Saxophone Forum

by saxmanBSHS
(4 posts)
20 years ago

Marching Band Sax

I am a member of the Berkeley Springs High School Marching Band and want to buy a new alto sax. I already have a 2001 Conn 24m, which is a decent phone, but i am looking for something more for the 2005 concert/marching season. I have been told that i should wait until I graduate to get a new alto by my friends and am unsure which way to go. Should I stick with the Conn until I graduate or should I get a new sax and, if so, what moderately priced sax would be good for a 15 year old in high school marching band?

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  1. by saxtranee
    (5 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Marching Band Sax

    marching band can be hard on your sax like with the weather depending on how unpridictable it is, where i live we go through the most extremes of wether from rain to snow and hail to schorching heat i would wait so that you don't ruin it, but that is just me

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    1. by TrentG
      (15 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Marching Band Sax

      what you could do is go ahead and get you a new sax, but just use it for concert season, so you won't waste a great sax because of the weather.

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Marching Band Sax

    i wouldnt get a new sax yet, wait until your junior or senior year, even then never use a pro series on the field. i would wait so you get more of feel of what you want. but dont hesitate to start experimenting. try some vintage and some new horns. try looking at either the selmer super action or the yanagisawa 991

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    1. by west
      (242 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Marching Band Sax

      WAIT its that simple. it'll be more rewarding i think if you wait

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      1. by jaggtagg7
        (40 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Marching Band Sax

        well, if you do buy a more advanced horn i have to say under no circomstances should you use it for marching band. there are many factors that an affect it set aside from marching accidents. i can tell you from expirence. i was renting my horn when i decided to purchase my own. so naturaly as i was going to use it for marching band (i only played alto in marching band then) i only bought a student horn. our attention position of our horn caused my saxophone to scrape across the zipper of my jacket every time i had to switch from attention to playing. so as you can imagine youd do that alot. now there are many light scraches in the laqure.

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