Re: Tenor Saxophone
I played on a stephenhouser a while back, and it played fairly decently. It has good key action and is pretty even up and down the horn (of course I might be being a little genorous considering at the time I was comparing it to a begginer grade King). If he is going to start playing tenor mainly, than I would recomend a pro grade Yani (Yanigasawa) or Keilwerth. I have never really liked the Yamaha's myself, and never had the oppertunity to play a Mark IV (selmur). But If you go for the selmur you won't get it for less than a grand (or five).
P.S. There are some brand names you will want to watch out for (such as Monique). There are certain places you go (Dominic's Music has a horrible reputation for this) where you will hear a lot a hype about good quality sax's for a low price, but if it is a brand you have never heard of, consult an expert, and even than proceed with caution.
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