Saxophone Forum

by Gumptious
(40 posts)
20 years ago

Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

Hey...I have just been assigned to play Concertino da Camera and Tableaux de Provence for a recital. I have 8 months, hopefully that is plenty of time. There seems to be much talk about them on this board, but I don't know much about either piece. If anyone can answer any of these questions or tell me anything about them I should know (taking into consideration I pretty much know the name and the composer) please tell me. 1. How many movements are in each? 2. How long is each composition total? 3. Where can I get a full recording of each one of these compositions? I would really like to hear them, or atleast a little bit from each movement. 4. Is there any good websites with purchasing information, information about the piece, etc... 5. Are they both, if either, commonly played on alto? Thanks, I'm sure I have more questions but anything I should know about them before I dig into them please let me know. Thanks for your help...

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  1. by freshmansax
    (3 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

    .................................. im a freshman, playing the first 3 movt.'s of Tableaux at tempo..................

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  2. by RM816
    (3 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

    1. Five mvts in Tableaux, 3 in Concertino 2. Tableaux is supposed to ashere to the following times: Mvt. 1-2.25, Mvt. 2-1.10, Mvt.3-1.10, Mvt. 4- 4.00, Mvt. 5- 3.10 The Concertino should play around 12-15 mins. 3. Look at and search for the titles. 5. Both were expressedly written for Alto sax. Tableaux (and I think Concertino too) was written for Marcel Mule, commonly referred to as "Le Patron du Saxophone". Therefore, don't go trying to play them with accompaniment on Soprano or Tenor.

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    1. by cowgirl
      (3 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

      The Ibert Concertino was written for Rascher (hence the optional altissimo and slap-tounge in the cadenza). However Mule and Ibert were close friends who worked on the piece together. Both of these pieces are fantastic. Jean Yves Formeau has done great recordings of both.

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  3. by dirk-lo
    (11 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

    What is this assignment for? Are you a student at a conservatory? Those are both insanly difficult pieces. It seems like a player at that level wouldn't need to resort to an online forum to find information about them. Eric :-)

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    1. by Gumptious
      (40 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

      I am going to be a junior in High School. I have been studying with Dr. David Klee for a while. His first instrument is flute, but his second is sax. Hes a professional on both. I guess I could have asked him, but since I half was asked if I wanted to learn them and half CHOOSE these two pieces from bits of recordings and things I have heard about them. Hopefully I will learn both...but which one of these pieces would go best for a short multiple performers recital when I can only play for about 10 minutes? If I can play a a few movements from one them...equally no more, or about, 10 minutes...which one would be more exciting, more of a crowd pleaser? By that, I mean which piece should I concentrate on if my main goal is "showing off" abilities for an audience? lines and licks, arpeggios etc... Thanks for the help.

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      1. by Vondermark
        (18 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

        I think that your best bet would be Tableaux de Province. That piece is, as mentioned before, quite difficult. It is enjoyable to both listen to and watch the performer play than to just sit listen to the piece on cd. So be expressive man and play to your audience. Part of the fun for the audience will be to watch you have fun with it.

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        1. by Vondermark
          (18 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

          Oh yes, I almost forgot where you would find a recording. My teacher for the summer, Dr. Leaman, at the University of South Carolina has a recording of it on his cd called Excursions. It was recorded under the Equilibrium label. So, you should pay a visit to

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      2. by padsax
        (1 post)

        19 years ago

        Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

        Tableaux De Provence has five movts- the concertino has 3 movements. As mentioned above the ibert is extremely difficult and was considred unplayable when originally written for sigurd rascher. The tableaux is a pleasant piece to learn and to play and not as technically demanding as the ibert. Jean Yves Fourmeau has recorded in my opinion the best tableaux, its on the philips label-

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    2. by cammes
      (16 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

      I'm like you and have to play them for a recital. I'm grade twelve in Australia which means I;m sixteen years old. I will be playing Tableaux De Provence and Introductory Dance and Furioso. I only have three months to get it ready so I'm kind of panicing a bit but all is going well. I have to also play to the time limit you have so I will be playing the first 3 movements which aren't to hard. If you find any good websites please let us know on [email protected] because I have to write some porgram notes for it and don't have much of a clus.

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      1. by selmerfan
        (67 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Please help...information on Concertino da Camera & Tableaux de Provence

        Two both of you performing these pieces on recital: Good luck! I truly mean that, but I'll also say as someone with a music degree in saxophone, alto primarily, I have never encountered a high school student that I would put on either of these two pieces. Maybe you are both virtuoso class, and if you are, congrats, and work your tails off. I did the Ibert for my senior recital undergrad, it's simply a monster piece, not only technically, but musically as well. I am of the mind that such a piece requires a degree of musical maturity that can only come with age and experience, but maybe you are both there, I haven't heard you play so I can't evaluate you, and your teachers are probably far, far better than I am. :) Good luck, let us know if we can help you at all and keep us posted on your progress!!! selmerfan

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