Saxophone Forum

by kiri
(1 post)
19 years ago

Conn Sax

I have a Conn saxaphone which has been handed down the family. It has the following engraving Pat Dec.8 1914 1119954 C M171324 H Can anyone tell me as to how old it is and its value

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Conn Sax

    thats a 1926 Conn C melody. If C mels were worth money, youd have a nice one. Unfortuneatley these days C mels arent very desireable

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    1. by Sax Mom
      (964 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Conn Sax

      On the other hand, replacing it might be difficult, so if it is valuable to you, it is valuable. C Melodies can play right along with piano, guitar, and organ without transposing, so that can be a plus.

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