New to Sax &
Hello everyone,
I am new to the world of Saxophones! I have always loved the instument and wanted to learn to play, but life happened and I never got around to it.
A couple of years ago our ganddaughter was living with us and taking violin lessons. I would take her to the music store and while she was in lessons, I would hang out in the saxophone room and look at the beautifiul instruments and dream of playing. She moved away and life happened again.
This past Christmas my wife said she wanted to learn the violin and wanted a violin for christmas. I said great, and I want a saxophone.
So I bought her a violin and she bought me a saxophone. ( I think I got the better end of this deal) I got a Cannonball Alcazar Tenor Sax.
At age 53, (I will be 54 in March 2013) with not having any musical training since Junior High about 40 years ago, and never having palyed an instrument, I signed up for lessons.
I have been in lessons for a couple months now and am LOVING IT! Just wish I would have doon this sooner.
Sometimes it all seems a bit overwhelming, learning music and the sax together. But I just keep taking baby steps. With each lesson and pratice session, noticing improvement, or getting over a hurdle that has been frustrating me.
It is really exciting to be taking these first steps of this wonderful journey!
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