Copyright Policy: is committed to its mission of compiling and making freely available content that has relevence to the history of the saxophone, its use and its development. Our vast collection of digital content is intended for use by researchers, historians, scholars, enthusiasts and others for purposes of benefit to the public. respects the intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights of those who have created original works. Much of our web content is public domain material. However, in instances where use of certain material is copyright protected, we have made every attempt to obtained permission to use such material. Accordingly, all permissions are appropriately cited on the web page containing such content, unless we've been asked by the copyright holder not to reveal the details of such permissions., in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, will remove certain content that infringes upon the copyright or intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that your copyright has been violated by material available on, please provide us with the following information:
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The Copyright Agent can be reached as follows:
c/o Mark Overton
2114 Cherokee St.
St. Louis, MO 63118
Phone: 314-664-1234
Email: [email protected]