Saxophone Forum

by wesmiller
(55 posts)
21 years ago

Hello All! New to this group.

What can saxophonists do to hasten the instruments 'place into the mainstream classical genre?

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    1. by wesmiller
      (55 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: A New Topic to Ponder.

      To be honest I think thats a good response to the question. However, consider that other instruments are not confined to just one style: trumpet isn't only in the orchestra, guitar is extremely widespread, even flute crosses into the jazz world. You know as well as I do that history will decide where this instrument we all play fits. I do know this: more solo works were written for the saxophone than any other instrument (with the exception of the flute), in the 20th century. Its like all other instruments it serves a purpose. It provides tonal color to whatever a composer is doing. So maybe the question is: will composers want it there??

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      1. by chiamac
        (586 posts)

        21 years ago

        Re: A New Topic to Ponder.

        *I may take this the wrong way* personally I don't like anything mainstream. That means more people are going to want to do it to look cool. Why can't we leave it to the few who actually love to play and love sax music? Darn the rest! besides... if someone really wants to go into classical muisc why would they choose a sax? I wouldn't play a violin (sp) and demand that jazz or martching band music be written for me... you bring up guitars... they are a good example of something that's cool. almost every kid, I repeat ALMOST EVERYKID has or will own a guitar in their lifetime. For many reasons, but mostly becuase it's in the mainstream and they have cheap/easy access to one. The same goes for dj/rave stuff today. It's the cool thing to do. I hate it. But a friend and I made $50 djing tonight... so that's all good=) the grass is alwase greener... (-Edited for readability by Saxquest administration on 8/8/2004 6:07:18 PM)

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      2. by johnsonfromwisconsin
        (767 posts)

        21 years ago

        Re: A New Topic to Ponder.

        chiamac said: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ besides... if someone really wants to go into classical muisc why would they choose a sax? I wouldn't play a violin (sp) and demand that jazz or martching band music be written for me... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because the saxophone *is* a classical instrument. Not only is there significant scoring for it from the mid-nineteenth century onward, It also has just as much claim to classical status as any modern version of any of the non-authentic "so-called" classical woodwind instruments. Keep in mind, the modern flute and clarinet are far different than the iinstruments music written prior to 1800 were originally scored for. The saxophone just doesn't have the benifit of a 'Grandfathering' that early renditions of other instruments grant them. And there are a number of reasons you wouldn't want to take a violin marching. Volume is one, humidity (the bane of string players) is another. There is nothing musically inappropriate concerning a classical saxophone ;)

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      3. by wesmiller
        (55 posts)

        21 years ago

        Re: A New Topic to Ponder.

        To Chiamac: Hey man nice twist to the subject! Your right mainstream sucks; it really seems to have hit a sore spot with you because right now you are at a point in your musical life where you have to play to the mainstream desires of some people. Case in point: you said you made $50.00 bucks DJing and hated it. Well, there are tons are classically trained sax players who for whatever reason when they were younger and picked an instrument chose the sax. As time went by they and their teachers saw that their strength was classical. What do they do? Stop? Switch insturments after years of hard work? Some make that choice. Many don't. Others choose to try to keep advancing the cause of the instrument by encouraging composers to write for it. See they are in a similar position as you. They are trying to get out of the mainstream into somethng else. I should have chosen a better word than mainstream for the original question. I hear where your coming from. I work with guys in your "world" . I looked at your profile, and can say I like the kinds of music you listen to. By the way, hope you can play more and spin less if thats what you want.

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