Saxophone Forum

by ZombieQuartet
(1 post)
14 years ago

Professional Tenors for under $3,000

I am a sophomore in high school and I have been playing saxophone for six years. I am currently using my school's old '52 Beuscher Aristocrat Series III tenor and I would like to buy my own instrument that will last me through college. I really like the Beuscher's sound and response, especially for jazz, but I don't have any preferences and I don't know much. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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  1. by SaxMan88
    (318 posts)

    14 years ago

    Re: Professional Tenors for under $3,000

    There are deals out there but hard to come by; pro tenors for under $3k are hard to come by. Nothing wrong with the Buescher, but you might want to try the big four first; Selmer, Yamaha, Yanagisawa, and Keilwerth. I've played on a couple different horns from each brand and all are fine instruments. Try some out, and keep an eye on eBay and even on this site; you will find steals from time to time.

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  2. by dgallego
    (27 posts)

    14 years ago

    Re: Professional Tenors for under $3,000

    That is a fine tenor. You are going to have to go way up from those older horns. I like the top end Yamaha and I am not a Selmer fan. While they play nice they are in my mind over rated. Good things cost good money. You might as learn now. There is no such thing as a bargain. You are at a threshold were a little more money and you can start to move it to the big league. I would wait and build up some more cash. Do not forget good used horns after they have been gone through. In the mean time do your research, play a lot of good horns. Do not be tempted by gimmicky horns. Stay with traditional brass or Silver plate. That way it will retain its value better. What about getting a vintage Beuscher Aristocrat if you like it?

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