
by simonknight (11 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I think the transitionals started a little earlier than 249,200. I have an alto which has 6M style body and keywork with art-deco engraving and the vertical LH little finger keys. The serial number is 248,XXX, made in 1931.
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by 32jazzman19 (2 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a conn tenor #104XXX, it has soldered tone holes does anyone know what mode and value it has. I wastold yjay it was originlly silver anow has lacquer, Thank you, Al
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by littlebigtone1 (1 post)
7 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yes, I agree with you.
I recently aquired a 6M transitional that has the art deco engraving that has a serial number of #2479xx
Everything else is a 6m except the left hand pinky cluster what is like a Chu but the G# is smooth not like the nail file Chu.
It plays just like the later 6M that I have, perhaps a little bit better.
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by barisax999 (400 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
im doing some research for a friend of mine who has an old conn, and i have been unable to find a date or much information on the horn, the serial is n79376. i have figureed that it was made sometime before 1970, buts that about all i have got. any additional info. would be great.
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Yahoo! AIM

by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by frasax (6 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hello, I want to buy an old 18M conn sax: the seller told me it's 60's serial number 127xxx. the price is more or less 500$. what do you think about?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'm not sure I'd pay $500 for a student-line alto from the 60's. The pro-line was the 6M.
That serial number is not quite right for the 60's, 127,xxx would be 1924, long before I believe there was an 18M. If the first number is actually a 7, it could be from 1958.
On the other hand, my Conn 16M (tenor) from 1963 is a great horn, and I wouldn't sell it for less than $1000 (though no one would pay that for it). But then, I know what it's been through for the last 30 years.
The more I think about it, if this is from 1958, if it is in excellent condition, I might pay $500 for it, if I was looking for an alto sax and had the money to buy it. (I'm actually trying to sell one from 1970 for $200...)
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by frasax (6 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'm sorry you are right the serial number is m127,xxx. So it is expensive, isn't it?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Actually, I believe the horns made in the 20's actually are often worth more than those made in the 60's, if they are in excellent condition.
Be sure that the letter below the serial number is an "L" and not an "H". In good condition, a Conn alto from 1924 (low pitch) is easily worth $500 or more.
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by frasax (6 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks. And what do you think about a ? This horns has 60% original lacquer. Price 800$
I found an alto Sax MARTIN mod: Centennal. n 144xxx. Made in U.S.A. in good condition. Price 600$.
Thank oyu very much.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
If the $800 is for the Conn you mentioned earlier, I believe it could well be worth that.
I know less about The Martin, though it's a great brand. I refer you to this site:
It looks like the one you reference would have been made in 1942, and I believe $600 would be a very good buy if it is in playing condition. The (vintage) Martin has a reputation for great sound.
I believe there is a modern saxophone carrying the Martin name which is not as good, so be careful.
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by frasax (6 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
the 800$ horns is a 6m alto naked lady n 333xxx
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yes, a 333,xxx Naked Lady should be well worth $800.
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by frasax (6 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by mphelps (1 post)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by morerocklesscop (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
i just received a saxophone from my grandpa, it was his when he was young. which was the 1930s. i have looked up some stuf about conn saxes. but i would like a definte year, and possibly a value..
the serial information goes like this:
pat. dec. 8.1914
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by KikiSaxMan (3 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hello I am new to the community and I have an old conn witt the naked lady engraving the serial reas something like this
pat. Dec. 1914
I was wondering if you have been able to find where and when this beautiful horns were made
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by TwiztidT27 (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
i have a Conn bari sax it is a 12m under that it says pat. app'd for "wich i know means pattent applied for" the serial number is E76676 on the bell it says CONN then a bit under that it says ELKHART
i'm very curious of the year of the sax and how much it might be worth if anyhting i bought the sax 3 years ago for $1200 it's in pretty good shape and sounds beautiful i even has the origional case and i can tell by the out side of the case it has some age to it well i was wondering if any one could help me out i'm very curious about my sax thanks
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
About 1921
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Twiztid. The Conn Bari you are referring to is a 1965 model. The 12M wasn't even around until 1934. The serial prefix "E" indicates 1965.
The value really depends on the condition, but on average, Conn 12M bari's in the same age bracket that are in good playing condition are worth $1500-$2000. An extremely nice horn with fresh pads might fetch $2500, but that's top $$$
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by el passo (1 post)
13 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Tim - did you ever figure out more about this?
I have a 12M satrting c xxxx - which I believe to be 1963 - 1966 but cannot find anything about potential value etc..
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by dleewo (8 posts)
19 years ago
WHich model do I have, serial C268xx
I'm 38 and I want to start learning to play the sax. To get started, I bought a Conn "Shooting Star" on Ebay and I'm trying to figure out how old it is and what model I actually have (and to find out if I actually bought one of the "bad" Conns).
The serial is C268xx and it says "Conn USA" on the bell, in the middle of the shooting stars engraving. From the thread, it seems that this was made in 1963. Can someone confirm that?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: WHich model do I have, serial C268xx
Yes, dleewo, the letter "C" in the serial number would indicate that your horn is in fact a 1963 model. The shooting star engraving identifies your horn as a Director's model (student-intermediate) sax. Your sax was made in Elkhart, IN, and is one of the better Directors model horns. After Conn was bought by MacMillan in 1969, quality quickly declined when production was first moved to Nogales, AZ, and later into Mexico. I played a 1963 Conn Director's model 14M alto for many years. They are a great horn.
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by seanmcfarland (3 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a new Conn Saxophone. The information on the instrument is:
Based on the information you provided
would this make this a 1925 New Wonder Series II (Chu Berry)?
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by seanmcfarland (3 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Sorry-can someone who knows the specifics answer this (to question above from Sean McFarland-not answered to date). Here is what I have found from digging. The first New WonderSeries II Chu Berrys started at a serial number of 145400. This Conn has a serial number of 146097-so this would make it an early New Wonder Series II Chu Berry(?)
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yes, seanmcfarland, your sax is a 1925 New Wonder Series II or Chu Berry.
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by seanmcfarland (3 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
connsaxman_jim-thanks so much for confirming this. I am looking forward to using it! By the way, I think that I found your website and found it interesting...
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by brokebassoon (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I came across a couple Conn saxophones that I am interested in dating: an alto marked 4588V and a tenor 16M marked VE21112. What does the "V" mean in either case? Thank you.
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by sax appeal (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi everyone. This is my first post on this forum so forgive me if I'm a bit ignorant! I've been interested in buying a vintage Conn alto for a while as an upgrade, but there are so many models and its all so confusing! So I just wondered if someone could just quickly tell me which are regarded the 'best' models out there? Am I right in thinking that the 6M is pretty good? Thanks for your help!
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by blackfrancis (396 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
A 6M far surpasses pretty good. Best alto I've ever played. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
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by swingstreet (315 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Once you get used to the G# to Bb pinky cluster position, the Conn 6M is about as good as it gets. I have a 6M with silver-plate, gold bell, given to me by my father before he died. This horn is absolutely the best horn I've ever played. It has a killer tone, and looks to go with it. If you can get your hands on one of these, you won't regret it. However, make sure it's pre-1947, before they stopped making them with rolled tone holes. I don't know what it is, but the rolled tone holes somehow make a difference as far as the sound goes. Also, they are more valuable.
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by santafesax (1 post)
18 years ago
Conn Worchester 1890s horn? Serial 312
Hi All - A friend has asked that I research an old conn of his - that was made late 1800s for a great uncle of his. I am amazed by what I think this horn might be. Here are some of the details:
Eb Alto (I think). Bell inscription: Made for Chas L Elliott by C.G. Conn
Elkhart Ind
Serial 312 (or 812)?
It is in great shape, has a gorgeous tone, though suffers from mechanical issues here and there. Silver body and Gold keys finish. Octave key is atop the mouthpiece. Low Bb and B natural tone holes are on left side of body. Is this an early worchester like it seems to be? At first I doubted it, thinking that all early horns had the low tones on the right side or opposite sides. There's also an odd 'cousin' tone hole that closes when the right hand f# key is depressed. How else should I research this horn?
Thanks! Chris
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Worchester 1890s horn? Serial 312
The Worchester was one of the first Conn saxophones. They were designed by Gus Buescher, a foreman at the Conn-Dupont plant from 1875-1895 (after which, he left and founded the Buescher Manufacturing company), for E. A. Lefebre. The instrument that Buescher built for Lefebre was essentially a copy of an Adolphe Sax horn.
These horns were produced from 1888 until about 1898, and were only available in bare brass, gold plate and gold plate engraved with silver highlights .
These horns have double-octave keys, straight tone holes, no pearl keys and all examples probably featured a keyed range of low Bb to altissimo F. The Worchester models DID have both the low B and Bb keys on the left side of the body.
What I find interesting is that the horn is engraved CG. Conn, Elkhart, Indiana. Although Conn's headquarters were located in Elkhart, the earliest saxophones were built at the factory in Worchester, Massachusetts, which is how these horns became known as the "Worchester" models. In my years of researching and collecting Conn saxophones, I have yet to see a Worchester model. I'd love to see some pictures.
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by Wolfgar (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi a friend of mine has a silver plated Conn Alto that he says is a 1929, serial number M198830, this seems ay variance with the serial numbers i have seen. What year / model would you say it was? What does the M mean? Thanks
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
That serial number is from 1927, which would make it a New Wonder Series II, or what is commonly known as the "Chu Berry". The M in the serial number is confusing to many people. Conn used the letter M to identify the instrument as a saxophone in their catalogs and inventory. They began stamping the letter M in front of the Serial number on the New Wonder Series II models in 1925. The New Wonder Series II was eventually replaced by the M series; 6M, 10M, 12M, etc. and the letter M soon disappeared from the serial number prefix. In 1963, Conn began using a letter prefix in their serial numbers beginning with the letter C. Why C? Well, near as I can figure, they were still making alto's (A) and baritones (B) although they hadn't made a C melody in over 40 years! They skipped a few other letters too, but M was the serial number prefix letter used to identify 1969.
There are many differences between the New Wonder Series II horns stamped with the M prefix compared to the later 1969 models. First of all, while most of the earlier horns were silver or gold plate, ALL of the horns made in 1969 were lacquered. (There are a few New Wonder Series II horns wearing lacquer also, but they are not originally lacquered)
The New Wonder Series II horns also have wire key guards instead of the later stamped metal guards. The New Wonder Series II horns are stamped with Conn's Dec. 1914 patent date. They are also stamped L or H to indicate hi or low pitch. By 1969, hi pitch was done away with. Most earlier New Wonder Series II horns such as your friends would have split bell keys (B nad Bb keys on opposite sides of the bell) where the later 1969 models would have the keys on the same side. There are many other differences as well.
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by Wolfgar (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks i will let him know. I have a tenor 205150, what year would that make mine?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yours would be 1927 also. The serial number range for 1927 is 193450 - 209250.
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by shane (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I picked up a saxophone for my son that has on the bell, very faintly, PanAmerican, and right below it, USA. The serial number just below the thumbrest is 634632. Can you tell me what year the horn is and any other details, such as where it was made and value?
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by gheenconn (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a Conn Shooting Star Alto Sax. The SN is N536xx but the N is about 1" from the rest of the numbers. Does that mean anything? I got this sax used in 1984, it is great shape. What would it be worth? Is it suitable for my 5th grade son to start band?
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by definition (963 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Worth? tops about 500, maybe a bit more.
As long as its in good shape and regulated properly so there arent any leaks, etc it'll be just fine for your son
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Yahoo! AIM

by 2RollingStoned (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hey, can someone help me out. I have this old Conn tenor I haven't played in like 20 years. I tried to figure out what it is from the thread but I'm confused. Any info. is greatly appreciated :)
It says Made By C.G. Conn Ltd. Elkhart Ind USA on the bell. Engraving with a ladies head/shoulders at the bottom.
The serial number reads:
Pat. Appd. For
329 699
Thanks in advance for any info!
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by Conn-tented (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Jim & everyone else
My Conn is a 20M with the serial number N271793. If I use the timeline, this was made in 1970 in Nogales. However the info above states the 20M was introduced after Daniel Henkin bought Conn in 1980. Is my Conn therefore made in 1988?
I cannot find a lot of info about how good the 20M is - are you able to help me?
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by Sax_4_life (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
i recently acquired a Conn Tenor Sax.
and was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what model/year it is based on the below information. and also how much it would be worth as an old sax.
Pat Dec.8.1914.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The H stands for High Pitch, which is not the standard for today, so value would not be high.
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by Roccosm (113 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
JIm I need Your Help, I have a CONN SOPRANO SN 15806 L But on the Conn SN I looked up they have this SN as a High Ptich, what is the deal here. No Matter this 97 year 0ld Horn play's so very nice. As well as My 86 Yani curved
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The chart at www.drrick.com/conn.html seems to suggest what you say about this model being high-pitch, but I'm guessing that is a general description for those years. Your "L" under the serial number tells us that this one is Low Pitch, and a great horn in line with today's standard.
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by Roccosm (113 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thank You, I was confused about the SN and the L, It play' svery sweet and in tune even for this era. I also have a Conn Alto 38 VIII 2841, I heard that the VIII mean;'s this was the 8th change of the Key work. why are these horn;s worth more, Your a Hip Mom. Thanks
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
"Why are these horns worth more?"
Just a guess, but the keywork is probably more natural for the hands, the pitch is "L" so it matches what we use today, and the "VIII" distinguishes the model. People will pay more for a distinguishing mark...
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by west (242 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hi, can you tell me how old this one is? It says
patd. dec. 8 1914
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
It's a 1923 New Wonder Series I C Melody. They're becoming quite valuable. I just restored a 1922. GREAT sound and good intonation if you get the right mouthpiece.
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by west (242 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks a ton. What mouthpieces would you suggest?
and do you know a reliable place where I could get a good c-melody case?
Thanks in advance
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by jazzears (12 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
To West, who posted a question last spring about c-melody mouthpieces and cases: Beechler and Runyon both manufacture brand new c-mel mouthpieces designed to work with standard Bb reeds. I bought a Beechler for mine, and it plays great! I found mine at cybersax.com, but there might be other sources of supply. Also, DEG makes a nice rectangular case specifically sized for c-mel saxes. You can probably find a nearby dealer who will order one for you. Google up the specific information. Good luck.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Mouthpieces for C Melody are hard to come by. Here is a Runyan piece I found store.yahoo.com/1stopclarinet/rucmesaxmo.html
Typically Runyan makes a good mouthpiece. I would call Music 123 and WWBW to see if either of them carry any cases and or mouthpieces for C Melody. They may be able to order something that they don't normaly stock.
Good Luck,
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by sax_maniac (984 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
My local music store was able to track down one manufacturer of C-Melody cases, but they were around $200, so instead I put mine in a regular Bb tenor case with a HW Padsaver for tenor down the body. The length of the padsaver stabilizes it from shifting around in the case. The LaVoz Padsavers are too dense to fit through the receiver of the C-Melody - that's why I mention HW specifically.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Typically, I don't care for soft cases, but this may be one application where a soft case might actually be the way to go. I'm wondering if a pro-tech alto case might be just big enough that you could get a C Melody in there? If not, then maybe try a tenor case and if necessary cut a piece of foam to take up some slack.
I meant to tell you, I have a LeBlanc Woodwinds mouthpiece for my C Melody that my repair tech had ordered for someone who decided they didn't want it. It's a pretty good mouthpiece. I have been very pleased with it and the intonation is excellent. You'll find that the intonation on these straight neck Conn C Melodies is as good as any other saxophone. I'm tempted to try one of those Runyans for the price. some people use tenor or alto mouthpieces also. I would advise using a newer C Melody piece though if you can find one. The intonation is much more consistant throughout the octaves with the C Melody mouthpiece. I did try a Brillhart Ebolin tenor mouthpiece, which has a fairly small chamber, and the intonation was acceptable.
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by west (242 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I tried music 123 and I might have tried wwbw. I'l try it again though. As for using alto cases, I tried and the C-melody was too big, but I will think about the tenor case suggestions. Also, maybe ABI will have a case or Mouthpiece> Thanks a ton, you all are very helpful.
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by jakassb (3 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I feel like an idiot asking the same kind of question, but do you know where a sax with these markings are from and what era. I tried to read the info above, but I wasn't sure about all of the different numbers. Mine has
Patented Dec. 8, 1914
Thanks if you can help. Sorry I couldn't figure it out for myself.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
If you'll note the post just below, yours is of the same era, only it is a Tenor rather than a Soprano (T instead of S). ConnSaxMan Jim, Definition, or Dave Dix may be able to give you more information.
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by jakassb (3 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thank you for your help. I noticed some other info further down about similar saxes that also have the patent # for the tone holes printed on the horn. I bought this sax along with an oboe for $100 from someone who apparently didn't know what they were doing. I had no idea it would be worth so much....Thanks again
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by Betsey (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can uou tell me if the age on this silver,straight soprano sax is correct? It has on it Pat'n Dec 8 1914 1119954 S M 229811 L
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Betsey,
Your soprano sax is a 1929 New Wonder Series II or Chu Berry model. The patent number and date are for the rolled tone holes. 1929 was a great year for Conn, and your horn is quite valuable and popular with collectors.
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by Scrythe (22 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
What do you guys think about a Shooting star? it was made in mexico and has the number N71953
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by Scrythe (22 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
What do you guys think about a Shooting star? it was made in mexico and has the number N71953
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The Mexi-Conn horns are not so good, but still better than many of the horns today coming from China. Play it and enjoy it while it still plays decent, but I wouldn't recommend spending much money on repairs. If repairs cost more than $80, I would say goodbye and buy a better horn. Your horn was probably made in the mid 1970's. The earlier shooting star, or Director's model horns made in Elkhart, Indiana were very good student-intermediate model horns.
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by 2RollingStoned (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hey Jim, can you help me out on this one? I have a Conn Tenor. It says Made By C.G. Conn Ltd. Elkhart Ind USA on the bell. Engraving with a ladies head/shoulders at the bottom.
The serial number reads:
Pat. Appd. For
329 699
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by Scrythe (22 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'll looking at buying an alto that has the serial number N75402. I looked at the time line and saw that is was part of Conns bad years. does this mean it's just the lowest point for conn or are they just bad horns in general?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have one of these horns. It plays very well, intonation is good. I believe it to be a good student horn, and my daughter achieved a "Best at site" award at contest with it in 2005.
Right now, we have upgraded to a more intermediate horn, and the school is looking at it to be a back-up horn for students when one is in for repair. My daughter claims it is much better than the one the school already has (though I don't have any idea what that one is...)
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by brazjol (4 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'm planning on buying an alto sax. The local music shop has an old Conn for $340. The serial number is E45844.
I was just wondering if I am getting a really good deal or if it is one of the "bad" Conns. I haven't been able to really find any information about the year. The man at the store said it's from 1987, but other online sources say that E means 1965. The horn sounds good to me, but then again I have little experience and I wouldn't be able to tell a good sax from a bad one. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks.
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by brazjol (4 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'm planning on buying an alto sax. The local music shop has an old Conn for $340. The serial number is E45844.
I was just wondering if I am getting a really good deal or if it is one of the "bad" Conns. I haven't been able to really find any information about the year. The man at the store said it's from 1987, but other online sources say that E means 1965. He also said it was made before the 50M, but other online sources said the 50M was made in the '60s. The horn sounds good to me, but then again I have little experience and I wouldn't be able to tell a good sax from a bad one. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
My guess would be that it's a ggod one from 1965.
Is the engraving "Shooting Stars?"
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by brazjol (4 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yes, it does have the shooting stars engraved on the side.
I was just confused because the guy at the shop said it was made in '87, yet every source I've seen conflicts with that.. saying it was made in '65. I certainly hope it's made in '65 rather than '87 though.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
My guess would be that it's a good one from 1965.
Is the engraving "Shooting Stars?"
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by curtis299 (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I just purchased a supposedly 1963 Conn 14M Directors model horn and it looks to really have been taken care of but after exhausting research I cannot pin down the strange numbers stamped on the horn. There is nothing more than 1313 no letters of anything? I'm a little confused.
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by alwaysatech (3 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hello no to the saxaphone, i have purchased a horn, have no idea about reeds, fingering etc.
the horn that i purchased is a conn shooting star, the serial number is c56570. i have no idea if there is other information on the horn, as i have not got it yet. the best that i can gather from the list is that it was made sometime around 1964?
any help, advice would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
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by Barigoodmom (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
My Conn Bari says this...
I'm thinking this is around 1957????? Is this a good horn? I love the sound yet It needs some repair.
Where could I get parts for this horn? The part where the neck conecect's to the horn with the screw cracked.
More info on this horn would help me fix it.
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by tkhansen (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi all -
I saw a sax that came up for sale, and am trying to judge its value and if it might be a decent player or not. Can't figure it out based on all of the usual serial number info. It looks like a stencil (says James Hatch on the bell), and has the 1914 pat. date and number, but has the following serial number label:
P 8 4 9 6
Any clues? the P is what is throwing me off. Thanks for your help folks!
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The A suggests it is an alto, and the L suggest Low pitch, which is good. I believe you may be right that it is a stencil, which means that the serial number will tell you very little.
However, the fact that it has the L suggests to me that it was made before the 1960's. My circa 1950 alto has the L, my 1963 tenor does not. Both are Conns, though the tenor is a student model.
The P may designate the company for whom the stencil was produced, but no guarantee on that. Do you have the opportunity to play it first? That will be your best option. I believe it might be a good saxophone for playing, though resale value is likely to be low.
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by drewj (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a 12M bari serial number N128xxx. It looks just like MexiConns on ebay, and it has the MexiConn engraving, but it doesn't say Mexico anywhere. Doesn't say Elkhart either. I guess this is a Nogales, AZ horn?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yep. 1970. My alto is the same.
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by Tbone (120 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The 1970 Az. horns that I've seen usually have "USA" engraved below the Conn on the bell. It's usually in the knot of the "bow" engraving.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Not mine.
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by plumface (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I just bought a Conn alto sax E05108. This has the shooting stars. Was this made before or after the major move to Nogales?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Before. Dispersals began in 1969, your serial number is from 1965.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Sorry, I noticed a couple mistakes in here. Just to clarify; my records show that by the end of 1969, all saxophone production had been moved to the Nogales plant, but that other instruments were still produced in Elkhart through 1970, before MacMillan moved production of all music instruments and accessories to Nogales and closed the Elkhart facility completely by the end of 1970.
Also, after 1988, it's the first 2 digits of the serial number PLUS 50 that equal the year.
Any questions let me know. Thanks
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by connsaxguy (1 post)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Perhaps you help me in identifying my Conn alto. I have always been somewhat confused about the serial number/timeline of the Transitional models. I have number 238566, it is gold plated and is engraved in the deco patteren with a outline of a naked lady (not just the upper portion), The engraving goes down the bell and around the bottom of the curve. I have read that the deco engraving was typical of the transitional models. The horn does have the split bell keys, and in other respects it seems typical of the Chu's. Is this a true transitional model or just a late New Wonder ll ?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
connsaxguy, Your alto was made in 1930. Many people consider the transitional models to start in 1932 around serial number 249200, but Conn was experimenting with different key configurations and designs as early as 1928, and some of these designs were seen on earlier Artist models, which is what you have. The artist models were essentially a New Wonder Series II (Chu Berry) in gold plate with the more elaborate deco pattern like you mentioned.
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by p-apple (49 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hey connsaxman_jim,
so does conn only make beginner horns now?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
At present time, Conn only offers 2 alto saxophones, a student model (22 M I think it's called) and the 25M intermediate model. I've heard that there could be a tenor in the near future, but no talk of a baritone or soprano that I am aware of.
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by west (242 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
There is a student(I think) model tenor at wwbw.com or at music123 which are the same site
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by ncampiz (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a Conn sax. The only number I see is 165990. Is this the serial number? If so from what time frame is it from?
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I am getting another conn. Its an alto 6m, serial 314 466.
I assume this is the roled tone holes as the seller doesnt know much about sax and doesnt really speak english. Price is US2100. Is it too much? I offered $1500 but he rejected my offer. He wanted US$2500 before but then decreased the price. From his broken english email, everything is original except the hard case. And it is in playable condition. Asked him to send me pictures but he said he doesnt know how to. I have a friend in his country that I can ask to meet him. So its not a problem. My concern is the asking price.
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by megoxatthedisco (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I just began playing sax this summer. I'm 16 years old and today I bought a Conn sax for $100 from a friend of my grandmother's. I've been looking into it and I'm pretty sure it was made in 1969. [Serial number: M58891]
I'm wondering how much it is actually worth and if I bought it for a good price. It does have a few scratches.
Also, I'm wondering what the shooting stars mean.
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by llamalord54321 (1 post)
17 years ago
Odd, used alto sax ?'s
I was wondering if anyone had any information (age, value, etc.) on this Conn alto sax I just bought for $400 intended to just be an extra horn. Its serial # is 3xxx, there are no letters, just 4 numbers. It looks pretty old, is bare brass (no lacquer), body is practicly flawless (no dents or scatches), has new pads, and plays amazing. The engraving on the bell just says Conn and has a ribbon and some stars, its pretty simple. The low B and B flat are on the left side of the bell. One wierd thing about it is that you can play it backwards with your right hand on the top keys and left on the bottom or regular.
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by safe sax (1 post)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
So my alto sax has this info:
PATD dec. 8th, 1914
I know what the "L" and "A" means, but what about a year? In great condition, what is this worth? Thanks a lot.
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by Saxchiken (1 post)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi, i've just been given a conn alto sax with serial number E77311.
I just wanted to know whether it was worth revamping.
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by jroros (1 post)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'm considering buying a Conn 6M circa 1965-1966 serial number H29xxx for my son. Is the 6M from this time period considered a pro horn. Do the horns from this time period sound as good as the earlier Conn 6M's. What would be a fair price to pay for this model in good condition.
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by bjj (1 post)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hello there! I have just acquired an old saxophone and would like to know a little more about it. It belongs to a friend and he wanted me to see if I could find out what it is worth and when it was made. Here is the info I found on it that I could figure out:
Made By C G Conn LTD
Pat. Apr FiR (or FOR) Not sure about this.
On the mouthpiece it says, FRANCK
It looks to be a vintage sax and needs a good cleaning but I am not the person for that job. I would not want to mess it up in any way. It is also Brass (I think) with pearl buttons on the keys (don't know what else to call them, sorry,). It has no dents and seems to be all there except for one tightening screw below the mouthpiece. There is a lot of fancy design on it but is hard to see. It looks like leaves or something like that.
I would appreciate it if someone can help me.
Thank you very much for your time.
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by sax_joy (1 post)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I just purchased a CONN Sax from e-bay and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it was actually made in Indy or AZ? Part of the number is N1185. I know it was made in 1970 and that was part of the "bad" times but what exactly what does bad mean? Am I going to have issues with it? My husband and I want to learn how to play and possibly in the future one of our children will play it in the high school band.
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by snowsax (11 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with us conn-neophytes!
I am looking at a conn tenor, serial # in the 34,000, making it a 1912-1917: The New Invention models according to your timeline - do you know any more about these horns? Would you recommend them?Is the fingering significantly different from a modern horn?
Thanks again,
P.S. - welcome responses from anyone here (thanks!)
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The New Invention horns are quite rare. I think they are some of the coolest horns I've seen, from a collector's standpoint.
As for playability, they're fun, but not a horn that you'll want to play all the time.
I have a Wonder model alto from around 1908. It was in pretty good shape when I found it, so I decided to make it playable again. A couple years ago I participated in a Dickens Christmas Festival, where we put together a quintet of vintage instruments; saxophone, flute, trumpet, baritone horn and tuba, the newest instrument was made around 1910! We dressed up in the appropriate clothing, and played Christmas music. It's a great horn for stuff like that. But, playing jazz, blues, or funk on an old horn like that is like trying to play jazz, blues or funk on one of those old parlor pump organs! It just doesn't compare to a Hammond B3 with a Leslie 122!
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by ConnSax1914 (2 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi. My name is Rob. a good 15 or so years back my grandfather gave me a saxaphone hoping that i woud take a liking to playing it. It never stuck, but i have held onto the sax to this day. Well recently, i had the opportunity to buy a japanese rifle from WWII. The seller of the rifle is interested in my sax to trade for the rifle. This is what is stamped on the back of the horn. And yes, the exclamation point is accurate before the II954 (maybe a typo on their part?)
How much would you say it is worth? I dont even know if im willing to trade it. : (
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by lynniferc (1 post)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have an old Conn with the serial number M185538. Any idea what year that would be? Are all the ones with an M prefix from 1969?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
No. That's what's confusing about the M prefix. The letter M meant Saxophone, in the early Conn instrument catalogs. The letter H was designated for trombone, A for trumpet, and I think J for tuba. The New Wonder Series II horns (1925-1930), transitional horns (1930-1933) and M series horns built from 1934 through around 1940 were stamped with the letter M in their serial numbers. Most of these early horns were silver plate, with more elaborate engravings than the later lacquered brass horns with the shooting star engraving. The early horns also bare Conn's 1914 pattent number, and are marked L for low pitch, or H for high pitch (high pitch models are extremely rare) The 1969 horns will not have this patent number on them. The later horns will have stamped sheet metal key guards, while the earlier horns will have wire key guards. The New Wonder Series II will have what they call the "fingernail file" G# key, with a cross-hatched pattern on it. There are other differences too, but these are the most obvious.
Unless your sax bares the shooting stars engraving and has the stamped metal keyguards, I conclude that it is a New Wonder Series II model, also called a "Chu Berry" and was made in 1926.
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by zakssax (4 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
i just enhereted a a conn tenor sax and I was wondering what model it might be and the value of it. I have been unsuccessful in finding the value of it. the serial number is:
the date is almost unreadable but u i think it says 1914
i also got some tenor mouthpieces but i am not familiar with different kinds other than my alto's c*. I would like to know the value of them.
here are the mouthpieces:
Selmer Paris B* medium
Selmer Paris B* Soloist
(It looks like) Geo. m. Buudy 3
Selmer Goldentone 4
Please Help me!!! I'm lost in an unknown world for me!
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by djjroiid8 (1 post)
16 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hello. i am new to this forum and i am hoping someone will be able to give me some information.
i have a baritone sax that has been in my family for some years now...it is in fair condition but i have kept it in a case for a very long time because i have a nice bari that has been well maintained that i play.
anyway, the name on it is " W J Gronert". i have asked some dealers as well as searched the web...no one knows anything about it. i only found about 6 or 7 pages on the web that had any info and most of it was about W J Gronert in the civil war and then partnered with Conn in Elkhart. other than that just a couple of museums that had trombones with the same name.
is this sax really from the civil war era?
also, there are no other markings anywhere on the horn...no serial number!
i have hit a dead end.
when was it made approx?
what could it be worth? etc...
thanks for any help in advance.
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by saxjunkie89 (393 posts)
16 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hello! May I suggest posting this as its own thread? This particular thread has been dead for about a year now, and I would imagine that you were directed to this particular one via search engine.
Onto your subject. I personally have never heard of this brand that you speak of. I would consider myself to be a good reference on baris, as I hold experience on most brands, but I have never heard on this one.
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by EKuhn (2 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I once had a Conn Tenor sax, very embellished engravings on the bell. I remember it being like a floral design, with the stamped info as follows:
PAT: Dec 8, 1914
Can any one tell me what model/year etc. I had. I am looking to get another to replace it.
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by Trainerpete (1 post)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi there, I'm trying to workout date/value of my C Melody, I think it was one of the last straight cuts to be made circa 1917/1918, can anyone help me out?
Many thanks!
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by xtreme4099 (1 post)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hello Jim,
Im sure you've heard this a million times on this thread but here goes:)
I have a Conn labeled, Mady by C. G. Conn, LTD Elkhart, IND, USA
With rolled toned holes, microtuner neck. My guess from what i can tell is that its a c-melody from 1922? Any indicator on what this ones worth, plus any sound characteristics?
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by Mikeru94 (2 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a Conn alto Sax. with the serial number N 57258V. Could anyone tell me what model it is?
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by kmterrill (7 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Does it say Mexico underneath the serial number?
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by Mikeru94 (2 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yeah. It does.
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by kmterrill (7 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
It's a 1970 model built in Nogales, Mexico. If it looks like this,
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by pajones (1 post)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I've got my Conn 20m, serial number is 4136719. Got it when I was a kid for school band. Looking at selling it, and was wondering around how much I could reasonably ask for?
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by saxbiz (1 post)
14 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I am looking at a Conn 16M that has Conn USA on the bell, serial # M522xx. Despite the USA on the bell, does the serial number mean it was made in Nogales (US or Mexico)? Is this a decent horn for a student to use for practice/ marching band? Thanks for your input.
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by ainse (1 post)
14 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hi i was wondering what these numbers mean on the saxophone:
its in very good condition, and was hoping to figure out the value and the year it was made
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by Iforrest (1 post)
14 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I own a CG Conn Alto. I played it in Jr High before moving to the tenor. I am now curious on exactly what I have. It is silver and the serial numbers look like this:
I would appreciate any information you might be able to provide as to the year and possible value. Thank you.
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by SQwithme (3 posts)
13 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
C.G. Conn alto sax serial #2426 ,NY on the imprint as far as i can tell-I'm told this is an early model. Any thoughts ?
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by SQwithme (3 posts)
13 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
C.G. Conn alto sax serial #2426 ,NY on the imprint as far as i can tell-I'm told this is an early model. Any thoughts ?
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by L_partin (1 post)
13 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Jim
i've got a horn which appears to be a Conn, but could use some help clarifying the details of the model and year of the horn. Any information you can share would be great. Seems to be a C Melody, not lacquered (tarnished silver). drrick.com/conn.html would put it as a 1921, but some of the other information i've found conflicts with this. There are no pearls, no high F key.
Has the following below the thumbhook:
Has the following on the bell:
James L Hatch Musical Instrument Company
Thanks for your time! -Laurel
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by Spek (1 post)
13 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Jim,
I just got a nice Conn Pan American serial 129455.
I think it's from the 50's. Do you know the year this was made?
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by ivorydan (1 post)
12 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Jim, and everybody. I have a 1947 6M E, serial 320587 L, which I've owned for over 50 years. It has a Microtuner neck. Tell me specifically how to look at the neck and determine whether it is a model viii neck. Thanks. Dan
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by [email protected] (2 posts)
12 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
" 1976 (83,000)-1980 (145,001 The Henkin era/UMI: After Daniel Henkin bought Conn in 1980, he did his best to restore the reputation of this once great company"
In this context where would a 89XXX Alto sax instrument have been made ?
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by [email protected] (2 posts)
12 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by luv2chuwl (1 post)
12 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
i have a Conn alto sax with the serial number H08552. There is Conn USA on the bell and what appears to be shooting stars but there fading for an accurate picture. Could you tell me what model this could be? I do not see any other numbers or letters anywhere on the sax(could have worn off?) . I was told that the sax is from the mid 60's and worth it to invest some money into it since it only has a few leaky pads and the metal is in good shape. If i do this, any recommendation in what pads, best way to clean it up...,etc Irvin
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by Santa (3 posts)
11 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Jim can you help me out with this one, my bifocals are lost and I can't seem to focus on the numbers here well enough to tell what it is. Its a Nickle plated C G Conn Pan american but can't tell what year it is. Thanks~ Santa
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by leaarmstrong (1 post)
11 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I know your post is pretty old but I was hoping maybe you could help me. Can you please tell me about this Saxophone. Conn USA #L63298. I'm confused about when certain Conns were/weren't made and what year, etc... My son plays and I'm researching saxophones. Mr. Bob Mintzer said that a Conn, Yamaha and Yanigisawa were good instruments. My problem is my lack of funds but I found this Conn that I might be able to afford. I just need more information on it....please.
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by cease29 (4 posts)
10 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Jim,
i found this this posting through an Internet search. I am looking to purchase a used Conn alto sax. The owner is unclear about the year it was made. He is indicating either 1933 or 1969 because he sees an M in the serial code. I did I some initial research and think it may be a 1933 model. Is there any chance you can look at the attached picture and provide your opinion?
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by Cmhtenor (4 posts)
7 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Great article. I am trying to learn about my Conn Tenor sax. M252337. With a December 8, 1914 patent mark. A T above the serial number and a L below the serial number. It has rolled tone holes.
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by Cmhtenor (4 posts)
7 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Great article. I am trying to learn about my Conn Tenor sax. M252337. With a December 8, 1914 patent mark. A T above the serial number and a L below the serial number. It has rolled tone holes.
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by Radjammin (255 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
To show the differences in models, I currently play on a 6M Conn 1949.
I love the horn.
I started on a Conn20 I can't believed I played it as well as I did. A horrible horn.
In between the models I played Yamahas.
Why I love the 6 M? Easy to blow, and unique sound. Why I hated the 20M conn? Leaked like a sprinkler, Heavy, but not good heavy, just heavy. Overall ugly and bulky horn. Cheers to 80's Craftmanship. I wish that they would make some retro Conns with reworked Spatulas, they should keep the underslung octive key. Maybe do a remake of the 6M, seems to be the best horn before things went south. They would rock. Maybe some vintage style finished or just in silver. I would keep it's small sized, even though I like Heavy saxes(like selmers) Why fix something that isn't broken.
If they want to keep cost down, just build it in Taiwan like Cannonball Does and Mod it in the States. Anyone company reps we can ask?
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Yahoo! AIM

by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Just build it in Taiwan like Cannonball does....that's exactly what's wrong with our country's economy! But, I won't even go there.
If Conn were owned by anyone other than Selmer, retro models might be a possibility, but Selmer is only interested in making the cheapest possible horns and selling them as student horns under the Conn name. Selmer didn't buy Conn because they were once great horns and they wanted to restore the company's reputation to what it was during the golden years! Not Selmer! Why would they offer any horn that might steal some of the glory from their over-priced Series III garbage, or their also over-priced and over-rated reference series! If you want the sound of a vintage Conn with more modern keywork and up-to-date features like adjustable spatula keys, a moveable thumbrest, and high F#, by a Keilwerth SX-90R!
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by gvega (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can anyone give me information on a Conn 21 M
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by Roccosm (113 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hello Jim, Great post, a Friend of Mine who is 80 Year's Old living in florida gave me His Conn #246329 silver and Can I say it play's terrific, I use it more than My Mark alto now. The horn was completely redone, new spring'd pad's cork's ect. , under the SN there is a letter "L", My repair Man told Me it mean's low pitch because the Piano tuning was different then?? Is that true Regardless the Horn has a more mello and sothing sound than My 69 M6 , although My 6 is defenitly a More refined horn the CONN comand;s respect..I am curious about this Horn and would welcome any story's or history You may have to offer Me..thank You JIm,,,,Rocco
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by clarinet1st (11 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have one of those horns that doesn't fit so neatly into any label. I belive my horn was built in 1919. It has a silver finish with a gold wash in the bell. Its serial no. is 567XX. It does not have rolled tone holes. The label on the bell reads "Made By C.G. Conn Ltd." Is this considered a "New Wonder 1", or is it "Colonel Conn Wonder" horn?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Your horn would be a New Wonder Series I. The first New Wonder Series I to have rolled tone holes was the alto. The others did not have rolled tone holes until later. It wasn't until about 1922 that all of the Conn horns had rolled tone holes. Even still, most of the stencil horns made by Conn did NOT have rolled tone holes.
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by tigerdiva (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can you tell me about my Alto Sax the serial number is 294727 and it says 6M VIII thanks alot
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by tigerdiva (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
It's me again - Christine
Thought you might need a little more info about my horn. It has a rolled neck and a naked lady engraved on it. Thanks again. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year.
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by Candyboy (77 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Christine, your Alto is a very desirable model. If you want to know the exact year it was built, just search for Conn serial numbers. You'll find some history on saxpix.com, and the links that you'll find on this site and others will probably overwhelm you with info about your horn. I own a 56M (cheaper verion of your horn) and I love it.
Doug Coffman
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Christine,
Your sax is a 1940 6M VIII. The VIII was a deluxe model, which had a few extra adjustments that the standard 6M did not have. They are the most valuable of the Conn 6M's.
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by saxHog (28 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I own a Conn Tenor. Doesn't seem to fall in to the timeline structure. It's a Series II,Chu Berry by the Serial # but it is preceeded by an "M". The "M" is only half visible, worn or bad stamping?
It's stamped: " M 151336 "
I checked with a few other Chu era horns I have and the "M" stamp is the same style of "M" trying to ascertain if someone stamped it later on in the horn's life. Some are also partially worn or mis-stamped. Why they would I have, no idea. Anybody know what may be going on?
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by saxHog (28 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Don't know if it will get missed considering how these post's are placed. I just posted a question o1-16-06.
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by simonknight (11 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Take a look at this site for info on the transitionals:
This is consisent with the models and serial #s I've seen. a bit earlier / lower serial #s than the OP
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The New Wonder Series II and early M Artist series horns have a serial prefix that starts with M. This is because M was the letter that was used by Conn to signify saxophone. Later, M was used to signify the year 1969! Confusing? VERY!!! But that's Conn!
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by jmoore65 (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi everybody, thanks for this thread and information.
If I am interpreting the serial number lists here and elsewhere correctly, my Naked Lady alto M269987A (laquered brass) was made in 1934 or 1935? Just out of interest, what does the "A" mean at the end of the number?
What I've always liked about this sax is that the original case has old transfers on the lid from various German cities: Hannover, Bad Pyrmont, Staatsbad, Luneburg - I've often wondered who was touring around Germany with it and what became of him/her.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
A most likely means Alto, it does on mine.
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by el saxofonista (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hi every body, i'm an argentinian saxophonist. I've just bought a Conn alto sax and i'm willing to know all the available information about it. Engraved on the bell says Made by / C. G. CONN / Elkhart, Ind. and its serial number is 34987 with an A and an L above and below respectibly, and it doesn't have any particularly engraving.
Thank you very much for your help.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I believe that serial number makes the horn constructed in 1899, part of the Wonder series. You can find more information on these horns at www.saxpics.com
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
It's not quite that old saxmom. Notice the engraving is CG Conn, not CG Conn Ltd. Your sax was made when Conn himself still owned the factory! (Before selling to Carl Dimond Greenleaf in 1915. Your horn dates back to 1914-1915 and is as saxmom said, a Wonder series. Your sax should have a union label stamp also.
I've had a couple of these old Wonders. I still have an alto from 1908. Luckily mine has the newer style octave key. They're cool collectables, but not something I would recommend playing.
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by el saxofonista (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Because your observation jim, i've just realise that i forgot to write the 'ltd'. Also doesn`t have the union label satmp. Sorry to have forgotten writing it down.
This horn has warm, deep and tenored sound with very clear pianissimo and fortissimo but without been bright. It's pretty easy to play despìte the disposition of the keys. On the left side it has a mechanisme which somebody told me it was a descharger, this mechanisme was disconected to simplify the use, do you know anything about this?
This is a very interesting forum with members that know what they are talking about. Thaks for your replies.
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by joeG (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can you help me? I'm a guitar man....but......
My brother has a Conn sax with the following on the bell.....
Does this specify the mfg date?
Does it have any worth?
Thanks for any feedback.
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by KeyserSoze (3 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Joe G
Did you ever get a satisfactory reply to your post on 3/7/06. My Conn Alto has the exact patent stamp # and date. My serial # is AM 235218.
I'm also trying to determine the value.
Sax Mom's reply to you that it was built in 1969 is wrong. More like 1929. Let me know what you have learned.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The 1914 is the patent date of the Conn Saxophone.
I don't know what the 1119954 is, maybe Dave Dix or Definition or Jim could help with that.
The A means that it is an alto saxophone.
The M prefix to the serial number means it was manufactured in 1969--right about at the end of the good years.
The L means low pitch, which is the standard in use today.
As far as value, it should be a fairly decent horn, but many things go into determining worth, condition, etc., even market.
If it were mine, I believe I'd keep it.
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by KeyserSoze (3 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Sax Mom
I have a Conn Alto with the M prfix and it was built ( I think ) in the late 20's.
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by joeG (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
To SAX MOM.....Thank you very much for the info.
I wanted to play sax in high school, but wound up on the clarinet. That was many moons ago. Seems most guys in the mid 1960's switched to guitar. Anyway, I should only admit to owning a guitar, since claiming to be able to play it may not be totally true.
Thanks again.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Well, Sax mom is wrong about the year. I'm a little surprised because this lady knows her horns! but this is a common mistake that people make about the M prefix. M does represent 1969, but your brother's sax also has Conn's 1914 patent date, and that tells me that your sax is much older......and more valuable. M is also the letter symbol that was used by Conn to represent saxophone. If you ordered a saxophone by the item number, an M identified that item as a saxophone. So from 1925 up until the mid 1930's, Conn also stamped the letter M along with the serial number on the popular New Wonder Series II or Chu Berry as they were also know, and the early M artist series horns (6M alto, 10M tenor for example) The horns made in 1969 did NOT have Conn's patent number on them. Most were student model horns.
Now for the good news Joe! Your brother's horn is a 1928 Conn New Wonder Series II alto (Chu Berry). There were a few different options available; various engravings, and finishes. The most common is the matte silver plate with gold washed bell. The most valuable are the gold plated virtuoso deluxe and artist horns with the portrait or art decco engravings. In good condition, these horns range in value from $1500-$1800 silver, $1700-$2000 gold plated, and as much as $2500 for a virtuoso deluxe model with the portrait or art decco engraving.
And, 1928 was one of the best years for the New Wonder Series II!
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I am so happy to have been wrong! I had forgotten that about the New Wonder.
Now, Jim, can you tell us more about the extra number?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Saxmom, if you are referring to the number 1119954, that is the patent number for the tone holes. The serial number is M221973. If a sax with an M in the serial has this patent number, then it is NOT a 1969 model. Just disregard the M in this case.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Another thing you will see sometimes with Conn saxophones of this era, is that after the serial number there will be a letter. Don't confuse this with the A for alto, or C for C melody. When Conn was experimenting with different designs and configurations, sometimes the serial numbers would be followed by a letter code. These horns are pretty rare, but there are a few out there. Most of them were made between 1928-1932 around the transitional period.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks, Jim, always happy to learn.
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by figgy (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi, connsaxman. I just have a quick question. I always played with selmer saxophones but I recently got a Conn Tenor serial # 115001L, pat. # 1119954T (1914) but I think that is was made in 1923. Am I correct? How much do do think is worth?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
You are correct. It is a New Wonder Series I from 1923. The patent number is for the tone holes. The value depends heavily on the condition, but assuming that there are no dings or dents, and the horn plays well, it's easily worth $1000-$1200.
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by den 1 (1 post)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Folks. I have a conn alto sax that I bought to practice and learn to play on in 1980. I want to start up agai, but just out of interest I think its a student model with a serial No N140846. What does anyone think of this saxophone?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
N in the serial number would indicate that it was made in 1969 at the Nogales factory in Arizona. It's a student model. It's a decent horn to start out on as long as it's in good mechanical condition, but as you progress, you may want upgrade.
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by joford (6 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi there, I've just bought a Conn sax, named "MJ Kalashen, the yankee, new york." Was a bit of an impulse buy, and I'm a beginner. Can anyone tell me anything about this sax, how good it is, when it was made etc?? It does not arrive for a few days, but the person I bought it off says the number on it is 83674. Any info would be great!
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by SelmerParisPassion (59 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yeah, the "N" prefix is a decent beginner horn
The "Yankee" sax is a Conn Stencil.
From what I understand, the chuberry models started as early as 235xxx.
Conn serial numbers seem to blur from one "generation" of sax to the next from about 1924-1940.
I want to get a chu-berry so badly... one day... when I actually get money...
Christie J
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by saxismyaxe (575 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
As I've posted elsewhere on this board, the Yankee model horn is NOT a Conn, but a Buescher True Tone Stencil horn. And, not to step on your toes too much, quite frankly the Nogalas era Conn Director model horns are considered by most to be some of the worst manufactured horns in Conn's history.
The later topic is one of the most often asked questions on this and other Sax forum boards. Perhapse we should sticky post info on this to avoid the constant reposting of this inquiry.
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by saxismyaxe (575 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
hi Christie,
A Chu Berry is a New Wonder Series II. They actually started around serial number 145,000 in late 1924/1925. The M series "officially" started around serial number 260,000, but I have seen what is essentially a Conn 10M as early as 1930. A lot of experimenting was done throughout the golden age, even before the so-called transitional years (1932-1934). Almost nothing would surprise me from Conn! Just when I think I've seen it all, someone hands me some rare horn!
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by FredCDobbs (77 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Jim, what's do you think of the Buecher C Melodies? Is their intonation as good as the Conn's? And have you ever heard of a matte brass finish?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
The Buescher True Tone C Melodies are very similar to the Conns. I think the Buescher C Melodies also had straight necks like the Conns. At least the later ones did.
The intonation problems associated with most C Melodies is actually the fault of the inexperienced amature players who received them as Christmas presents, or found them second hand and attempted to learn to play by ear with no formal training. In the hands of a skilled player, the intonation is really not any worse than any other saxophone of the time. The biggest problem I've seen associated with the horn is their mouthpieces. Many people try using tenor or alto mouthpieces and/or reeds on a C Melody. This is going to cause intonation problems. You're better off with a smaller chamber tenor piece than an alto piece, but even a tenor piece is going to cause some intonation problems. I tried a Brilhart Ebolin tenor piece on my C Melody and the intonation was workable, but still not nearly as good as with the Woodwind C Melody mouthpiece. Again, tenor reeds are closer in size to a C Melody reed than an alto reed. Bass clarinet reeds are exactly the same width, only just a hair longer, which really doesn't make much difference at all.
As for the matte brass finish, Most of the horns that I have seen with a Matte finish were plated; usually silver. I have seen a couple Buescher Aristocrates and others that were a matte finish gold lacquered brass.
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by FredCDobbs (77 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Jim, thanks for the info.
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by lespa1 (3 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I am looking at a Conn alto 526xxx. It has no other numbers on the back apart from the serial no. It is lacquered with nickel plated keys but no engraving. It has wire keyguards. Is this considered a pro horn?
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by west (242 posts)
20 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can anyone endow me with the knowledge of how much a C melody Conn from 1923 is worth? Imagine that it is in overall great condition.
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by Radjammin (255 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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Yahoo! AIM

by blacksunshine (3 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
my roommate decided to move out after being here for quite afew years and sitting in his room was a conn sax. since i have sole possesion of it i was wondering if someone may help find the age and possibly a price range (just outta curiosity though. i never plan to sell. I looked on the back and this is the number
the condition is great, maybe after a cleaning it will sparkle like new :)
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by Dave Dix (421 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thats a pro model from 1970
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by blacksunshine (3 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
So what would the going price for this sax be? I am curious to know the value of it. Cuz if it's not worth much then spending time restoring it would be outta the question.
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by Candyboy (77 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
West, I currently own 6 Conn C-mels. I can tell you this: the average selling price for a silver or nickel plated one that plays great and has no dents is right around $400 US. If the serial # is higher than 140xxx then add $50. Bare brass add $100. Gold plating add $200. Special engraving add $200. Serial #200xxx and above add $200. Over the last few years the value has gone up on these horns and are now almost on par with the altos built in the same time periods.
Doug Coffman
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by judstr (8 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
What a delight to find this forum. I just picked up an old CONN sax at a garage sale yesterday, and from above was able to determine it's a New Wonder Series 1 C Melodie sax. ("PATD.DEC.8 1914,/1119954/C/110080/L"). I am kind of thrilled to have a C Melodie due to my understanding these were kind of a novelty horn offered for a limited time so people could use 'regular' sheet music. I really like having something that was unusual and specific to bygone era. I also had heard that these sounded terrible and am pleased to see your comments that they sound pretty good with correct mouthpiece (which was included & looks to be in good shape) and correct reeds (just ordered some Bass Clarinet reeds). Being a compulsive used buyer who has bought a stinker in recent past (beat up tenor Winston that repair shop wouldn't touch due to weak metal and poor quality) I am impressed with how solid and well made this feels. I am thinking that despite the comment on saxpics website that these aren't worth much due to thousands having been made, at least is seems like pretty good quality and worth getting cleaned up. Speaking of which, I have been reading about using various silver cleaners, but am still scared that I'm going to clean this up as best I can to find out days later I've ruined it! Any suggestions on cleaning?
Thanks again for such outstanding source of knowledge on these old horns.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I suggest you use any chemicals sparingly, and try not to touch the pads-if they are worth saving. A soft tooth brush or paint brush may be helpful to reach under the posts and springs.
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by Candyboy (77 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Jim, I have a Conn C-mel that seems to contradict a small piece of the above timeline. This horn is silver with gold plated keys, neckring and engraving on the bell. It also has a straight microtuner neck, straight tone holes, and wonder style upper stack with the hump on the high F key. serial# 60391. I could be wrong, but I think that dates it to 1919
Doug Coffman
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Doug,
The serial number dates your C-melody 1920. My uncle has one that's only a few numbers off from yours. Rolled tone holes were first introduced on the alto. Not every pitch had rolled tone holes until 1922. Still, most of the Conn stencils did not have rolled tone holes. The C Melody was one of the last horns to receive rolled tone holes. The straight neck though was not introduced until 1922. My assumption is that either the neck was ordered as a replacement, or was taken from another horn at some point. I guess it's possible that your C Melody was an experimental horn. Conn did a lot of experimentation, and it's entirely possible that your sax could have been a prototype of the straight-neck design introduced in 1922. But as for the rolled tone holes, my uncle's doesn't have rolled tone holes either. I don't think the C Melodies did before 1922.
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by Candyboy (77 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'm quite sure that the microtuner neck is the original. It fits perfectly only on this horn, compared to my other Conn C-mels (a Little smaller tennon). Also the key is gold plated.
Doug Coffman
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by ps (35 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi. The chart at www.drrick.com/conn.html says production moved to Mexico in 1960 and started with serial #834200. In your timeline you say some models were built in Elkhart until 1968. I don't mean to question you. You are the highest authority on this subject that I have come accross. So is it correct to assume that some production, but not all(Director and Constellation models excluded) was moved in 1960?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Dr. Rick's information is inaccurate. I have no idea where he got that information from. My information comes from Dr. Margaret Downey Banks; Curator of Musical InstrumentsNational Music Museum in
Vermillion, South Dakota.
Conn saxophones were made in Elkhart until 1968 at which time production was moved to Nogales, Arizona after Conn purchased the Best Manufacturing facility. I believe that Conn started moving production of the Director's models to Mexico as early as 1971, although I haven't been able to find anything conclusive. I used to recommend Dr. Rick's site as a source for serial numbers and other information, but his information pertaining to Conn is way out and left field.
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by ps (35 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Interesting subject. Thanks for your reply. I guess I know what I can do with these serial number charts, if only the paper was a little softer and not so stiff.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
His serial number charts are accurate according to the years and can be verified with the serial number charts at www.cgconn.com. Leland Greenleaf became CEO of CG. Conn Ltd. in 1959, and things quickly started going down-hill shortly after. Leland thought that the saxophone market was a losing propaganda and wanted to produce other musical instruments; including electronic organs, pianos, and even guitars. He purchased the Best Manufacturing company in Nogales, Arizona in 1968 and started moving production from Elkhart to Nogales in late 1968-1969. Directors model horns with the serial prefix M or later, were made in Nogales. MacMillan bought Conn in 1969. Shortly afterwards the Elkhart facilities were closed and all production was moved to Nogales. The professional models were discontinued at that time. MacMillan quickly moved the Conn company about 5 more miles south of the border into Mexico about 1971-1972.
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by jhowen (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I purchased a conn alto sax with shooting stars which from what I have read indicate it is a directors model. Is that correct? the only visible number on it is 9947 which does not match up with the serial numbers I have seen on various sites. Your post:
1948-1968 The later Pro M series, Directors models and Connstellation models. Up until late 1968, horns were still made in Elkhart Ind. Horns made after 1947 did not have rolled tone holes. The directors model horns (14M alto, 16M tenor) introduced in 1955 The famous "Naked Lady" engraving disappears in 1959. The 6M and 10M were still manufactured until the closing of the Elkhart factory in 1969. At least to the best of my knowledge, no 6M's or 10M's were made at the Nogales plant or in Mexico. Serial Number range 327,150-949,465 (1948-1962) and prefixes C-L (1963-1968)
This quote above from your post seems relevant. The sax does not have rolled tone holes so I assume that means that it was produced after 1947. It is too worn to see any reference to elkhart in the engraving. Can you offer any additional insight on this sax?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi jhowen,
I have seen some interesting serial numbers on some of the Director model horns. The story that I heard is that Conn's stamping equipment was only capable of stamping 6 digits. Serial number 999,999 was produced sometime in late 1962 or early 1963. Conn diverted to using a four digit serial number on some horns before deciding on the letter prefix. Then. it seems that after the company was sold to MacMillan and production moved to Mexico, a four digit serial number sequence was used on some Director's model horns. These horns (mostly 18M directors model altos) were stamped Mexico.
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by mom2four (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I could use some help in identifying a Conn sax I am considering buying. The serial engraving says 6M with H58895 below. The engraving on the bell has CONN and Elkhart, IND. in the design.
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by mom2four (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I could use some help in identifying a Conn sax I am considering buying. The serial engraving says 6M with H58895 below. The engraving on the bell has CONN and Elkhart, IND. in the design.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Mom2four,
That would be a 1966 Conn model 6M. That's a good horn. They play very well, have good intonation and a great tone!
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by cogburnsax (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi there.
It appears my sax is from 1926.
M186547. Engraving on the bell. Silver, gold bell.
Is there anything I should know about the horns from '26?
Unfortunately when I had it refurbished the original case was lost by the store.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a 1926 conn New Wonder Series II alto that I absolutely love! They play so easy, The New Wonder Series II is one of the most free-blowing saxophones I have ever played. Great horn!
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by bpatten1 (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi - I have a Conn Alto Sax with serial M244726 - it's in fair condition and has a lacquer finish - no mouthpiece. My guess, based on the info you have on the site, is that it's a late model "Chu Berry" style. It is playable, but needs some pad and key work. Does this sax have any value? Thanks
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
As is, it's probably a $500 horn. You are correct that it is a later Chu Berry model. They are good players. Are you looking to sell the sax? Typically I suggest placing an ad in the seller's section of this forum to see if it sparks any interest.
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by djazzy (65 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
HI- I own a Conn 10M tenor sax. I was wondering if it is a professional model horn. What could be the value of it (if new)?
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Haven't we discussed your horn before.....several times, in fact? Yes, your Conn 10M is a professional model sax. If I remember correctly, we determined that it was a 1949 model. You ask what could be the value it if it were new. That's a difficult question to answer since it's a 57 year old horn! Brand new, your 10M probably sold for around $435, which was a great deal of money back then. Today, in good condition, that same horn is worth $1500-$2000 (More for an earlier 10M with rolled tone holes). As for buying a comparable horn today, I think that the closest you're going to find is a Keilwerth SX-90. List price on the SX-90 is $4,559, but I have seen them for as little as $2700 mail order.
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by djazzy (65 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks for reminding me.
I didn't mean to annoy you. I just wanted to ask for another opinion.
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by billrpac (1 post)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can you tell me more information about my Conn Saxaphone (year of manufacture and estimate of worth)? It has the following printed on it:
Patd Dec. 8, 1914
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by Candyboy (77 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
That is a pre-Chu conn alto made around 1923. Value on Ebay is $600 to $800 in very nice and playable shape.
Doug Coffman
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by jbflowers (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
There is an estate auction in a couple of days and there will be an old Conn sax sold.
Pat Dec 8 1914
(Not sure)
Looks to be in pretty good shape once it gets cleaned up. Its some sort of silver or Nickel body with gold keys. The engraving is also quite extensive. Its almost like an engraved plate fastened to the bell. I don't really know much else about it. So what can you experts tell me about age and value and playability?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
This should be a really nice player--if it really is in good condition.
I hope it's not really an engraved plate fastened to the bell--that could interfere with sound, projection, etc.
I'm guessing this is part of the New Wonder Series from the 20's, but Definition, Dave Dix, or Connsaxman_Jim should be able to tell you more.
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by jbflowers (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Sorry, it is not actually a plate. It just kinda appears that way because the engraving seems to have some two-tone silver and gold effects with a bit of depth and dimension to it. Really, I would need to clean it up better to knoow what it looks like for sure. But as of yet, it iis not mine to clean up. Auction is tomorrow.
Also, any guess at what I would expect to pay at an estate auction would be helpful, but that is probably a shot in the dark. As far as how it was taken care of, the deceased was a music teacher, and it appears to be immaculate. I am really kinda excited about this one!
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I hope you can get it. If it is in such good condition, and if there are any saxophone collectors there, the price could go up into the $3000.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
But don't let that scare you, it may not go near that high.
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by Conn_ected (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a low-pitched Pan American tenor sax with the inscription 'Pan American Band Instrument and Case Company' on the bell and a serial number of W4xxx. The sax is in for repair at the moment, so I can't quote the exact numbers, but the prefix is definitely upper case W, followed by a number in the 4000’s. If anyone can tell me anything about the instrument, its age or whatever, I'd be very grateful, although I know that dating Pan Am’s is not as straighforward as mainstream Conns.
I've been told that the usual prefix for Pan Am's is the letter 'P', so the W prefix to the serial number seems odd to me. Another unusual feature is that the key touches are not mother of pearl, but plain brass with a slightly dimpled surface. One or two of the dimples have what looks like remnants of gold plating. The only other saxes I’ve seen with plain brass key touches were some pictures of early Liberty models. One final oddity is that one of the LH palm keys is quite a deep cup shape, not a spatula. I play a 1936 Conn 10M, but I bought the Pan Am because it was going cheap, looked so unusual and I couldn’t resist wanting to rescue it.
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by Candyboy (77 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
This is just a guess, but I would say that the "W" stands for Worchester. The plant where the horn was made. Your horn must be a pre-WWI horn. The "P" on most Pan-Am's stood for the Pan American building in Elkhart where most Pan-Am's were made after the early 20's, I'm pretty sure that this is right. Jim could tell you more.
Doug Coffman
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by Conn_ected (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Candyboy, thanks for the post about the fact that it could be pre WW1. Unfortunately, in my original post I didn’t include the info that above the SN (it’s actually W4696), it’s stamped with ‘Pat’d Dec 8 1914 1119954’. It also has the inscription ‘Elkhart –Ind’ on the bell. I also seem to recall reading somewhere that Pan Am didn’t come into existence at Conn until 1919. You’ve got me thinking about the Worchester thing though, but instead of that name being the reason for the W prefix, could it stand for Wonder instead? I’m sure I read somewhere that Pan Am’s were made from the previous version of the Conn line at any one time, so could it be that when Conn moved on to the New Wonder after 1917, they used up any batches of the Wonder body tube to make Pan Am’s with?
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by judstr (8 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
What strikes me as strange about this estate sale sax is the "M" in the serial number. I just got a Conn Melody C at a garage sale, and has almost identical marking - same PATD info (meaning rolled tone holes), mine had a "C" below the patent number in place of '(not sure)' - which indicates I have a Melody C horn ("A" would indicate std Eb Alto). But per the sn sites, there were no letters in the sn's of these early horns. Mine has sn 110080, which indicates a 1923 horn. But the "M" prefix sn's were from 1969, made in Mexico. I wonder if the"M" was really "11"? Or maybe the experts can clarify.
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by jbflowers (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Well, should i stay away from it if I don't know for sure what it is, or do I gamble and hope that is has some value?
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by blackfrancis (396 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Looks like the year is around 1928, New Wonder II. I'd snap it up!
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by judstr (8 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yes! My goof. If you look upward on this same discussion you'll find that the 'M' was used on the early horns to designate 'sax'. Then was used over 40 yrs later to designate year 1969. Please forgive my misleading info...I was trying to help, but added unnecc confustion. Looks like a cool horn.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
At least I'm not the only one--you read back up to my earlier mistake, which is how I learned to recognize this as something that could be a wonderful find.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Sorry, I am a little late writing back on this one. jbflowers, the horn that you are referring to at the estate sale is a 1928 Conn New Wonder Series II, or Chu Berry horn. With a good cleaning, fresh pads and corks, these horns are worth $1200-$1500 (silver, standard edition) $1800-$2100 (gold plated artist) $2500+ virtuoso delux or gold plated artist model with elaborate engraving (lady portrait, art deco)
Conn_ected (nice name, btw), I agree with Candyboy's theory about yours being a pre WWI horn, although I'm really not too sure on this one. Does the horn have any pearl key touches? I do know that some of the earlier Pan American horns were made at the Worchester plant in Massachusets. These horns would be very similar to the Conn Wonder model in design. It may (if early enough) have a double octave key. If it does, I would imagine it's pre-1908. My 1908 Conn Wonder alto has the automatic octave key, or single octave key.
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by jbflowers (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Sadly, I did not win the sax at the estate auction. I think it would have been fun, though. I went back and was able to determine that it was a Cmel and not a standard Eb Alto. Still, the gold bell and Gold keys looked excelent.
It was in need of a new set of pads. Most were in decent shape, but they had been replaced on an as seeded basis, so they didn't match. The auction went for $400, but being as poor as I am right now, I had to let it go. Besides, the guy who got it knew exactly what it was and showed no sign of letting anyone else win the auction. Maybe next time I guess, thanks for all of your help!
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
jb, thanks for the update.
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by Conn_ected (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Connsaxman - thanks for the further info' about my Pan Am horn. In answer to your question about key touches - no, it has no MOP on any of the keys, just one piece of MOP on the left hand thumb rest below the octave key.
Some of the brass key touches appear to have remnants of gold plating on them. Not really sure what you mean when you say it may (if early enough) have a double octave key. It has the usual double octave arrangement where the one on the neck closes and the one lower down opens when G is played, but it's a very simple mechanism compared to the one on my 10M.
Other features: it has split bells keys and the G# key is not a bar or plate but a round key touch like a typewriter. Maybe it would be best for me to send you a picture of the sax when it's back from being repaired if that's ok. One other thing occurred to me, if anyone knew roughly how many Pan Ams were made in a year's production and knew the year Pan Am's came into existence at Conn, could I roughly estimate its age from the SN W4696? Any help much appreciated.
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by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I've done a little more research on Pan American, and found that the company was established in 1917. This surprises me, as I thought that the Pan American line was older than that. ( www.usd.edu/~mbanks/CONN12.html#depress
Does the engraving on your horn look similar to the one on this website?
I'm pretty sure that your sax has the single octave key arrangement. Some of the really early saxophones had 2 octave keys, or split octave keys. On these horns, you would press the first octave key to play from C to G in the second octave, and then the second octave key (to open the octave key on the neck) for A and above. The mechanism did not automatically open the key on the neck until 1908, when it was first introduced.
Your horn sounds like a Wonder model, and I know that the very first Pan American horns were designed after Wonder models. If I had to guess, I would say that your horn was made between 1917-1918 based on the serial number. I'm not sure about the W in the serial number. I did learn that the Worchester plant was phased out around 1897 when a store was opened to market Conn's Wonder model horns.
The Pan American lable on the website indicates Elkhart, IN. Most likely your horn was made in Elkhart.
Most Pan American models I have seen used a P in the serial number. One thing I noticed is that the Conn serial numbers in 1917 started around 40,000. Conn also introduced the New Wonder line in 1917.
So here's my theory.
Conn wanted a seperate list of serial numbers for their Pan American line. They put a W in place of the first digit to identify that this is a Pan American horn based on the "Wonder " tooling. Then, they shave off a 0 from the serial number sequence in use at that time, 40,000 (perhaps their equipment was only capable of stamping 5 digits) and that's how they came up with the W4696? Make sense?
My guess is that your horn is one of the first 1000 Pan American horns made, and that it was most likely made in either 1917 or 1918.
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by Conn_ected (5 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks very much connsaxman. After reading your post, I set about finding pictures of Wonder saxes on the web and found one that has identical features to mine - the cup shaped left palm key, typewriter G# and pearl-less key touches. I even found some info' that mentions that these bare brass key touches were often gold plated, which I've also found on mine. I think that's game set and match. Thanks again and all the best.
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by marktheharper (2 posts)
19 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
HI. I own a Conn Tenor. I purchased it in 1987 from a used guitar store on 48th st in NYC of all places. My teacher who went with me said he thought it was a pre 1932 Chu-berry model. Anyway, it sounded good, the price was right, it played well, so I bought it. A few years later I was rear-ended in a minor car collission, and while recovering from whiplash, I decided it wold not be a good idea to hang this tenor around my neck. When I was recovered, I had lost my desire to play, and just stuck with the other instruments I was already quite skilled at. My teacher did tell me that this sax may have been worth a lot more if it had not been dipped in gold lacquer at some point to pretty it up. I am wondering how much of the present value this removes from it. I am looking to sell these things, as I have a new mouth to feed, and he prefers formula to reeds.
The best I can make out from what the writing says is as follows:
Can anyone please shed any light on the value of this as it is now, or what it would have been had it not been re-laquered, or does it make a difference? Any other info, such as what year it is from, would be helfpul. All the keys have mother of pearl on them, and there is an ornate floral pattern on it.
Thanks a lot.
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by marktheharper (2 posts)
19 years ago
PS: Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I left out this part:
PATD. 9.8.1914 (although the 2nd "1" in 1914 is obscured by the lacquer.
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by Dave Dix (421 posts)
19 years ago
PS: Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Its a new wonder series 2 (chu berry horn) from 1926,value-wise look at ebay completed section
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by samanthaproper (1 post)
19 years ago
I'm Soooooo confused!
I have a conn sax w/ serial # C36188. it was damaged in a flood and i'm trying to find it's value / specifics. helper?
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by Dave Dix (421 posts)
19 years ago
Re: I'm Soooooo confused!
Thats from 1964
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
19 years ago
Re: I'm Soooooo confused!
Is your insurance a replacement policy, or just a loss policy? Its value depends greatly upon the answer. Trying to sell one of these (is it an alto, a tenor, or a bari?) will not net very much, replacing it will be somewhat difficult, though. Those of us who have one of these saxophones (mine's a tenor) might not let them go for under $3000--but few would spend that much to buy one.
Good luck.
Connsaxman_Jim has many saxophones, so he may be able to give a better answer. Good luck!
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by swojoseattle (1 post)
19 years ago
Conn C Soprano Saxophone
Can anyone give me information about a C soprano sxaophone? It's serial number is 87744. How do I tell if it has rolled tone holes? I don't have a mouthpiece. It served me well when I first returned to playing after a 25-yr. hiatus. I'm now playing later model horns and would like to sell this one. Does anyone have suggestions (besides ebay) for a good place to try sell this horn? I'd love to see it go to someone who gets some pleasure out of playing it.
Thank you.
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by wutangbr (3 posts)
18 years ago
PS: Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi, I have a friend that has a conn director with serial number 10079 without
prefix and he would like to know the year and the production place, his
color it seems copper. Thank you!
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by frasermanx (9 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a Continental Colonial Tenor for repair / restoration #165xxx that is much like a 10m but sounds very good..better than the 1965 10m I have. Any history or year would be helpful
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by fasce (1 post)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I know very little about saxaphones, so forgive me. The sax I have has a serial #... 10M, pat applied for, C97907, Elkardt, IN. I am trying to find out what year it is. Per your list, it appears to be somewhere in the 60's.
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by saxismyaxe (575 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Wow, ease off that submit button!
The "C" in the serial number indicates that it was made in 1964.
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by Groovy_J (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Is my sax from 1969 or from the 20's? Could you give an indication of what it's worth?
And what does the E mean? L is for low pitch if I'm correct?
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by Groovy_J (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
It's a ladyface by the way, not the naked lady, just the face.
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Neither. It was made in 1953. The lady face inside the pentagram is the most common engraving of the "naked lady" models, actually titled the "artist" series. Yours would be considered a "naked lady" saxophone.
The E means that this is an alto saxophone, and in the key of Eb.
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by Christian Anderson (73 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I bought a silver plated conn tenor in october. It has the art deco engraving and opposed bell keys, with a 238XXX serial number, would this be considered a chu, or a transitional. when i bought it the man whosold it to me said that it has an increaed value because of the opposed bell keys and engraving pattern. does anybody know what a value might be, and if this is actually a "transitional" sax. or just a chu with art deco engraving. Thanks.
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by pfh (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have a gold lacquered Conn alto which I purchased in well used condition in about 1970. It has an underslung octive key, swivel thumbrest, no microtuner, has rolled tone holes, a flowery engraving on the bell with 'Made by C G Conn Ltd, Elkhart - Ind, USA' in the middle and at the bottom 'LAFLEUR-LONDON'. The Serial No area has 'Patd Dec 8 1914, 1119954, A, M253019, L' on separate lines. The two lower tone holes are on the same left side of the bell.
Can anyone tell me what model this is and some idea of its age. Lovely instrument with great tone.
Many thanks, Paul
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi I am looking to buy this conn saxophone, the seller is not sure which model is it but it has following printed/engraved:
What you guys think about this sax? Is it a good quality conn? What year?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
This is a tenor saxophone (key of Bb, that's what the B stands for). 10M is the Tenor pro model, and this one was made in 1950. That's after the rolled tone holes were discontinued, but it should still be a great saxophone. HOWEVER, you don't know how it's been treated through the years. Be sure to try to check it out before you purchase.
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks sax mom, I havent got chance to read through these long messages=), what is "rolled tone holes" This will be my first time dealing with a vintage sax What sort of sound quality this particular horn can produce? I have and always play Yamaha sax, can you tell me the difference I can expect?
I havent tried this horn yet since I only saw it on the net and only talk to this guy on the phone. From the pictures he sent me the horns looks great and its got no dings at all,
Appreciate for your answer
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Yours is an alto (hence the A) from 1932. The underslung octave key is the clue, as often the M prefix means 1969--but they had discontinued the underslung octave key by then.
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I just got the full model name, its CG CONN LTD ELKHART serial number: 329773L 10 M.
The seller is asking USD300, is it a good price?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I'd pay that for it--provided it plays.
The 10 M is a professional model horn, and you should be happy with it. However, expect to pay some money in repairs. Saxophones are quite intricate, and can go out of adjustment during shipping. Just because it looks pretty is not the best indicator of its quality.
Rolled tone holes increase the collector's value of the horn, but there is much disagreement over whether it actually extends the life of the pads or makes a better seal. It basically means that the tone holes have a rolled lip rather than a straight "cut" edge.
I have an alto of the same era, with which I am very pleased. There's no way I'd sell it for as little as $300. (I might never sell it for any price.)
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Thanks sax mom, the guy claimed that the sax was rarely played and it does need new pads but no repair has been done before, no solder works at all. I am quite happy with what you advise, i have paid for it and looking to receive it in 4 days, yipee!!
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Let us know what it's like when it arrives!
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi Saxmom,
The conn finally arrived, well it looks good but need some adjustment and new pads as I can only play note a b and c but no broken keys or bent rods. Can I sent you some photos so you can have a look and tell me what you think?
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by Sax Mom (964 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
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by pfh (2 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Many thanks Sax Mom
I have recently started to play again and am hoping my lip recovers! Fingering is coming back - like riding a bike, you never forget but just wobble a bit!
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I am getting another conn. Its an alto 6m, serial 314 466.
I assume this is the roled tone holes as the seller doesnt know much about sax and doesnt really speak english. Price is US2100. Is it too much? I offered $1500 but he rejected my offer. He wanted US$2500 before but then decreased the price. From his broken english email, everything is original except the hard case. And it is in playable condition. Asked him to send me pictures but he said he doesnt know how to. I have a friend in his country that I can ask to meet him. So its not a problem. My concern is the asking price.
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by Christian Anderson (73 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I wouldn't pay any more than $1800
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by ivansutrisno (10 posts)
18 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
yeah thought so, but this is a rolled tone hole conn with ori lacquer and no dents. I have offered 2000 its take it or leave it really, waiting for answer now. Will let you know.
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by mearaina (2 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Can anyone help? I just bought a great playing sax in great shape,a nd it seems quite old. It reads G.C.Conn Elkhart, Ind. on the front and has
PATD SEPT. 14, 1915
Thanks in advance
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by mearaina (2 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I forgot to add a number 1153489 above the A. I am just confused because it seems to fit the description of a new wonder (but I have know idea how to tell if it has rolled holes) but doesn't have LTD afer Conn, and it has an elaborate flower etching. I am interested int what model it is, and its age.
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by hmsiegel (1 post)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi. I'm looking to sell my horn, and am trying to figure out what year and model it's from. It's a baritone. I was told it's a Chu Berry, but after looking around some, I don't think it is. I know how much I sell it for depends on the condition, but an estimate would also be helpful.
The bell just has the "Made by Conn" engraving.
The serial number seems to be: M249023. I'm guessing it's from 1931, but am not completely sure. Any help would be appreciated.
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by ConnSax1914 (2 posts)
17 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hi. My name is Rob. a good 15 or so years back my grandfather gave me a saxaphone hoping that i woud take a liking to playing it. It never stuck, but i have held onto the sax to this day. Well recently, i had the opportunity to buy a japanese rifle from WWII. The seller of the rifle is interested in my sax to trade for the rifle. This is what is stamped on the back of the horn. And yes, the exclamation point is accurate before the II954 (maybe a typo on their part?)
How much would you say it is worth? I dont even know if im willing to trade it. : (
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by selmer 4evr (309 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
Hey Connsax
I keep reading your posts ,,at least you are consistent ....
But I never read where you indicated what your fav. Conn alto model is ,,, do you like the Constelations 28M or only those prior to that era ? when was the height of Conn Glory Days?
by the way what is a Transitional Gold Plated with the Full Art Deco engraving worth if it is in immaculate shape ,, Is there a difference between a half bust lady face and full profile naked lady?
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by selmer 4evr (309 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I meant !!
Connsax Jim
I keep reading your posts ,,at least you are consistent ....
But I never read where you indicated what your fav. Conn alto model is ,,, do you like the Constelations 28M or only those prior to that era ? when was the height of Conn Glory Days?
by the way what is a Transitional Gold Plated with the Full Art Deco engraving worth if it is in immaculate shape ,, Is there a difference between a half bust lady face and full profile naked lady?
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by ladyraygun (2 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have just bought a bari which I think may be a Conn stencil. it has 'Ernst Doelling Philadelphia' engraved on the bell, and on the back is stamped
Patd Dec 8 19?4
I understand the L mens low pitch - can you give me a date or any other info about this horn? Cosmetically it is pretty tatty, it has had a coat of fuzzy gold laquer at some stage which has worn and tarnished in patches, but only has a few minor dings, and seems quite easy for this beginner to play (although I find it easier with Rico 1.5 reeds rather than Rico 2). I paid £300 for it (ebay) and £200 for a full service. Did I get a bargain or a lemon?
Thanks in advance for your asistance
- Rachel
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by ladyraygun (2 posts)
15 years ago
Re: Conn Saxophone Models Timeline
I have just bought a bari which I think may be a Conn stencil. it has 'Ernst Doelling Philadelphia' engraved on the bell, and on the back is stamped
Patd Dec 8 19?4
I understand the L mens low pitch - can you give me a date or any other info about this horn? Cosmetically it is pretty tatty, it has had a coat of fuzzy gold laquer at some stage which has worn and tarnished in patches, but only has a few minor dings, and seems quite easy for this beginner to play (although I find it easier with Rico 1.5 reeds rather than Rico 2). I paid £300 for it (ebay) and £200 for a full service. Did I get a bargain or a lemon?
Thanks in advance for your asistance
- Rachel
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