Saxophone Forum

by lylevan
(2 posts)
19 years ago

Smelly mouthpiece

I recently purchased a Martin Bari and it came with a Selmer C mouthpiece. The dude that played it before must have really enjoyed cigars or had a bad case of halitosis. At any rate, the mouthpiece stinks! I soaked it in listerine and that helped some, but there is still an odor. Is there any way to deodorize?

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  1. by connsaxman_jim
    (2336 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Smelly mouthpiece

    soak it in some lemon juice overnight, then rinse it out, and it should smell better.

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  2. by Spike
    (248 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Smelly mouthpiece

    ewww baking soda

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    1. by FredCDobbs
      (77 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Smelly mouthpiece

      Is the mpc hard rubber, and how old is it? Really old hard rubber mouthpieces sometimes start to oxidize, which gives off a pretty strong aroma. I bought a couple vintage pieces off ebay, and cleaned them thoroughly, but that scent is still there. And it is a dead cigar type smell. I kind of like it, though. But then, I like cigars.

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  3. by lylevan
    (2 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Smelly mouthpiece

    I tried the lemon juice. It helped a little but mouthpiece still has a distinctive odor. I will try baking soda but suspect that my options are limited as it is an older hard rubber selmer. My guess is I will have to learn to live with it until I find something better.

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    1. by phsu
      (1 post)

      19 years ago

      Re: Smelly mouthpiece

      The best way to deodorize a mouthpiece is to soak it in polydent or one of the other denture cleaning solutions. Buy a box of the tablets at your local pharmacy or supermarket. Let the mouthpiece soak then use paper towels to get the left over buildup out of the chamber. This deodorizes and disinfects.

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      1. by jmhohlfeld
        (1 post)

        3 years ago

        Re: Smelly mouthpiece

        I realize that this post is 16 years old, but the problem persists!

        I have a wonderful classic Meyer alto sax mouthpiece (5 Meyer lapped facing M) that just stunk to high heaven, and was truly awful to play on.

        Overnight soak in Polident Overnight Whitening Denture Cleanser Effervescent Tablets, 40 count followed by vigorous buffing with a white cotton towel, and clean-up inside with a mouthpiece brush ... and Voila! I have my old friend back

        I highly recommend this treatment

        Jim in Fontana

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    2. by Haanzig
      (19 posts)

      3 years ago

      Re: Smelly mouthpiece

      I always use straight White Vinager to clean the funk out of my mouthpieces . . That seems to help alot !

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