Saxophone Forum

by kenmoorhead
(2 posts)
11 years ago

Ken from Chicago

Hey, I'm Ken! Not a saxophonist myself but working with a few to get a site called Sax Rhino off the ground and running. Our resident arranger Chance should be around soon, I know he'll dig the community here.

Anyway, we're giving away an SATB quartet for our launch starting today. Would love to get your feedback on what we're doing!

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  1. by Saxquest
    (420 posts)

    11 years ago

    Re: Ken from Chicago

    Hi Ken-

         I like what you guy are doing on the Sax Rhino site. However, I don't like that you ask for a name and email address and don't have any written policy stating what you plan to do with the personal information that you collect. To be legit, you really need to have a posted privacy policy and abide by it if you're collecting personal information. For example, check out the privacy policy on this web site.

         Mark Overton

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    1. by kenmoorhead
      (2 posts)

      11 years ago

      Re: Ken from Chicago

      Thanks Mark. Our Privacy Policy and Terms are linked at the footer of every page, just like this site. Have been since Day 0.

      To go beyond the legalese and talk about why we collect personal info, there are three biggies.

      1) Delivering the pieces we offer to people
      2) Keeping in touch with our fans and customers.
      3) Protecting our IP/Copyrights and those of the Composers/Arrangers we work with

      Item 1 is at the core of how we're approaching sheet music to begin with. We feel the mainstream approach to digital sheet music is severely flawed from the customer side -- proprietary file formats, ticking-time-bomb downloads, printing limitations. It's a bigger headache than it's worth and we've seen a number of people choose piracy solely because it's been made too difficult to play by the rules. (More on this:

      Item 2. Since you're The #1 Guy at SaxQuest, you get the business side of it. I'll simply say that Chance and I are both community advocates first and foremost. Everyone hates crappy, non-valuable emails. Everything we're doing passes through quite a few filters of "Would we want to receive this ourselves?" Asking each other this question has caused a few arguments but kept our heads straight so far.

      Item 3, hopefully, will appeal to the performer and creator concerns. Making digital easier for the customer immediately causes the "but my work will just get posted on a download site and I won't make any money" response from creators. We're stamping every file that gets sent out with the transaction details.

      In the unfortunate event someone is offering copyrighted material for illegal download, when we find it, we'll know immediately who's responsible without any difficulty. It's no fun being the one in charge of monitoring that stuff, but it comes part and parcel with all the benefits of the internet age.

      Hope that helps, and hope we earn a spot in your inbox. 

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