Saxophone Forum

by Ranandar
(3 posts)
6 years ago

Playing again after 30 years.


Hello forum,


First let me thank the mods for their quick response to my problems signing up.


I played in high school then later in some jazz and orchestral bands, but had to sell my horns because of life situations. Recently decided to get another alto. Turns out sax is like riding a bike. Once you learn don't forget. Although, I do need to brush up on my sight reading and get my armature back in shape.


Went one of my favorite Nashville music stores expecting to purchase a relatively new intermediate model and ended up with a 1922 Conn Elkhart. It's in great shape, fits like an old glove and plays like butter. Only a couple small issues with stiff keys and sticky pads which I am working on.


I don't know how a 1922 Conn would go over in a band audition, but it makes a great jam/solo instrument and I am please with the purchase.


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