Saxophone Forum

by Arthur123
(2 posts)
4 years ago

Help finding model SN 715251 Bundy Selmer

I have a Bundy Selmer saxophone maed in U.S.A., that's all I can see engraved besides te serial number 715251. Can't find the right model, or probably I did but my knowledge on models history is scarced so I couldn't identify it in the serial numbers lookup charts. It is an alto sax. Thanks!

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  1. by JonHuff
    (121 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Help finding model SN 715251 Bundy Selmer

    Selmer (USA) is the company, Bundy is the model. You can't find any serial number charts online because (afaik) Selmer USA has never posted them. The charts you find online will be for Selmer Paris, which is a separate company.

    The Bundy is a decent student model sax. Good for beginners, but unfortunately not a whole lot of value there. 

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    1. by Arthur123
      (2 posts)

      4 years ago

      Re: Help finding model SN 715251 Bundy Selmer

      Thanks, the SN not posted by them would explain why I couldn't actually find details of the sax on any official website, however I found many sellers offering what looks like to be the same sax really cheap. Thanks again!

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