is the best in our state, same with our high shcools 12 bands. so i dont really agree that teachers are BAD or not LOGICAL our band cant be beaten 1960-2003 JOHN ADAMS MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND(S) 1st place JAZZ BAND CONCERT BAND (7TH AND 8TH GRADE BAND) SAXOPHONE ESEMBLE CLARINTET ESEMBLE FLUTE ENSEMBLE BRASS ENSEMBLE NOVICE BAND (6TH GRADE BAND) LAB JAZZ BAND all first place WE ARE THE BEST, AND ONLY THE BEST, WE BELIEVE IN THE PASSION OF THE BAND AND INSTRUMENT NOT WINNING WINNING DOENST MATTER WHAT MAKES A BAND GOOD IS THEIR PASSION PASSION TO BLOW PASSION TO LISTEN PASSION TO BELIEVE THIS IS WHY WE HAVE NEVER LOST A COMPETITION WEVE WON IN... nj state championships ca state championships florida ms competion national championships (us) world championships (2nd place in the WORLD!!!!)

            Reply To Post

            1. by saxman1223
              (1 post)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              you're a little cocky aren't you i'm jk that's good for your band we're all happy for ya. i got a question for everyone. I'm 14 and i play alto at my high school. I'm looking for a new jazz setup and i was thinkin about going with a meyer limited new york has anyone played on one of those? if you have tell me how hard it was to play i hear they're pretty hard

              Reply To Post

              1. by SaxMan
                (559 posts)

                21 years ago

                Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                I have played mayn jazz pieces, a MC gregory, 2 metal meyers, a regular meyer and a brilhart and a meyer limited edition. The limited edition was just phenominal. The low notes fat and brilliant, the high notes cutting and not too dominant, and the piece also kind of had a nice warmth to it, not like stitt, just enough so that it does not sound like your typical disgusting jazz alto sound. (Can not anyone develop a unique sound?) The limited edition was just bright enough, perfect, not too bright. But wow are they expensive. The MC gregory master is pretty close to the meyer except it has a little hollowness to it, and for some reason (which I so far fail to fathom.) shreads reeds, these are kind of expensive too, then one i played, the guy was selling for 150. The regular ok, you definately do not want to go smaller than a 6, other wise they are rather brash. The brilhart was abysmal. (this was a new brilhart.) The metal meyers were pretty, good, one was slightly better than the other. The were about the same as the gregory, but 20 dollars more, and less comfortable to play and MUCH more breakable.

                Reply To Post

              2. by SaxMan
                (559 posts)

                21 years ago

                Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                I did not tell you which I played by the way, because I feel that each player is on his own when it comes to what he plays. woops forgot one thingg... Any jazz piece willbe harder to play than say a legit piece or a student piece. But, if your still at a point where you are wondering whether you can handle a piece or not, you should probably stick with the piece you have got now. Out fo the pieces I metnioned, the brilhart was probably the easiest playing, then the gregory, then the limited edition, the the metals then the regular meyer.

                Reply To Post

                1. by saxflores
                  (18 posts)

                  21 years ago

                  Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                  by putting the rubber meyer on the back of the list would you say its the hardest to get to play? I use a meyer 8 medium for alto with vandoren java 3's and i think its a very comfortable piece, as easy as my selmer C* actually. Also with regard to teachers really I havent come across a teacher that has had some really ockward opinions about things, i think that experience comes with age and they can save you from making a lot of mistakes. Anyway thats my bit, cya.

                  Reply To Post AIM

                2. by Conntenorman
                  (5 posts)

                  21 years ago

                  Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                  Any of you live in Houston, TX? I went to region band two weeks ago and kicked everybody's butt except for one guy named Christopher Miller. Oh yea, I play tenor in Honor band and in the woodwind ensemble and region band.

                  Reply To Post

                3. by SaxMan
                  (559 posts)

                  21 years ago

                  Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                  yes, The meyer I had was a 5, and I was using rico select jazz 3's at the time I beleive, cant remember which substrength. In my expeirience, teachers should be ignored when advising you on your instrument if his or her main instrument is something other than yours. Even if the teacher is a sax player, I would ignore him about 95 percent fo the time, teachers have to be much more conservative on their salary, and probably are not that impartial if they have been playing on the same thing for however many years. Private teachers you can listen to by a WHOLE lot bigger factor, only about 5 percent of the time do I do my own thing when it comes to my private teacher's advise.

                  Reply To Post

              3. by thattenorplayer
                (18 posts)

                21 years ago

                Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                hey child sax! awsome! i'm 13 to my bands pretty good too but our director is a drill sgt. she treats us like were in the frikin ARMY. seriously. she makes us stand still (not even twich) and stare at the wall for half an hour. our jazz band is invited to branson, mo to play at all kinds of theaters (presleys, lawerence welk, show boat, 60's at the hop, etc.) we win comp. all the time. but our concert unit don't do anything but go to 1 compitition in the ozarks and do a spring concert. oh well tenor parts for it suck anyway. in our jazz band i play tenor 1 and have mostly cool parts except over the rainbow in which i just have whole notes most of the time. well congrats on the winnings later that tenor player

                Reply To Post

              4. by DefiniSax
                (10 posts)

                20 years ago

                Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                ok...i know for a fact that half that information you provided is false...i doubt you know about any national championships...and just for your information...there is no world championship

                Reply To Post

            2. by SakkusuOni
              (1 post)

              21 years ago

              Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

              Well the famous American philospher, Henry David Thoreau, said never to trust anyone over the age of 35~Walden. I'd like to start a dicussion/arguement about what sax types are best.. I'm going to say the big three are: Selmer Serie II, Yamaha Custom, and Keilwerth SX-90R. (Probably in that order) I'm really curious to see the replies ;-p.

              Reply To Post

              1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
                (767 posts)

                21 years ago

                Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                The Custom might break the top 5, but I find it too bright for my tastes. here's how I'd rate the modern Altos I've tried in the last 6 mos starting with my favorite: Selmer Reference Yanagisawa 991 Yanagisawa 902 Selmer Series II Yamaha Custom Z Selmer Series III

                Reply To Post

                1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
                  (767 posts)

                  21 years ago

                  Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                  Here's how I'd rate the Tenors: Selmer Reference 54 Jupiter Artist Yanagisawa 991 Keilwerth SXr??

                  Reply To Post

                  1. by saxflores
                    (18 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Well I'm not really a tenor player but I do play alto and bari so I will comment on those. If you hate yamaha then skip this message. I really like the new yamaha saxophones, I have one of the original 875 custom altos and I love it. It has a big round sound with jazz and a perfect sound for classical. Along with that I has the most comfortable keyboard ive ever played on. They also make a fantastic bari. Ive played selmer altos and tenors and i found them all to be very inconsistent in quality. Our school has a selmer tenor and its awful but whatever. I'm pro yamaha.

                    Reply To Post AIM

                  2. by SaxMan
                    (559 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Series III Yanagisawa A880 Low A mark VI Yanigisawa A991 yamaha YAS-61 Johnson, A jupiter? lol

                    Reply To Post

                  3. by johnsonfromwisconsin
                    (767 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    ----------------------------------------------------------- Johnson, A jupiter? lol ----------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, no one's as suprised as I was. It was a very good horn. Apparently, Jupiter's making decent instuments now, much unlike @ 10 years ago when they made instrument-shaped lawn ornaments. It had a vibrant tone, good action, and looked well constructed. My only concern would have been long-term durabilty. Keep in mind, my list didn't include the vintage instruments Ive tried lately which would include a late MkVI, a MkVII, and the late Buescher 400 I own.

                    Reply To Post

                  4. by SaxDru
                    (3 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Selmer Series II Alto is my personal favorite, might not hold up solely for jazz, but the tone is great for symphonic/orchestral and Broadway style music. And you can never beat the Buescher TH&C Tenor with anything.

                    Reply To Post

                  5. by thattenorplayer
                    (18 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I have played the sax now for about four years and am wonderin how to overtone or whatever its called. maybe my dumb director will actually let me play my stupid solo's as high as i'd like.

                    Reply To Post

                  6. by thattenorplayer
                    (18 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I recently bought a guy hawkins metal mouthpiece and am waiting for it to come in has anyone heard anything about these?

                    Reply To Post

                  7. by saxgod
                    (1 post)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    There is a book out there called top-tones for the saxophone it tells you how to play overtones and how to workon them

                    Reply To Post

                  8. by yoho915
                    (2 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    JUPITER? u wanna buy mine? alto deluxe at 700$ mint mint condition only a year old bought it brand new

                    Reply To Post

                  9. by yoho915
                    (2 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    JUPITER? u wanna buy mine? alto deluxe at 700$ mint mint condition only a year old bought it brand new

                    Reply To Post

                  10. by ShadowSlicers
                    (5 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I’m a senior and I guess I wanted to set some things right. I really don’t think we should be fostering stereotypes about musicians based on their instruments. Really people are people and musicians are the same they come in many shapes and sizes. Second, don’t judge an instrument’s tonal potential and overall sound by what you hear in school. Except for the top bands at good schools most of the people in them are developing and don’t have the best sound or abilities, sorry that goes for many of those in here. I realize your frustration with directors, but it never ends. There is hope though, I’m now sitting in my schools top concert wind ensemble and in the high graded music we play the sax is not overlooked, often, though some composers are a bit ridiculous and give us secondary roles many let us shine. Despite this they do recognize our greatest asset and curse, the ability to sound like other instruments. That is why we have so many queues. Some sax can substitute for almost everything in a wind band. This becomes a problem because some directors don’t want to hear saxophones so you get, “back down,” or what I hear more often, “sound like the horns or Euphoniums” Very annoying. Don’t let this kind of discussion die, but keep it real, keep it true.

                    Reply To Post

                  11. by saxflores
                    (18 posts)

                    21 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I just finished high school and for our spring concert we played the music from catch me if you can with me doing the sax stuff. Its a really great piece and I think a lot of directors would be interested in it so I highly suggest that some of you guys drop some hints if you want some of the limelight! The audience liked it a lot.

                    Reply To Post AIM

                  12. by DefiniSax
                    (10 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    saxflores-im playing soloing with that song in my band this year too. Great song.

                    Reply To Post

                  13. by DefiniSax
                    (10 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    oh and this message is to that 13 year kid: my school has 40 music groups. 18 bands, and a ton of're middle school and you're bragging about your guys probably sound horrible. I remember i met a kid like you at one of my band's competitions. This kid said that they had 10 bands at his school, and that it was the most honored in Texas, all our groups beat them, and only one of their groups qualified with a score high enough for an award.

                    Reply To Post

                  14. by barimachine
                    (323 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    i agree if you were thirteen maybe if u were the only one and ur were a prodigy but very unlikely and and all that, we have multiple teachers at my school, and our best is a marine or was and the discipline you find from that we give that guy everyone just looks at us there like whoa thats unreal so i mean i see were hes comin from with the drill sergent stuff but still... sketchy ive also played that tune it was easy but good. i prefer blue rondo, which it replaced in our set lineup :(

                    Reply To Post

                  15. by saxgrobie
                    (86 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Hey, I won't lie, my band sucks! But we are improving since last year we got a new director. We didn't place at state. We were just happy that we didn't get last place! We have fun though, and try hard and to me, that is what matters most. But we are getting way better. Maybe in the future, we'll place. A girl can dream, right? Tomorrow band camp starts and I'm optimistic about it. I'm ready to get in there and get something accomplished. I see potential somewhere deep down there, which is totally motivating.

                    Reply To Post AIM

                  16. by DefiniSax
                    (10 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    going back to what i was talking about, that was my high school which i recently graduated from, i'm off to college now, i wonder what kind of competitions and such we'll be

                    Reply To Post

                  17. by barimachine
                    (323 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    congrats, well ... what college would you be going too

                    Reply To Post

                  18. by DefiniSax
                    (10 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!


                    Reply To Post

                  19. by saxgrobie
                    (86 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Hey congrats about collage. I don't know where that is, but congrats anyways! :) Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kelsey and I'm a sophmore (15 years old) and I play the alto sax in my high school marching band. But I'm looking for a tenor. I have been playing since the 6th grade so that's almost 5 years. Nice to meet y'all. Kelsey

                    Reply To Post AIM

                  20. by Spike
                    (248 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    what are you looking for the tenor for? (i might want to unload my vito, but nobody get too excited, i may need it)

                    Reply To Post

                  21. by saxgrobie
                    (86 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I want a tenor for my high school symphonic/jazz/marching band. It needs to be playable AND durable. Kelsey

                    Reply To Post AIM

                  22. by JaZzer
                    (25 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I'd say look for some vintage horns. I got 10m conn off the internet for $350, the sax plays great and was in impeccable condition. I did a COD so i got the sax first and then the guy got the money, so i wouldn't get ripped off. I got lucky but the internet isn't the best place. If u have a lot of money to spend, go for a selmer series 2 or 3, but don't hope it to be durable. It's kinda hard to get an all around horn for all thoose things, i mean, i use a different alto for symphonic and jazz (if u guys think saxes don't get heard in symphonic try Incidental Suite, the 2nd movement, Nocturne, has a 21 bar alto solo, personally, i wouldn't play it with a jazz mouthpiece, bad experience). Depending on how much money u have, u can get 2 tenors, or one really good tenor that won't be too durable for marching, i go to an art school, so no marching for us. -Carlos, 15, sophomore

                    Reply To Post

                  23. by SaxMan
                    (559 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    there isnt a sax made today that is more durable than the selmer - no matter what yamaha players say, their saxes are the chintziest of the big 5 and have a life of about 20 years unless you take unprecedented care of it, selmer just makes their saxes the proper way and will go out of adjustment a few times when you first get it, then they never will again,

                    Reply To Post

                  24. by Spike
                    (248 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    keith, have you ever played a vito? way more durrable. (and they're *supposed* to sound bad)

                    Reply To Post

                  25. by SaxMan
                    (559 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    professional models - student models are built to be rugged, more than they are to play good.

                    Reply To Post

                  26. by SaxMan
                    (559 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    at least thats how it seems.

                    Reply To Post

                  27. by saxgrobie
                    (86 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Thanks for the advice, guys. I've played my friends Yamaha and I like the way it sounds, but you are right, the brass on it is a little cheezy. (No offense, yamaha lovers) Looks like it will have to wait a little while, though. My parents aren't paying me a dime, and it'll be after marching season is over until I will be able to get a job. I'll try to get the money for it. Then I have to save for the sexy Mustang I want. I think my problem is that I want too many things . . . Kelsey

                    Reply To Post AIM

                  28. by YanagisawA-901
                    (312 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    student models are built to be rugged, more than they are to play good. ... ... i disagree... student models are made out of thin metals, that are less dense, and dont usually have good craftsmanship...the only reason i think that student saxes seem to last forever is because even tho the sax may be damaged, the students that typically use it arent at a high level of playin so theyd suck either i think that student saxes are less intricate so theres less stuff to hit...

                    Reply To Post Yahoo! AIM ICQ

                  29. by SaxMan
                    (559 posts)

                    20 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    Have you ever held a student model? Student model brass is just as thick as your regular brass, it is also harder. If you drop any pro horn about 3 feet, you will have at least 100 bucks of damage - drop a bundy II, and there wont be a single difference. Maybe the student models from some crap company like jupiter or winston, but not a respectable horn. one of the new selmer student model horns, as ALL of the features that the III does.

                    Reply To Post

                  30. by AbbyPopcorn
                    (4 posts)

                    19 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    I'm looking for a better sax for college. My alto sax made it ok through high school, but i don't think it will make it though college. It's an intermediate level conn (a 21M). What have you people upgraded to? What do you like? And is it just me, or do saxophones seem to be invisible to symphonic band directors? I didn't even get to play a saxophone part senoir year. I was made to transpose a f horn part, which i did not know how to do, for 2 pieces... Quite a learning experience. But at least i can tell college audition people that i can read a horn part, and i'll stand out a little. Don't worry, I'm 18. I'm not over 18 yet...

                    Reply To Post

                  31. by sax kid
                    (19 posts)

                    19 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    it depends, if your going for a realy good pro horn to use for gigginf and if u are majoring in music i would say mark 6, or 7. but if ur lokin for like somthing just to get u thro, a super action 80 would do fine.

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                  32. by sax kid
                    (19 posts)

                    19 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    ohh... saxes do seem to be invisible to the directors and i like selmer saxes because they dont give u a ultra brite sound like yamaha's do butthey have a good tone still.

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                2. by jenntheflutist
                  (11 posts)

                  19 years ago

                  Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                  My band totally sucks. Lots of people hate our teacher or have scheduling conflicts so a lot of people dropped it at the end of the year. Only two of our sax players were any good. One graduated and the other one dropped, thank god! he was totally stuck-up. The trumpets in our band stink! and NEVER play loud enough... Our director asked me to play sax this year because there are only two other altos. I don't think we have any tenors, but we have one AWESOME bari player. While I'm here, has any one here heard of Giardon saxes from Italy?

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                  1. by saxjunkie89
                    (393 posts)

                    19 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    trumpets that don't play loud enough!?!?! that's rare

                    Reply To Post

                3. by saxkid92
                  (2 posts)

                  18 years ago

                  Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                  I think saxes should get the melody and play louder, we are the only section to learn all of our music flawlessly in less than a day, meanwhile, the instruments that are "supposed to be heard" never have their music down. in my band, saxes totally own those other losers. and we have solos gallore. 14 yr. old freshman.

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                  1. by 2saxy
                    (25 posts)

                    17 years ago

                    Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                    There's a really sucky alto sax player at my school and he's always out of tune.

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                    1. by 2saxy
                      (25 posts)

                      17 years ago

                      Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                      You can't even tune him becaouse of his ambouchre. I played on his sax and it's perfectly fine. our band director told him to switch to #4 reeds(that didn't work to good for him). Any Ideas before this kid makes my head explode? Sorry about the last post, i accidently pressed enter. lol 14 year old fish

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                      1. by 2saxy
                        (25 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        Jonathan Baek(a member) knows about this kid too...

                        Reply To Post Yahoo!

                      2. by jonathanbaek
                        (10 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        yes i do... prerit... what kinda name is PRERIT?!?!?! andall he can do is make up crappy yo momma jokes... he's almost worse than Brock :)

                        Reply To Post

                      3. by 2saxy
                        (25 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        Don't get me started on Brock...

                        Reply To Post Yahoo!

                      4. by cuber
                        (653 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        you people really dont quit, do you? maybe if you stopped complaining about how bad he is, youd be alot better, and you might know shit

                        Reply To Post

                      5. by connsaxman_jim
                        (2336 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        Well, the topic of this thread is No one over 18 allowed. Judging from the topic, I wouldn't really expect to find much useful, meaningful, or intelligent conversation here!., and since I'm over 30.... I remember this thread well. It was started by SaxMan. SaxMan is a smart kid who knows saxophones very well, however he's very opinionated and outspoken. Nothing wrong with being opinionated. I have my own thoughts and opinions as well. But always try to keep an open mind. If someone else likes a particular mouthpiece, or a horn that you don't like, ask them what it is that THEY like about it? Most of the comments written in this forum are opinions. Unfortunately, some of these opinions that you read are based on hearsay, or opinions shared by others, and have little to do with fact. The saxophone market is changing, much like everything else. Fifty years ago, most of the saxophones sold around the world were made in the USA. Today, there isn't much of anything that's actually made in the USA. Even names that we have come to trust are moving production over seas. While quality has gotten better in some countries who have become more familiar with manufacturing processes (Taiwan, for example), others are still new to the concept, and have much "catching up" to do. China is the biggest exporting country in the world, meaning that they sell more products to other countries, than anyone else! I remember a young Chinese girl who was offended by comments made about Chinese made saxophones, The Chinese people are certainly NOT stupid people. Most are well educated, and they are some of the most creative and innovative people I've found anywhere in the world. I think; however, that with the number of products exported from China, quality often takes a back seat to quantity. The goal is often to make the most amount of products as cheaply as possible, and sell them at substantially lower prices around the world. Now, Viet Nam is also producing saxophones. (Although the marketing company prefer it be said that their horns are made in "Asia"). Whatever saxophone you buy, PLAY IT FIRST! Even if it's a top of the line, Selmer or Yamaha professional horn. Make sure that it is properly adjusted and that it plays to your liking before it ever leaves the store. If you're unsure of a brand, ask around. Ask others on this forum, or other discussion boards their opinions. If you buy the horn from eBay, or from an online retailer, make sure that they offer a trial period or return/exchange policy if you are not satisfied with the horn. Most do have some sort of policy, but remember to ask before you buy! As for the topic of this thread..... When I was in jr. high and high school, I would seek out advice from people older than me having considerably more experience. I wish that back then, I had the internet, and a forum like this to ask questions and to get advice from experienced players, I am a better player, and I have had many more opportunities because when I was 14-17 years old, I walked up to that 65 year old man playing saxophone in the park and complimented him on his playing and asked him about his horn! Jim

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                      6. by cuber
                        (653 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        now, there are no people on the streets playing. there arent enough gigs to go around. all the big names in chicago didnt have a gig new years, and for some, that broke a streak of 27 years of having a gig on new years. If were all lucky europe will influence the music we listen to, because they listen to jazz, not this overpaid guy talking about his problems, and calling it music (rap)-cough, cough

                        Reply To Post

                      7. by connsaxman_jim
                        (2336 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        Usually throughout the summer, we have bands play in the gazebo in the park. They have many different types of music; jazz, oldies rock, country, big band, and even the banjo club plays there usually once a year. They're a lot of fun to watch. They usually have a piano, trumpet, trombone, and sometimes a sax along with about 20 four string banjo strummers. They play a lot of 20's music and old rag time stuff.

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                      8. by sslavoix
                        (32 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        my bsax set-up -Alto (palm)it plays like a jupiter and it was a lot cheaper anyways sselmer c* for concert jazz otto link 6* tonemaster rovner ligature reed size (3 to 3 1/2 hemke)-concert size 3 la voz (jazz) -soprano sax selmer La voix(the voice ) series with a c* mouthpiece a rovner hard rubber lig reed-size 4 hemke (best sound ever)-Bari a durkoff forgot what size i did not buy it yay mouthpiece yamaha is the brand with a rovner lig reed size 3 1/2 vandoren

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                      9. by sslavoix
                        (32 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        sorry made some mistypes your smart people you can read it (HOPEFULLY) @_@ lol jk

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                      10. by R.A.
                        (3 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        I'm having a lot of trouble with 16th notes. The longer that I TRY to play them, the slower that they get. Anyone else have that problem? (not at a super slow tempo=)

                        Reply To Post

                      11. by saxjunkie89
                        (393 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        It's tongue fatigue. I have that problem a lot.

                        Reply To Post

                      12. by R.A.
                        (3 posts)

                        17 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        It gets really annoying...especially in class.

                        Reply To Post

                      13. by Ziggyiggy
                        (6 posts)

                        14 years ago

                        Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                        I struggle with tonging 16th notes and I'm a senior I feel ashamed :(

                        Reply To Post

                    2. by Neco293
                      (3 posts)

                      14 years ago

                      Re: No one over 18 allowed!!!

                      Amen to that:)

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