Saxophone Forum

by texyank
(2 posts)
11 years ago


Hi all. I've been messing around with sax for at least 30 years, but am  self taught so progress is not steady. I just enjoy playing at blues and jazz jams in my area. Currently playing a Martin tenor I purchased in the early sixties, and a Conn soprano I bought in the late ninetys. I am looking to upgrade. Does anyone have any input on Antigua Winds saxes?

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    11 years ago

    Re: Newbie

    Tex......take a look at the Yamaha semivintage 62 purple logos.....I have a YTS 62 purple logo that I like as well as my Mark Vl tenor!

    Barry Kelsey

    Reply To Post AIM

  2. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    11 years ago

    Re: Newbie

    Which model Martin and Conn horns do you play and why do you feel a need to upgrade from them?  I'd take the sound of a good Martin or Conn over the sound of a Yamaha 62 or most other Asian horns any day.  

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    1. by kelsey
      (930 posts)

      11 years ago

      Re: Newbie

      GFT......I am a Mark Vl player. Old Conns and Martins are really not in the same world. I bought a YTS 62 purple logo (which was made in the 80s) to use as a backup and it plays better for me than Conns and Martins, (and almost as well as my Selmer Mark Vl tenor) but what do I know? I've only been playing sax for 50 plus years and have always made my living playing the sax.....

      Barry Kelsey

      Reply To Post AIM

      1. by GFC
        (842 posts)

        11 years ago

        Re: Newbie

        What do you know?  Undoubtedly a lot, but not everything.  You definitely don't know texyank's style and sound concepts, what he likes about his horns, and what's making him feel he needs to change.  If he likes certain tonal characteristics of his horns, he might not care for the characteristics of a 62 or one of the 62 clones.  If he wants a bright, thin, modern pop sound he might like a 62.

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