Saxophone Forum

by adam77
(2 posts)
5 years ago

Double lip embouchure?

Hello around two weeks ago I saw something online that said that Coltrane used a double lip embouchure. After reading this I decided to do some more research and I discovered that a lot of people have mostly positive things to say after switching from single to double lip. As a saxophonist who is constantly listening to Trane and trying to achieve a Trane like tone I decided to try it out myself. I’ve been trying to use it for the last week or so but it just hurts to much and I give up..Do you guys think it is worth the switch? Does embouchure affect tone that much? Thanks!


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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: Double lip embouchure?

    Coltrane did briefly use a double lip embouchure to mitigate tooth pain when he needed dental work, not for any intrinsic advantages.  The double lip embouchure is an antiquated technique for saxophone that is inferior from a control standpoint.  There is a reason the modern saxophone technique gurus Larry Teal and Joe Allard did not advocate it.  

    Casa Valdez has some good video of Joe Allard explaining embouchure and breath control that I found immensely helpful.  

    If tooth pressure through your lips is causing pain, you might have a biting problem.

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    1. by adam77
      (2 posts)

      5 years ago

      Re: Double lip embouchure?

      thankyou so much!!

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