Saxophone Forum

by Psycoe
(3 posts)
6 years ago

3 Altos, Can't Decide, Opinions Welcome

I'm considering buying one of 3 Saxes that have really caught my eye, but would like some outside opinions. 

1. Cannonball Vintage Reborn - Lady Godiva
2. Sax Dakota SDA  XL-110
3. Antigua AS4240BG

I have played for almost 20 years and played professionally in that past. Previously owned a Yamaha YAS 62 that I loved, unfortunately another 62 ins't in my budget. I'll be playing mostly big band jazz and some solo jazz with some occasionaly classical. Anyone have any experience or thoughts they could share about these saxes? Thanks!

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: 3 Altos, Can't Decide, Opinions Welcome

    Can't go to far wrong with the Antigua or the Cannonball.  If you have a Yamaha itch, you would probably be able to scratch it with the Antigua.  The Cannonball is marketed based on a "vintage" sound, which can mean any number of things because there were different vintage horns with different sounds.  I suspect that in this case the term refers to a Selmer-like sound.  Both are available through brick-and-mortar retail, so you should have an opportunity to play test both and decide what suits your ears, hands, and wallet the best.

    I have to admit to a certain prejudice against Sax Dakota because they seem to be a descendant of LA Sax, which had a track record of putting fancy cosmetics on mediocre horns and Sax Dakota seems to have a similar emphasis on look-at-me cosmetics.  But LA Sax also sold some good horns and maybe the same is true for Sax Dakota.

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    1. by Psycoe
      (3 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: 3 Altos, Can't Decide, Opinions Welcome

      I'm really leaning towards the Cannonball as of right now. I've always wanted one and the price is right. I was really unsure about the Sax Dakota. I haven't been able to find a store close to me that carries any of those brands, but a short drive I know there's a place that carries similar Antigua horns. Cannonball's aren't nearly as easy to come by it seems. I live in Southern, Ohio.

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      1. by GFC
        (842 posts)

        6 years ago

        Re: 3 Altos, Can't Decide, Opinions Welcome

        Cannonball has a find-a-dealer feature on their website.

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        1. by Psycoe
          (3 posts)

          6 years ago

          Re: 3 Altos, Can't Decide, Opinions Welcome

          Went with the Cannonball, plays extremely similar to my old YAS 62. Tone is pretty killer, so lable me impressed. It's cool to have a numbered intrument as well 162/400.

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        2. by RyanCannonball
          (45 posts)

          6 years ago

          Re: 3 Altos, Can't Decide, Opinions Welcome

          Glad you like it and congrats, those Lady Godivas are great horns!

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