Saxophone Forum

by michaels
(1 post)
21 years ago

Tenor Saxophone

I am looking for a tenor sax for my 13 year old son. He has played the alto for 3 years and is interested in the tenor sax. I had found a Beucsher BU5 at, but was told they no longer carry this model. Instead, I was directed to a Stephanhouser tenor ( cost $990). Does anyone know anything about this brand? I have found a website, but not much information from people playing this saxophone. I am worried that it's design is "new" and thus may be difficult to repair. Please help!

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  1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
    (767 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Tenor Saxophone

    Modern Bueschers are poorly constructed from what I've heard. I haven't heard of Stephanhouser, but I don't trust what I haven't heard of before. It's a very easy thing to get a cheap mainland asia manufacturer to stamp one's nameplate on their inferior-grade instruments for sale under any marketing scheme you want to make. Here are modern brands that are trusted: Yamaha Selmer (Paris and USA) Yanagisawa Kielwerth Antigua Winds Jupiter Those are the brands that I've either had the chance to inspect and recommend, or have a glowing reputation of sorts. There are also great deals in used instruments of the above makes and the following horns: Conn (not made in Mexico) Buescher (USA made) Martin King Dont' be afraid to ask questions on any of these.

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  2. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Tenor Saxophone

    I tried a Steppenhauser alto a while back and was fairly impressed, but I'm skittish of new names as well. The quality seemed reasonable and it played fine. Durability is the issue with cheaper horns, and only time will tell how these new brands of horns will hold up. I'll warn that you'd be lucky to get half your money back if for some reason the Step didn't work out. Put that same money into an older horn of renowned reputation and your investment is better protected. My recommendation would be a Yamaha YTS-23 or a Selmer Bundy/Bundy II. You'll spend half as much and still have a great quality instrument - so long as you're guaranteed it plays well.

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  3. by Saxman2200
    (64 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Tenor Saxophone

    I played on a stephenhouser a while back, and it played fairly decently. It has good key action and is pretty even up and down the horn (of course I might be being a little genorous considering at the time I was comparing it to a begginer grade King). If he is going to start playing tenor mainly, than I would recomend a pro grade Yani (Yanigasawa) or Keilwerth. I have never really liked the Yamaha's myself, and never had the oppertunity to play a Mark IV (selmur). But If you go for the selmur you won't get it for less than a grand (or five). P.S. There are some brand names you will want to watch out for (such as Monique). There are certain places you go (Dominic's Music has a horrible reputation for this) where you will hear a lot a hype about good quality sax's for a low price, but if it is a brand you have never heard of, consult an expert, and even than proceed with caution.

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    1. by jazzsaxman
      (28 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Tenor Saxophone

      go for the jupiter- you can get it for around $1200.00 and thats for the artist series!!!!!! your son will love it and will be the envy of the other students.

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      1. by SaxMan
        (559 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Tenor Saxophone

        Go for the selmer USA, they can be had for MUCH less than 1200, and won't be an utter piece of crap.

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