Saxophone Forum

by kevingalayda
(2 posts)
15 years ago

True Tone Tenor Neck

My first True Tone is a Tenor SN 67XXX I liked it so much that I now have a TT alto and sop. I love the horn but have been letting my kid (the real musician in the house) play it. He pointed out an intonation issue between low and high registers. There is no way to tune to play both in tune. The upper seems to be the problem. I just had a few leaks repaired and it improved sound but didn't make any intonation diff. Have the problem with any mp I try including the original. Just for fun i threw the neck from my old student Conn on it (Doesn't really fit) and It tunes perfectly. I saw some discussions on line about the old TT necks being a problem. Is there any tweaking I could have a tech do or do I need to bite the bullet and drop some cash on an Aristocrat neck?

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  1. by kevingalayda
    (2 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: True Tone Tenor Neck

    Also saw a couple articles about changing the lower register pip. Any ideas on that for this horn?

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