Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence
Two both of you performing these pieces on recital:
Good luck! I truly mean that, but I'll also say as someone with a music degree in saxophone, alto primarily, I have never encountered a high school student that I would put on either of these two pieces. Maybe you are both virtuoso class, and if you are, congrats, and work your tails off. I did the Ibert for my senior recital undergrad, it's simply a monster piece, not only technically, but musically as well. I am of the mind that such a piece requires a degree of musical maturity that can only come with age and experience, but maybe you are both there, I haven't heard you play so I can't evaluate you, and your teachers are probably far, far better than I am. :) Good luck, let us know if we can help you at all and keep us posted on your progress!!!
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