Saxophone Forum

by dokgu
(1 post)
6 years ago

Choosing My First Sax

Hello everyone!

A little bit about me:

  • music is only a hobby for me (I'm not a professional musician)
  • I play an electric bass (again as a hobby)
  • I have no background in music theory although I've been understanding a few from learning how to play the bass
Just right off the bat I'm gonna say I don't have a nice experience with beginner-level instruments. I did that with the bass and right now I have 2 basses and I only use the intermediate-level one and the other is collecting dust (waste of money) so I think for the sax I'll skip buying a student-level even though I've never played sax in my entire life.

Anyways, from looking at my options I narrowed my choices down to either an Alto or Tenor Selmer La Voix II sax. Since I have this slight bias towards the lower registers from playing the bass, I'm thinking of going for the Tenor. Is it going to be generally easier to play than an Alto?

Also does the finish matter or is it just purely aesthetics? I was thinking of getting the Black Lacquer finish because to me it looks better than the Silver Plated and Copper Lacquer ones but I'm not sure if it has any effects on the sound.

So yeah, I guess I just need guidance on those 2 questions. Thanks!

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Choosing My First Sax

    Many players will recommend starting on the Yamaha student horns like YAS-23 alto or YTS-23 tenor, purchased used.  These horns have a very good reputation, and are very well made, and  most techs are familiar with working on them.  You can buy them at 1/2 or less than the price of a new horn.  Many of the YAS-23 horns sell for about $500, and may require a couple of humdred dollars worth of repair work, but much better than spending $2K+ on a new horn and having it lose 1/2 of its value as soon as you play it.

    Alto or tenor?  If you have never played a woodwind, I think it is much more important to listen to saxophone music, and decide which sound you prefer.  The alto may be a bit easier to play initially, but if it's not the sound you are looking for, why start there?

    Finish?  Who cares.  It should be a personal choice.  If you are not sure you will stay with the saxophone, then it is probably better for resale to get a brass finished one.  But again, it is a personal choice. 

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  2. by Catracer
    (6 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Choosing My First Sax

    I remember when I chose it myself. I wanted to make more photos in the instagram and gain popularity. Although now, I found a service to get instagram followers It turned out to be much more effective. And the service was good.

    Can i get an Amen?

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    1. by archcherub
      (8 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: Choosing My First Sax

      for me i choose alto as my first sax, as it is easier to learn =)

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