Saxophone Forum

by Jellybean666
(31 posts)
20 years ago

Circular Breathing

Ok, i've heard about circular breathing from other players and such, and i know its very hard, but i really wanna learn since i've reached as far as i can basically go on some of my woodwind instruments and thats one thing i've always wanted to be able to do. So can anyone on here explain it to me?? Or has any tips on how??

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  1. by someguy
    (80 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Circular Breathing

    I posted a thred on 3/23/05 asking a similar question. I recieved no replies. My answer to you is, go to and order a subscription to Saxophone journal. Jan/Feb edition started a 3 part series on the technique. It continued into Mar/ April, and applying it to the sax is in the next issue. I found the publication to be extremely helpful, and a play along cd comes with each issue. The mag. is very informative and makes you look forward to the next issue. I'll stop now, thats what I did and hope it helped answer you thred. Lots of luck.

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    1. by Jellybean666
      (31 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Circular Breathing

      Thanx for the tip

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    (255 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Circular Breathing

    The Knights Templar will offer a free lesson here .Circular breathing is no problem, it depends how advanced you wish to use it .No books are neccssary./Ok here goes the free lesson.Get your self one of those party noise makers, you know the one that blows a long piece of paper pout then retracts againGet them at christmas times .Kids drive everyone mad with them..Start by filling air in cheeks only when you take a breath .The object is to sustain the paper rolled out all the time The breath you take in when you push out the air in your cheeks take in through your nose.This is where to start the idea then develop on to the horn/.Takes a while but it works .The knights have shown many players this way. (Bird Lives)

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    1. by connsaxman_jim
      (2336 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Circular Breathing

      Tango, that's a very good idea. I hadn't thought of that, but it's the best suggestion I have heard so far! Circular breathing is one thing I have never attempted to learn, but I can definately see where this could be a very usefull technique.

      Reply To Post Yahoo!

      1. by someguy
        (80 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Circular Breathing

        Im tellin you all, you need to see that article in saxophone journal. But that is an excellent suggestion about the noise maker. They suggested a straw folded and submerged in water, to make bubbles.

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    2. by bmcguire
      (45 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Circular Breathing

      Circular breathing is easy. You must develop enough control and airspeed by filling your mouth with air (cheeks too) and than maintaing your sound while you are inhaling through your nose by squeezing that air from your cheeks. 1st step, glass of water and straw, you should be able to blow consistant bubbles while breathing. Then practice on your horn. With that said... you are pretty much saying " I have mastered woodwind instruments, I just need to learn circular breathing." If that was true, please send me some of your CD's!!!

      Reply To Post

      1. by Jellybean666
        (31 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Circular Breathing

        I said BASICALLY, what i meant was i've got all the other technical stuff down, and im grade 8 standard of playing, i just want to learn circualr breathing! Im only 16 for gods sake! Im in bands and orchestras in and out of school, i've played in different countries around europe, what more do you want!? {by the way, thats with my flute, not my sax since i only started playing that 4 months ago}

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      2. by Jellybean666
        (31 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Circular Breathing

        With that said, thanx to everyone who replied! Im really greatful of your help!

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        1. by selmer 4evr
          (309 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Circular Breathing

          Actually here is a better excercise . Prepare a glass of water and a straw ,,,,,,,take a breath air in your cheeks,,,,,close your throat ,with the straw and the glass of water blow some bubbles in the water using only "cheek air" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do this a few times . Now repeat the water bubbles excercise and as you perform this take a breath through your nose into your lungs and refill them , All that is left to to do is transition from the blowing bubbles with the "cheek air" to the "lung air" without changing the intensity . Refill the cheeks with air and voila . It is called circular because you go from cheek blowing to lung blowing in a vicious circle . Expect problems. Good sax blowing requires a closed pallate in order to produce the high pressure needed for playing the bore of the horn this goes against the circular blowing technique . That is why flute players can do this since they have no need of pressure .Good Luck

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          1. by historicsaxwhisperer
            (644 posts)

            3 years ago

            Re: Circular Breathing

            Here is an old post if anyone wants to know how to do it.

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