Saxophone Forum

by BobYo
(3 posts)
6 years ago

century vs sinclair

Hi guys,

This is my first post so I hope that I'm not breaking any code or else..

After a while (a 20 years break ;) ) I would like to pursue learning Saxophone

I think that I'll go for a Tenor since I like the tone better.

However at first I don't want to invest too much, at the same time I don't want to spend not enough as well...

Would someone have some thoughts on a Tenor Century and a Tenor Sinclair?  not much on the web about these except that they seem not that bad , the first being made in taiwan, which isn't a problem to me. 

Among the 2 I selected: the sinclair is new, the century is used and need one pad to be replaced, they are about the same price.

thank you very much in advance for your help, I wish to contribute when I'll be able to help later.


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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: century vs sinclair

    Sorry I am not familiar with either of these brands.  Maybe if you gave us an idea of how much you are willing to spend, then perhaps we can give some advice on brands that we know more about.

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    1. by BobYo
      (3 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: century vs sinclair

      Thanks, I understand that these brands are not famous, been browsing the web yesterday about then, not much success.

      I think I shouldn't bother too much and just get a sax, all I need afterall is just practice daily, then may be I will be able someday to make a difference.

      This was just to make sure either brand wasn't a "don't get this" label.

      They are both Tenor and around CA$375, not that I can afford to loose this amount but this seems very reasonable.

      thanks again


      Reply To Post

      1. by mijderf
        (282 posts)

        6 years ago

        Re: century vs sinclair

        In my experience, most tenors in this price range are likely to need a few hundred dollars of work to be playable.  I would recommend that you speak with the gentleman who runs this website. He is a skilled repair technician, and the horns he sells are ready to play.  A phone call is warranted, as he generally has an inventory of horns that are not yet complete, so they would not show up yet on his site.

        Reply To Post

        1. by BobYo
          (3 posts)

          6 years ago

          Re: century vs sinclair

          Thanks again, (for some reasons the link didn't appear on my phone, I see it now on the computer)


          I got the Sinclair, one store was closing and liquidating their stock, I fully agree with you that it will need regular care (even it is new) I can already see this as I fixed 3 things on day one:))

          My first target is on me to be honest not on the sax, Can I commit to regular daily practice, if I can do this I will deserve a better sax in 6 months or a year.

          Too many times I put the material before discipline. it's time to change this :)

          thanks again for your imput, much appreciated.

          All the best to every members of this forum! Happy end of year celebrations!


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