Saxophone Forum

by 14darcia
(1 post)
5 years ago

Slide from "The Best is Yet To Come"

Grover Washington Jr. and Patti LaBelle's Slide from "The Best is Yet To Come" has to be one of my favourite songs of all time. However, somebody please explain to me how someone slides like that. If you've heard the song, you know what I'm talking about. If not, it's around the 4:23 mark. Somebody please tell me that this is some studio trick to put my mind at ease. Sliding the better part of an octave without a single distinct note seems impossible.

Let me know if anyone has any insight and/or can explain how similar slides are done so cleanly!

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: Slide from "The Best is Yet To Come"

    Grover was a legend in the 80s.

    Its the ability to play a very smooth fluid chromatic scale while bending the note flow with your jaw/embacure at the same time. Lew Tabackin does a lot of this. He is a monster of control.

    I relistened to this classic. I believe you are speaking more of the altissimo notes, as 
    Grover is mimicing the wonderful slides Patti Labelle has the ability to do so well. This is all done with the embachure and controlling the harmonics produed in the atisssimo register. It just takes ambission and practice.

    Lenny Pickett of the Saturday Night Live band does a lot of this. 

    Practice Practice Practice!

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