Saxophone Forum

by john13
(2 posts)
6 years ago

Looking for info on my old saxophones

hey guys. I have a few old instruments that my grandfather used to play. They’ve been in the closet for years I am guessing they are close to 1900. can Anybody tell me if they have any value to them, are they good brand and should they be restored or left as is? I would like to restore and put them out in the house but I don’t want to lose value if there is any. They seem to be low serial numbers if I’m even looking at the right numbers. Thanks

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Looking for info on my old saxophones

    Neither is particularly valuable.  Assuming the number on the bell is the serial number, the Evette-Schaeffer is from 1914-ish and the King is from 1920-ish.  The King seems to be missing its e-flat key guard.  You may use them for decorations in good conscience.

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    1. by john13
      (2 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: Looking for info on my old saxophones

      Thanks I appreciate the info! Do you happen to know is it like a few hundred dollars to get one playable or do you think it would be more?

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      1. by GFC
        (842 posts)

        6 years ago

        Re: Looking for info on my old saxophones

        That's a question for a repair technician who can inspect the horns in person.   If a horn needs a complete overhaul it is likely to be more and it would probably exceed the value of those particular horns.   Saxophones that old tend to be of more interest as historical relics than as instruments to play.  From what I can see the pads on the King look pretty bad.  But its the horn that is more likely to have some value.

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