Re: Berg Larson Mouthpieces
Can't tell by your posting if you still have the Berg, but they still make the Bergs if you wanted to replace it. It may not be exactly like your old one, but it would probably feel very similar and sound similar.
The technology hasn't changed a whole lot except that now you can find odd-ball materials like aluminum or mouthpieces that have been CNC machined to mega-tolerances.
The fact of the matter is that a lot of players seek vintage mouthpieces because of their characteristic sound, but there's landmines out there, so be sure you are getting it from a source that you or someone else feels is reputable. There is risk that the piece has been modified or is in bad shape. That's part of the excitement of the hunt, in my opinion.
I recommend that you go to a music store and try out everything you can to get a sense of what you like. Hopefully, you have a store nearby that sells more than Selmer S80's.
If you liked your old Berg, you'd likely be happy with a new one. Check out as they do trials. I think WWBW does trials as well. It's worth the measly couple of bucks they charge to be sure you end up with something you are happy with.
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