Saxophone Forum

by stevethemusicman
(2 posts)
10 years ago


This looks like a great board. I have played the clarinet and tenor sax since the late 50's. I went to the high school of performing arts and 3 years in the first army band. I was first chair clarinet and lead tenor in both places.

I have done lot's of recording and writing using keyboards and guitar and drums. I have a 24 track studio and am upgrading to a presonus lin ai 24 channels.

The past few years have left my wind playing non_exestant. I have a rare immune issue which gave me pnumonia so many times that I have no wind. I was not going to let that stop me. I bought an EWI and a couple of virtual modeling synths, so I still have my classical trio..yeah.

Now I have to find out the value of my patracola clarinet,  yanagisawa alto, and kessler soprano. It hurts too much seeing them plus I can get other gear.

Enough for now......Steve 

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  1. by Saxquest
    (420 posts)

    10 years ago

    Re: hello

    Hi Steve-

    Welcome to! Good on you for keeping with music despite the obsticles! There is a video and audio section on this site if you wish to post some of your music.

         Mark Overton

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    1. by stevethemusicman
      (2 posts)

      10 years ago

      Re: hello

      Thanks for the hello Mark. Glad to be here. Do you know if I'm allowed to list a sax here? I haven't had a chance to look. It's been doctor after doctor this last few weeks.



      Reply To Post

      1. by Saxquest
        (420 posts)

        10 years ago

        Re: hello

        Hi Steve-

             Sure, you can list instruments and mouthpieces for sale in the trading section. Its free and easy to post items. There's only a suggested donation to the site if your items sell from a contact gained from the listing. Best of Luck and I'm sorry to hear about the string of DR visits.

             Mark Overton

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