Saxophone Forum

by historicsaxwhisperer
(644 posts)
6 years ago

Dillon Music in New Jersey

Does anyone have any knowlwdge of Dillon Music in New Jersey?

I ran across an old friend who I have known since 1980 ish. He is a professional player and he is now working at Dillon music. Awesome vintage horns and probably filled with great players on staff. I looked it up, I was just curious, and it looks to be an amazing business. It looks like the type of business I'd run if I decided to take my refurbishing hobby serious.

It is definitely work a looksey.

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  1. by RobertD
    (73 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Dillon Music in New Jersey

    Dillon Music.


    The best.

    The place is a wind players' Mecca. I live about an hour from them. I haven't been there in a while. Since I started playing sax. Before that I'd only been to the brass shop. Those walls are covered with amazing horns. Great staff. Great repair shop.

    I've never been to the woodwind side. I have to get over there someday and check it out.

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    1. by TallBoulder
      (1 post)

      5 years ago

      Re: Dillon Music in New Jersey

      Thanks for the great feedback.

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      1. by historicsaxwhisperer
        (644 posts)

        5 years ago

        Re: Dillon Music in New Jersey

        Dillon Music is a great musicians shop.

        Damian and I go back to High School in 1980.

        We became best friends. He played lead alto. I played lead tenor. We had a few years where we had a young progressive instructor who had no problem sharing his knowledge of jazz clubs we could attend, such as the Blue Whisp. We could go enjoy greats like Scott Hamilton, Lew Tabackin, and Old Grandad Bourbon. Then we became 18 and went to college, going off to Jazz studies at Akron U for a year and roomed together there.

        Now 40 years later, I am a banker. I still play quite a lot and do vintage sax refurbishing. Damian has been playing professionally his entire adult life. I have children, he does not.

        Dillon Music has a great inventory. I love the Selmer original Lacquer SBA tenor you have in on consignment. I even think you got it priced correctly!

        I may be contacting Damian for doing some possible consigment listings myself. I counted the horns I have in my shop now.

        I think Im at 15 horns now, so I need to downsize. I can only play one at a time.

        I aquire vintage American pro horns and an occasional French maker.



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