Saxophone Forum

by Squiggo
(2 posts)
19 years ago

Saxophone Newbie....HELP!! LOL

Hey all! I recently purchased a Selmer Bundy II saxophone at an estate it cuz my grandson expressed an interest in taking up the instrument. BUT I know nothing about the sax! I have tried looking up the serial# to find out more about it, but am having probs finding a site where that is possible. I don't even know if it is an alto, tenor, or whatever!? I would like to know more about it.....and whether it is worth taking in and having it cleaned up (there are a few small spots of oxidation), refurbished (pads and such replaced if needed), etc......any ideas out there? The serial# is 808154 .......TY for help & info!

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  1. by Donnie The B
    (282 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Saxophone Newbie....HELP!! LOL

    Find your grandson a good private teacher, introduce the two, show him the horn and let him lead you forward. It is a student horn, but should be OK to learn on - will almost certainly need pads & corks ($300?). Good Luck.

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