Saxophone Forum

by vipegrad
(47 posts)
21 years ago

Quality saxophone brands

I have been searching for a new soprano sax for the past week. I have found several models that look like good horns, but are a little out of my price range. Does anyone know of any cheaper brands of saxophone that are good quality? I have been looking at a cannonball, but i would like to find it for cheaper than $1,500. If anyone has suggestions of a different brand or a place to look for a cheaply priced high quality soprano, please let me know.

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  1. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Quality saxophone brands

    Having worked for a manufacturing company for 16 years, I'll tell you first off that cheaply priced and high quality aren't necessarily contradiction in terms - but when it comes to something as complex as a saxophone, attention to detail is EVERYTHING, so you generally have to pay a little more to get a little more horn (for new equipment). Try to find "Accent" brand. They are Taiwan made, (which gets my panties in a bunch) but they play very warmly - better than the Yamaha YSS-475 in my opinion. They sell around $1,000. Also, you could look for an older Vito/Yanagisawa horn which would be in your price range and retain it's value - even appreciate over time.

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  2. by johnsonfromwisconsin
    (767 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Quality saxophone brands

    Yanagisawa seems to be the standard bearer in modern Sopranos. However, Antigua Winds makes low-cost horns based on Yanagisawa's creations that are reputed to be quite good and can be had new starting around $1000

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