Saxophone Forum

by sopdox
(2 posts)
8 years ago

Continuing after High School Sax

I'm sure it's been asked before, but there are so many posts to look through, so I apologize if this is a recurring question.
My son has played an alto sax throughout high school.  This is his senior year, and this year he really has improved.  He wants a sax as his high school graduation gift.  I don't know where to begin but I know they get very pricey.  The one he uses at school is a Bundy and his reeds are 2.5.  That's all I know, although I'm sure it's a student model.  There are cheap ones on Amazon but I'm sure the sound won't be very good.  Any suggestions?  Any recommendations for reputable used dealers in NYC? 
Thank you! 

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: Continuing after High School Sax

    You will need to get educated quickly on this topic.  I recommend starting with information available on this website.  Go to the resources tab at the top of the page, and read the buyer's guide.  It not only discusses your options on what to purchase, but provides great advice on what to look for and look out for.
    You could then contact Saxquest and discuss your options.  I have purchased products here and have no qualms about shipping, they really know how to pack and protect horns.  By the way, I have no affiliation or financial interest in Saxquest, I am just a very satisfied customer.

    If it is important for you to find an instrument in the NYC area, you might try Roberto Winds (  I have not purchased from them, but I have seen good correspondence about their operation.

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    1. by sopdox
      (2 posts)

      8 years ago

      Re: Continuing after High School Sax

      Thank you for the information.  I will look into all of it.  Robert's Winds is just a few blocks from my office.

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  2. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: Continuing after High School Sax

    I am a professional sax player. I only play Selmer or Yamaha saxophones.The professional Selmer line is really expensive but the best! Professional Yamahas are very good and a lot cheaper! If It were me I'd buy a Yamaha YAS 82z. or a Yamaha YAS 62lll. This is only an opionion and I'm sure some other players might disagree? Saxquest is a great place to get a horn. They're honest, prices are competative and their shop carefully checks out every thing they sell,  then carefully package it to send to you. I am a very satisfied customer....I've had great luck with their professional shop!

    Barry Kelsey

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