Saxophone Forum

by 1920Bari
(3 posts)
21 years ago

Opinions of my new purcase

Just purchased this silver 1920 Buescher "TrueTone Low Pitch" Bari Sax. After checking out prices on E-Bay, I decided that $200 was a fair price. It cleaned up nice with Wright's Cream Silver polish. I do not think it has a laquer finish. I think it is silver-plated. I will submit a picture shortly. It plays well except for an occasional "warbling" Any inputs/opinions/info would be appreciated!! Thanks!

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  1. by 1920Bari
    (3 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Opinions of my new purcase

    Forgot to mention, the SN is 55064

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    1. by sax_maniac
      (984 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: Opinions of my new purcase

      Does the horn have major dents or is it not too bad in that regard? Getting a vintage bari like that sounds like a dream to me and probably to lots of others here on the board. How did you come across it? For $200, I would have expected it to not play at all. Are the pads in decent shape? Let me know if you want any help refurbing it.

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      1. by 1920Bari
        (3 posts)

        21 years ago

        Re: Opinions of my new purchase

        There is only one minor dent near the bottom. I belong to a Community Band and bought it from a band member. She bought it around 1980 for $5.00 at a state auction!! I heard it being played in band so knew it was playable. It has a King mouthpiece. Any ideas on how to fix the "Warbling" sound which happens from middle G down? Thanks

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        1. by golferguy675
          (600 posts)

          21 years ago

          Re: Opinions of my new purchase

          It sounds like it may be the bell pads not sealing. Check them with a leak light or something to that effect. You may have to replace the pads there. You might be lucky and they could just be hitting the tone holes off center, so you could just adjust them.

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        2. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          21 years ago

          Re: Opinions of my new purchase

          sounds good to me - even if it doesn't play.

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        3. by johnsonfromwisconsin
          (767 posts)

          21 years ago

          Re: Opinions of my new purchase

          I'd say it's a fantastic deal!

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