Saxophone Forum

by VintageCatalogs
(6 posts)
1 year ago

Lignatone brochure & catalogs

Not sure if the prior one was seen, so here it is again - 

I've got a ca. 1964 Lignatone saxophone brochure in English/German, and full catalog in Czech.  Admittedly there are only the main four models [soprano, alto, tenor, bari], but the finishes are listed, and the full catalog has the other woodwinds, brasses, and percussion.  I've scanned them and posted to Google Drive:

Saxophone brochure -  

Complete catalog -  

These reference the 1963 Leipzig fair, putting their issue date sometime after [though I have to wonder if they just updated their pre-existing catalog layout with that blurb].

The large catalog has also appeared in French as well.


I also have scans [courtesy Gerard Westerhof, who kindly provided them for posterity] of the ca. 1949 Ligna catalog in Spanish.  


Note the reference to Toneking, appropriated from Keilwerth, indicating this was issued prior to 1955.  Ligna/Amati-Kraslice had made some other changes to their lineup around that time, and the presence of pre-war "jazz trumpets"/octagonal bells/peashooters and other items makes this seem like an earlier offering - 1940s more than 1950s.


I'm mainly a brass player, though I keep an eye out for any of these catalogs due to their relative rarity in the US.


Amati-Kraslice made these, of course, and I figured they might be a good edition, or at the least, a reminder that they exist...

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  1. by VintageCatalogs
    (6 posts)

    11 months ago

    Re: Lignatone brochure & catalogs

    A few more Amati-Kraslice brochures arrived - is a late 1960s Artia catalog, with saxophone section, and also is a 1970s MusicExport brochure with different models of each saxophone voice shown, with explanations of the I, II, III differences

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