Re: Concertina da Camera
I am playing the piece with an orchestra this sunday, so I have a lot of knowledge about it also.
Its up to you, since no one here knows his level, to decide whether he is going to play it or not.
But, along with number one, if you decide to let him play it slowly with a metronome! This piece is not easily sight-read. Now, you ARE thinking yada yada yada like you know exactly what I'm talking about. Well, this is an 8th grader we're talking about. He cannot CANNOT EVER EVER go faster than he can play it cleanly. This is VERY cliche, but its more important than he will ever know until hes much older. If he plays it faster than he "musically" can (and he will try) his fingers will tense up. Even if he does it a couple times at a slower speed, when he tries to bump it up to 126 (Or on the 3rd movement, 132...O jeez!) he will not be able to play it no matter how hard he practices.
For beginners, its so important not to play it faster AT ALL than he can at the moment. His fingers will tense up and he will plateau at a certain speed. If he plays it and practices with a metronome without ever rushing himself getting it up to will be able to turn that metronome up one notch day by day week by week without ever totally hitting that plataeu.
More than ANYTHING on THAT song, dont ever let him practice faster than he can play it cleanly. Don't ever let him do it "just to see if he can". He may be able to, but the effects of it, like him being able to play it up to 132 BMP will be effected especially at his age.
Very important ^^
Second, make sure he can play a nice pretty vibrato before he starts it. Tone and vibrato is part of this song, especially in the second movement. He should have a vibrato if he is that advanced, but if he's going to work on it...he must be too good of a player to let such little details go to waste.
This could be a great development piece...let him develop in all areas musically as he learns this literature. Don't just let him learn the "notes".
He can do it. Any dedicated saxophone player can do it IF THEY PRACTICE CORRECTLY.
Incorrect practice is this only thing that stands in his way.
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