Saxophone Forum

by oldalto
(2 posts)
21 years ago

Newbie, whats mine worth?

I've got an old Alto I'm wondering what it is worth. I bought it very used when I was in high school, in the late 70's Selmer Mark VI S/N M59609 (at least that is what's on the base of the body). It is original except for pads, as far as I know. It is worn in places, as I played in marching band as well as jazz and classical. Can anyone help me date it or appraise it? Don't know that I want to sell or anything, just curious. Thanks for your time....

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  1. by SaxMan
    (559 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Newbie, whats mine worth?

    well, thats and old mark VI, I would say aorund a 56 or 57. for a mint one of that vintage, I would probably pay 4500 - 5 grand, depending on a few other things like case condition and how it plays.

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    1. by oldalto
      (2 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: Newbie, whats mine worth?

      Thanks, The original case fell apart so I now have it in a "saxpack" case that holds a clarinet and flute in excellent condition. It has one very small crease on the edge of the bell (marching band) and some of the laquer is worn in places from general wear. It used to play and sound excellent, as I was an all state sax player in the late 70's in high school. Obviously needs to be tuned up as I played last evening and some of the mechanical pieces need adjustment and lubrication. Thank you so much for your comments/help

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