Saxophone Forum

by barisaxguy726
(1 post)
6 years ago

i suddenly cant play bari low notes

so ive been playing the alto sax for about 1 year. and then i switched to bari sax. i instantly could play all the notes perfectly including the low a. then all of the sudden one day i just couldnt play anything below a low D. what happened? it cant be my embochure because the tone suddenly becomes a high c if i press the low c key. can it be a leak?

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: i suddenly cant play bari low notes

    It is more than likely a leak.

    Something like a piece or cork that holds something closed had come off.

    Dont panic. Possibly it is just your low E flat pad need cleaned up. Often it may gather gunk that dries out then keeps the cup from closing completely. Just look around and try and find something that gives you a leak.

    Good Luck.

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