Saxophone Forum

by SaltfuricAcid
(1 post)
5 years ago

Help ID'ing an Italian Tenor Sax with Serial #


I'm new here, but I'm hoping somebody can help me find some info about a tenor sax I found online. I'm looking for a tenor myself, and I came across one that has no model or manufacturer information, only the serial number and "Made in Italy". I've attached a picture, but I believe the serial number says "12359", although the 1 could be a 7.

Any help you guys can give on ID'ing this would be appreciated, since I'd want to know what type of sax it was to see whether or not I'd want to consider it. Thanks!

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: Help ID'ing an Italian Tenor Sax with Serial #

    The rule on a no-name Italian saxophone is "pass."  Italy used to fill the role in saxophone world that China fills today.

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