Buescher Office 1912 - F.A. Buescher on left - John Collins, his partner for a few years on the right.
Buescher sales & office staff circa 1910
Buescher Factory Floor 1912 - F.A. Buescher on left wearing hat
Buescher Sales Office 1912 - Art Scanton in front. In those days more than 2/3 of total sales were direct retail by mail.
Buescher Factory scratch brushing department - taken about 1925
Buescher Factory saxophone assembly department - photo taken before WWI - instruments hanging in background are c-melody saxes which were rapidly becoming fabulously popular.
Buescher Factory saxophone final assembly - taken 1925
Buescher Factory saxophone socket drawing dept - taken about 1920
Buescher Factory Padding Department about 1925 or 1926 - Max Huster standing
Buescher Factory machine shop about 1920
Buescher Factory Polishing & Buffing Dept - photo taken about 1920 (note old fashion belt drive equipment which was very "modern" then)
Buescher Factory prior to 1923 - machine room where tool & die making happened
Buescher Factory brass department about 1920
Buescher - Mar 1924 - [Melvin Mortimer Center Rear With Mustache]. Melvin Mortimer was born in 1871 and moved to Elkhart in 1920. He went to work soon after at Buescher. He went to work at Conn in 1943 and ended as a janitor at age 80 (see his retirement photos in the Conn section). He had heart attack 4/52 and died 1/53.