Saxophone Forum

by Gooshbanshee
(24 posts)
19 years ago


hey, I usually get between three hour and five hours off practice every day (combined with my school studies) and then on weekends Im looking at around three to four hours each day. What im getting at is practicing so much makes it alot harder to practice more because my lip herts like alot more than hell. Ive tried using paper between the teeth and lip but I find it harder to form a proper embochure and toungue. im just asking if anyone has any tips or tricks or if you just have a simalar delema Thanks, Troy

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    19 years ago


    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! You are practiceing more than me and I play sax for a living. John Coltrane practiced all day and played gigs all night. Your kind of dedication deserves a pat on the back. But I would suggest that you get a life.........Kelsey
    Barry Kelsey

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  2. by jazzdude482
    (38 posts)

    19 years ago


    i know how u feel. I once kept playing until my lips was soo close to bleeding, but its probably your embochure, and the tendency to bite too hard on the high notes too. So right now Im trying out this new embochure and it seems to be working fine and i could get out the low notes easier but the advice i can give is not to bite too hard when playing.But if anyone else has any more hints i would also appreciate it

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  3. by kneejerk52
    (397 posts)

    19 years ago


    if your horn is properly set up and has NO leaks! it will not be hard to make almost any sound yu want. have your horn checked at a tech, even if it's new it could still need attention. it really shoud not be that hard. and yes trying loosening up a bit, relax man if your tight it makes anything harder to do. also learn to breath properly and life will also be eaiser.

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    1. by Sax Mom
      (964 posts)

      19 years ago


      I believe you might have an improper embouchre. You should not be biting into your lip. Your teeth should merely give your bottom lip support. If you're playing as much as you say with the proper embouchre, your lip should be developed to last. Maybe you're biting down (up!) on your lip because you've gone beyond the development of the facial muscles, and want to stretch the playing time. Don't. When your lip is gone, put the horn down, and come back to it later. Your lip (facial) muscles will improve, but not if you cheat by biting too hard and injuring the tissue.

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      1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
        (767 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

        Biting is probably the result of too weak an embochure where the mouth tries to force a seal by excerting direct pressure against the mouthpiece instead of forming a solid ring around it. This will strengthen in time, however, if you're lips are bleeding, back off practice.

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    2. by Leigh812
      (4 posts)

      19 years ago


      I agree with all of the replies listed. However, embochure takes quite a while to change. In the meantime, try using E-Zo. E-Zo is a product made for dentures so they stay put. Each box comes with U-shaped strips that seem hard, but once wet, they mold to the shape you put them on. You can cut the strips they put in the box to whatever length you see fit (enough to cover the lower teeth that your lip folds over), and they mold to your teeth. A box will last you a very long time- try your nearest drug or grocery store.

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    3. by wondersax
      (3 posts)

      19 years ago


      Gooshbanshhee read my reply in jazz sax forum on the same issue wondersax

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      1. by soupzill
        (7 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

        will do, thanks

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    4. by straightj23
      (103 posts)

      19 years ago


      I don't know how old you are, but i hope you don't mean 3-4 hrs. STRAIGHT. Your lips need to rest after a while. I may be a junior in high school, but my private lesson teacher told me that you can't practice any more than a half an hour straight before taking a break (unless you have chops of steel).

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      1. by MavisDavis
        (21 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

        my teacher suggests dental wax if that persists. Kind of like the stuff your orthodontists gives you when you have braces. Just coat it between your teeth and lip, and hopefully, you'll be fine.

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        1. by selmer 4evr
          (309 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

          STOP the bite !! use air not lip to control notes sounds like you lack air pressure you also have a very inflexible embouchure and i suspect a thin sound i also suspect an unwanted tone variance thoughout the horn the color should never change from lower to middle to high

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          1. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            19 years ago

            Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

            I think the get a life comment was a little harsh, nothing wrong with what he's doing. The only time I think you should begin biting hard is for altissimo, if not you might be playing on too hard of a setup (mouthpiece and reed)? 3-4 Hours straight is pretty bad, without any breaks I can play for maybe 40mins. You could try a thinner reed, unless your already pretty thin or else your intonation will start to fail.. Or you could try not practicing EVERY single day, maybe take a break? I practice for an hour (besides the 2 hours during school) at home like once every 2-3 days. Muscles get stronger by tearing and then healing, but if you dont let them heal then your not gaining much...the mouth has a bunch of muscles (more than just 2 muscles like big foot ball players, embrochure is a lot harder to get stronger :P), it takes time to get use to.

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          2. by Mlenox
            (36 posts)

            19 years ago

            Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

            Well I don't bite at all and still my teeth cut into my lips. They just are a bit sharp. After all they were built to cut into meat and my lips are meat. I have seen 3 solutions: Paper (works for me) Dental Wax (worked for my teacher but keeping it clean and stuff. too much work compared to papper) Have the dentist file your teeth. I know a guy who had that done. Sounds crazy to me but he was happy. Keep practicing

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          3. by siboy37
            (3 posts)

            19 years ago

            Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

            i agree with everyone when they say that your embochure is the problem. you mouth should be round like you're saying the letter "o" and the bottom lip should form some sort of a cushion for the mouthpiece to rest on. after you get used to this embochure, your lip muscle should build up and you probably won't have trouble with tired lips again.

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          4. by chiamac
            (586 posts)

            19 years ago

            Re: MY LIP JUST FELL OFF!!!

            I was really bad at biting my lip back in school. The best thing that could have happened to me was to put hte horn down for a few years. I've been playing with the correct one since, now that I picked it back up a few years ago. I'm not great, and can't play for a long time (I'm still nto in shape) but at least now I'm doing things the right way.

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