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The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
War Rallies Held for Conn Employees
Returned Heros Urge Workers to Increase Production of War Materials
The vital importance of teh war materials they are making and the need for increased production was dramatically presented to Conn workers in two war rallies held in the central parking lot Wednesday, Sept. 22.
Lt. Lampbar urged greated output saying, "The more equipment we have, the more lives we will save, and the sooner we will win the war."
This photo was taken at the rally for day shift employees shows a partial view of the crowd of workers assembled in the central parking lto before the speakers' platform erected adjacent to the main entrance.
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
Published for and by employees of C.G. Conn, LTD
Frank Crowley, Editor
Editorial Board
E.C. Cortas Floyd Martin
H.W. Schwartz
Survey Shows Conn Workers Help Secure Many New Employees
A recent check-up of job applications revealed by the personnel department revealed the fact that over half of the new employees came here as a result of recommendations by present workers.
Birthday Party for Jake Burkle
Jake Burkle, dean of American band instrument workers, celebrated his 85th birthday, Sept. 17. and was pleasantly surprised when he arrived at his work bench to find it decorated with a birthday cake and several gifts from his many friends and fellow workers.
War Rally
Farewell Present for Hazel Thompson
Department 21 had a going away party Friday, Sept 10 for Hazel Thompson, at which she was presented with a purse and money by her fellow workers.
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
Conn E.A.A. "Funzapoppin" Committee Announces Coming Events
Series of Dances, Shows, and Parties Planned for Entertainment Members
The "Funzapoppin" Commitee formed by Ted Wilson, entertainment director of the Conn Entertainment and Athletic Association, got together early last month to make plans for the balance of the year.
Two Events in October
This month a double dose of entertainment will be dish out.
Future Entertainments
The entertainment pace will be kept up in November and December with a card party on Nov. 13, and Thanksgiving Dance, Nov. 27, another show on Dec. 11, and for a final climax a big Christmas party Dec. 18.
Conn E.A.A Bowlers Start Season's League Play
Thursday night is "Conn Night" at the Eames' bowling alleys, when the 8 teams comprising the Conn Bowling League get into action.
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
By Ameri-Conn's Inquiring Reporter
I never could get much sense out of finanacial statement, and the Conn annual report for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1943, is no exception.
What Was The "Take"
The Pile Goes Down
The Bosses' Share
Supplier of Raw Materials and Merchandise $2,600,081.23
Conn Worker $1,901,130.80
Uncle Sam
Executive Officer
Common Stockholder
Here are the "Big Five." drawn in size proportionate to the amount of money each received out of the Conn income last fiscal year.
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
The Employees Share
Saving For A "Rainy Day"
Conn Reserve Fund
Every dollar of Conn income last fiscal year was divided up as shown in this picture. Note that nearly 80 cents out of every dollar went to the suppliers of raw material, employees, and Uncle Sam.
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
In the service of our country
New Additions to the Conn Honor Roll
Our service flag now shows the number 160 for the Conn men and women who entered the services of our country.
Visit Your Conn Dealer
With our armed forces scattered all over the globe, it occurred to us that Conn employees now in the service might like to visit the Conn dealer in their vicinity and "chew the fat" a bit about the Conn instruments they used to make.
Conn Fathers, Mothers, and Sons Working and Fighting for Victory
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
Financial Statement
When the War is Over
Conn Workers Kepp Up War Production on Labor Day
Visit your conn dealer
Labor day was just another good day in which to put in some licks against the Axis as far as most Conn workers were concerned.
twenty-seven employees complete special war training courses
The two Purdue Engineering Scienc eand Management War Training courses organized by Howard Young, Conn educations director, last May, have been completed.
new courses started.
Four Pet Peeves by Cafeteria Charley
The Ameri-Conn Vol. 2, No. 9 October, 1943
Conn Birthday Greetings
A 40-year veteran, Frank Hart of dept. 97 tops the list of Conn Birthday celebrants this month, leading his two closet competitors--George Adams and Harry Good--by a margin of 13 years.
There were some changes made
New Members of the Conn Family