Saxophone Forum

by George Willis
(3 posts)
8 years ago

SML or Series II?

Hello all,
   My name is George, and I'm a junior in high school. I've been looking to upgrade to a new horn for a while now, and my private teacher's friend is selling his SML. He said he would like $5000 for it, but I recently brought it into Roberto's Winds for an estimate, to which he said that the horn is not worth more than $2300 (and that's including a $1325 overhaul fee). While I was there, Roberto let me play a couple of horns, such as a Series II, Mark VI, and a Mark VII. I immediately fell in love with the darkness and projection of the Series II, especially when paired with a Super Tone Master. It's going for $4000, but I don't know if it will appreciate when I eventually turn it in down the road. I told this to the friend, who said he will take care of the overhaul of the SML and charge $3500. I would just like an opinion as to which horn would be the better buy. I am continuing on with music in college and going for jazz performance/jazz composition. Thanks! 

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  1. by shamsmehra90
    (1 post)

    5 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    i am very entuastic to play saxophone and my mate is perfect in that but i want to learn, please suggest

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  2. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    What type of sax?  At that price, I will assume it is a tenor.  Unless this is a gold plated SML, the price seems way too high.  The number from Roberto's is much more in line with what I see them selling for.  I think I would walk away from your teacher's friend, the fact that he is willing to drop the price from $5000 to ($3500-overhaul cost), tells me he either is trying to take advantage of a high schooler, or he is pretty clueless about the value of his horn.  I am also disappointed in your teacher.
    No one can really state with confidence what the used horn values will be in the future, so I would find a horn that will serve you well through college.  If you have picked a school, you might try contacting the saxophone department and see if they want their students playing certain horns.  Some schools do, some don't. 
    If you are interested in the going price for an SML there is one on the saxquest store sight under vintage tenors.  It has been repadded and will be professionally setup before shipped.  It is still less than the offer you have. 

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  3. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    George, get the series ll........ it's a no brainer.

    Barry Kelsey

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  4. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    Forget about value appreciation for resale.  The true value of the horn is what you get out of it as a player.  Four grand seem high for a used SA/II.  They are extremely common horns, still being produced, and you know about the law of supply and demand.

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    1. by kelsey
      (930 posts)

      8 years ago

      Re: SML or Series II?

      The Series II is the better horn of those mentioned. (My Opinion)  $3500.00 is a fair price for it. I bought my Mark Vi alto in France in the 50s. I paid less than $300 for it there.  It's worth a lot more now.... However; the series II isn't a mark VI....I wouldn't count on making money on the series II when or if you sell it...I didn't think about making money on my Mark VI I still play. I bought it because it was a great horn. So go with the best horn you like to play.

      Barry Kelsey

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  5. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    Forget about value appreciation for resale.  The true value of the horn is what you get out of it as a player.  Four grand seem high for a used SA/II.  They are extremely common horns, still being produced, and you know about the law of supply and demand.

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  6. by BariLynn
    (1 post)

    8 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    Definitely Selmer Series II. Don't worry about the resale value - if you take good care of it, you can probably resell it for the same money later on. Nothing compares to Selmer MKVI in my humble opinion, but the Series II and III are good copies of it - with even better ergonomics than the vintages.

    MKVI 1960 Bari, OL6* + DG MKII metal mpcs
    Series III 2006 Alto, Jumbo Java A45+A55 mpcs

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  7. by tiney
    (1 post)

    5 years ago

    Re: SML or Series II?

    Definitely Selmer Series II. Don't worry about the resale value - if you take good care of it,  

    Reply To Post

    1. by George Willis
      (3 posts)

      5 years ago

      Re: SML or Series II?

      Thanks for the response :D  I wound up getting a Buescher 400 my senior year and have played it since. Took me a while to control the intonation, but it has such a beautiful sound.

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