Saxophone Forum

by ponsukeen
(1 post)
6 years ago

I'm needing help with knowing what type of sax my daughter needs

My daughter plays alto sax and tenor but mainly alto.   I bought her a Vito sax used about three years ago but she's now ready for a step-up sax and I have every music store telling me different stuff.  One said she needed the Selmer soloist and the other said no she needed the Selner 32 but that the John Packerd was way better. I've never played an I argument so I have no clue and I feel these people are not being fully honest.   I just need some advice please. 

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  1. by JonHuff
    (121 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: I'm needing help with knowing what type of sax my daughter needs

    I think any store that tells you "you need to buy this one" is something to be weary of. There are lots of good options for step-up or "intermediate" level horns. The Soloist and AS32 are pretty similar horns, but they are only a small step above student level. A much better instrument would be the Selmer AS42 or a Yamaha 480. I would stay away from the John Packard, never even heard of that brand. Whatever store told you that is just trying to sell a horn.

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