Saxophone Forum

by historicsaxwhisperer
(644 posts)
6 years ago

Thanks Mark of Saxquest

Hey Mark,

I want to thank you personally for taking the time to deal with all the Aggressive Unrelated Spam posts. I check the site often and I personally get aggrivated with Human Greed. Thanks for your quick action of yanking it from the Musicians Forum. Many of them look as if they should be reported to the FBI or Secret Service. SS deals with counterfeiting and also protecting.

All Things Orange !


Thanks Again!!


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  1. by Saxquest
    (420 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Thanks Mark of Saxquest

    Thanks for the note and thanks for all of the contirutions to the forum! We keep trying to make the forum great! Unfortunately, spam is an inevitable by-product of creating an open forum. But we believe in open spaces around here so we just deal with it.

    However, we always block and report offending IP addresses and delete the spam users accounts. They have to go through the process of registering a new account each time. So, we at least make it challenging for them. My hope is they will eventiually give up. Espeically as we often time get to them within minutes of them being posted.

    I've also throught about making anyone's first post require an approval step. But that starts feeling like censorship so I've resisted that urge. For now, we will just always try to keep the site safe and spam free. In fact, I just yanked on a couple minutes ago. It was only up for 4 minutes. If you ever see one that we've missed, feel free to email me. 


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