Saxophone Forum

by JBO42
(5 posts)
21 years ago

Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

hi guys - im new to this saxquest thing but for about the last month have been trying to ponder on what new horn i should get. So far i've been leaning toward the YTS-82Z, but havent for sure made up my mind. If anyone would like to give me a suggestion on a quality horn that is 3000 or under please respond.

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  1. by SaxMan
    (559 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

    God horns that would be the Z are a plenty. The martin tenor, a conn 10m, a new wonder II or more commonly known as a chu-berry, buescher aristocrats, even true tones, 6m's, a few others, less commonly found.

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  2. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

    If you're looking to drop upwards of $3000 on a tenor, go find a 1940's Conn 10M in top condition. They can be found without too much difficulty and they are fantastic players. The value will only appreciate with time, to boot.

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  3. by johnsonfromwisconsin
    (767 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

    The only two tenor's I've tried and liked for around 3 grand were the Yani 991 and the Selmer Series II, though I've never tried the 82Z's. The absolute best horn I've ever tried was a Ref 36 for about $4600.

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    1. by chiamac
      (586 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

      [If you're looking to drop upwards of $3000 on a tenor, go find a 1940's Conn 10M in top condition. They can be found without too much difficulty and they are fantastic players. The value will only appreciate with time, to boot.] I'll second that.

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      1. by JBO42
        (5 posts)

        21 years ago

        Re: Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

        Thanks everbody! , ill definantly take all of your advice into consideration.

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    2. by golferguy675
      (600 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: Custom Z vs. a different horn by suggestion

      If you like the Yamaha horns, but you aren't sure the Z is what you're looking for, play the YTS-875-EX. It' a step up from the 82Z.

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