Saxophone Forum

by stevenm1955
(12 posts)
18 years ago

Why do I squeak @ times?

I have been learning alto sax for 3 months. I have gravitated over from a flute for 18 months. I am self taught on both instruments. I occasionally HONK like a duck or squeak like a sick bird when I sometime initiate a note. It is very frustrating. I don't seem to understand the pattern. I am using a Meyers 4 mouthpiece a Rico 2 reed & a single posted brass/leather ligature. The alto sax is a Yamaha YAS 23. HELP! Any suggestions?

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

    You need to use more air Imagine this: the saxophone is a big balloon, and you have to keep it filled up, but there are lots of holes in it. You dont blow harder, you just need to speed up the airstream so you are using your air more efficiently Doing the above, you should also if you arent already incorporate longtones into your practice, those are extremely inportant for the development of good strong tone. Lastly its sometimes a good idea to get horn checked out for leaks by a good tech

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  2. by calongshire
    (11 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

    You may also be biting down on the mouthpiece to hard. Also the amount of the mouthpiece you have in your mouth will influence the sound production...too much mouthpiece you get the HONK, too little and you have a weak sound.

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    1. by p-land sax
      (32 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      It could also be you have a leak or your fingers are not pushing down at the same time

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  3. by melonsweetie
    (1 post)

    16 years ago

    Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

    Rico reeds are not very good.... although cheap, they make you squeak a whole lot. Switch to a different one. You will notice that that will already help. Also, try to move up a half size. Like 2.5 (I actually play clarinet but as a reed insturment I thought I could still help). The larger size of the reed, the less you squeak!

    Reply To Post

    1. by chalazon
      (547 posts)

      16 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      this is not really the case..the strength of reed has nothing to do with whether or not you squeak ...and rico reeds are quite acceptable.

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    2. by kelsey
      (930 posts)

      16 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      Melonhead, please don't bring back a conversation that was over years ago. It's rude to the rest of us...................Kelsey
      Barry Kelsey

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      1. by Tranesyadaddy
        (279 posts)

        16 years ago

        Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

        not as rude as calling a fellow poster 'melonhead'.

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    3. by R.Rahaman Alto Sax13
      (1 post)

      12 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      It would be because your mouth posture is incorrect

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    4. by gloss1
      (27 posts)

      12 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      I PERSONALLY SQUEAK LESS WITH FIBRACELL REEDS. They are bright but can be controlled with the right mouthpiece.

      Reply To Post

    5. by krestonsmith
      (12 posts)

      12 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      You have had a lot of input and posts, but I will hopefully add something new to bring a different perspective. Somethings will be repeated, so thank you in advance for reading my humble opinion on the matter.

      I would recommend the follwoing things:

      1. The reed solution has been addressed. I would purchase three to four reeds in a 2.5 and a 3 from Mitchell Lurie, Vandoren, La Voz, and Rico Royal. The truth is the one who is going to know what works for you is you. Having these options allows you to trial and error for youself. Get a note book and make note about each experience and how you like or dislike each reed. Read up on how to sand and shape a reed. I personally sand every reed I play with 600 Grit Sandpaper on the backside and then rub the top to judt behind the tip a couple of times to get rid of any hard to see imperfection.
      2. Make sure you are wetting your reeds. Often times a dry reed can be the source of the problem.
      3. Make sure the reed tip is matching the mouthpiece tip or is just a hair below the tip. Experiement with moving the reed up and down the mouthpiece VERY SLIGHTLY and you will notice HUGE differences. Find you sweet spot. I like the reed right below tip. It is responsive and warm.
      4. Play ONLY on the Mouthpiece. THis is VERY IMPORTANT. if you are make a shrill high pitch squel sound here . .. then you have found your problem. It is not fingers, pads it is your embouchuire and the mouthpiece. Since you a beginnger I would recommend getting a Yamaha 4c or a Selmer Soloist C#. Meyers are GREAT pieces, but for a beginner it can be a little hard to get used to. I have been playing saxophone since 1986 and I STILL practice on only the mouthpiece. It is important the throat is relaxed and that you do not close it off and that it open. The closing off of your throat can pinch the sound and cause a squeal also.
      5. Watch the video of Jim Snidero on the Rico Website. He is the writer of Jazz Conception and a monster player. He addresses the issues of opening upi your sound and to release the restriction very well.
      6. Make sure the neck strap is high enough. Many players straps are to low and need to be raised. By riasing the strap to where the mouthpiece barely brushes your upper lip, you will position the saxophone in this most appropriate position.
      7. Lastly. be sure your TOP teeth are FIRMLY yes FIRMLY pressing on the top of the mouthpiece. I tell my students to ct as if they are trying puch all of the air and their embochure toiward their octave key thumb. This really helps oopen their sound and that visual  immeidately brings attention to the position of the embochure, the air stream, and the head.

      Hope this all helps.

      Good Times and happy playing . . . .

      Reply To Post

      1. by eduardo70
        (1 post)

        9 years ago

        Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

        Thanks a lot, I appreciate all the information you shared. Have a wonderful time and happy playing :)

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    6. by [email protected]
      (2 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      What causes reed instuments like Saxophone "Squeek: ?

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    7. by Radjammin
      (255 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      I am supprised no one caught this. "Meyers 4 mouthpiece a Rico 2 reed " If you have some time on Flute, I would suggest 2.5 reeds. 2 isn't going to respond to well. Your probaby gonna have more air then it can take. Also leaks can cause it, usually more noticable on the bottom end. Also can be caused by biting. For your sitation I suspect a combonation of too thin a reed and biting, probaby caused by frustration from the first problem.

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      1. by CountSpatula
        (602 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

        Whoa...I agree.. Rico Royal mpcs are thin so I'd probably try a 3 or a 3.5.... Not very many people I know of start playing alto on a meyer.... Good luck with the alto, self teaching is hard. .I'd think it would be hard not having anyone teach you how to set your embrocure... -Tyler

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    8. by [email protected]
      (2 posts)

      6 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      What causes reed instuments like Saxophone "Squeek: ?

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    9. by johnsonfromwisconsin
      (767 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

      stevennm, This question is too broad to answer, expecially from someone only playing a few months and self taught. Possible causes are: *improper embochure and support (very high likelyhood) *Poor reeds *Horn or mouthpiece out of adjustment/balance. any one of those could be the cause, and it would take you some time to figure it out. We have no ability to figure it out at all. I would suggest enlisting the help of a qualified instructor.

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      1. by CountSpatula
        (602 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

        Rico Royals aren't that good of reeds...The jazz selects are but not the regular. You should try Hemke or Vandoren 3s. All the band teachers start their students out on a Selmer S80 C* with size 3 vandoren or hemke (that I know of). That mouthpiece isn't that good but it doesnt require much of a strong embrocure, which is good for a beginner. But I would hold on the meyer because that can come in handy in a while.

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        1. by definition
          (963 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

          why are you guys trying to put him on such hard reeds?? He's only been playing sax for 3 months, he probably wont be able to handle the 3s, most of my students cant do that either. Your setup should be fine for now, just so long as your sax is setup and working properly. once you're sure of that PRACTICE!! I suggest lots of long, boring longtones paying attention to getting a good tone like I mentioned above

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          1. by Radjammin
            (255 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Ya I said Harder reeds, not 3! Come I was right about thickening the reeds but you guys are going too fare. I play on 2.5 and I have been playing for 18 years. While learning over the years I spent a lot of time on 3, never using 3.5 vans. Now that I have good air support I perfer 2.5 for responce in Jazz. Yes 2.5 vans or 3 Ricos. No on the 3 vans or 3.5 Ricos. I am sure she(it's a she right?) has good breath control from flute, just needs to get use to sax. I suck on flute. Get winded. hahaha.

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          2. by stevenm1955
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Yes, thanks- all good suggestions. The horn was looked @ & evaluated- it was not found to have any significant leaks. I will try the 2.5 Vans or 3 Ricos. I don't have excellent breath control on the flute either. Although I can read & play- I sense 'hic-ups' rather than long tones. I need to work on this w/ the sax. Yes, scales, scales, scales. Long tones, long tones, long tones. I need to eventually find an instructor here in Portland, OR. Radjamin: My screen name is stevenm1955- why the assumption that 'she's' play (FLUTE) & that guys don't? The flute is a sweet instrument- nice almost 'alto' / 'soprano' longtones & great slurs & ties. Why is the world so tied into the flute being a 'girlie' or 'gay' instrument?

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          3. by Radjammin
            (255 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Well I apologize about the mix-up. But I guess your explanation beggs to ask why did you want to learn the sax? Just to show you how far it goes my wife won't let our new born son play flute or clarinet. I have been told he is allowed to play anything brass, drums, guitar, piano, and Sax.

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          4. by stevenm1955
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            GOOD POINT!!!! My Son is 12 & plays flute in the school band. He is in 7th grade. He was so good @ one time that they graduated him to the 8th Grade Marching Band (he started in early 6th grade- actually I started 3 months before him). He got booted out of the 8th grade band because he did not want to practice & complained that the kids say he is gay for playing the flute. There are one other COOL guy playing flute- but for the most part all girls. The same goes for the clarinets, however there are a bit more boys playing those. I chose the flute because of the CLEANNESS of tghe instrument in both look & sound. It comes in a little case- assembles in seconds & has some WAY pretty & crisp sound. It also plays NOTES- no double clefs to interpret, to chords to assimilate- Additionally I was going thru a mid-life crisis & wanted a new hobby. THE SWITCH????? I am a big (6'2" 205#) Ex New Yorker. I am loud, potentially obnoxious, up front, talkative & multifaceted. A SAX is MORE ME. Heck- it is the truth!!!!! The fingering is almost the same NO LOST AIR from over blowing the emboushere- * I like that blusey, sexy slurs that Saxes (sp?) afford. As I was saying- this was the answer to my mid life crisis (flute-sax) HOWEVER it was only an offshoot of: In March04- I lost a great job, a relationship (nice women) & A LOT of self-esteem. Drugs & ETOH couldn't cut it so in Aug 04 I took up DANCING. Lots of Dance studios DO NOT require partners- & rotate the follows through the leads. EVERYONE is on the same level. At its very elemental level- it is good exercise in socically appropriate channels. I took at least 1 month of almost EVERYTHING. I fell HARD on Lindy Hop, East Coast Swing & West Coast Swing. The music on ECS/LH is all Jazz, big band (or blues). The music is terrific & very complicated. NEO SWING (Indigo Swing, BBVD, Casey McGill, Lily Wilde & OTHERS) inspired me to learn to play like THAT. (Or at least attempt too). I have spent hundreds if not thousands on dance lessons. I go out 2-3 times a week. It is NOT bars, it is dance ballrooms. EVERYONE dances w/ EVERYONE, because the follows (gals) know that the guys aren't going to hit up on them or be obnoxious. Yes, they are ALL (for the mostpart) healthy, clean, and athletic women). Heck- like music & dance- one inspires the other- I/WE are always @ that HAPPY LEVEL- That place where one sees immedidiate gratification from learning a particluar riff, or step, or lick, or passage. It is ALWAYS filled w/ growth, self-satisfaction, & comfort- sure there are frustrating times- but only short lived- as one RAPIDLY learns & climbs another plateau. So, this is MY STORY. Sorry to highjack MY thread- but I thoroughly enjoyed sharing it w/ ya'll & also- WHO CAN RELATE? Sincerely, Steven R. Mashin (Portland, Oregon)

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          5. by Radjammin
            (255 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Hey we all have reason to play sax. My dad wanted me to play sax, I wanted to play Trumpet. Something I learned later in life. After playing both I enjoy sax more, you never feel like you broke anything in your mouth on sax. haha. I can play sax for hours, and still feel fine. Probaby something to do witht he 15+ hours a week in college I practiced. Sax is a great horn, just remember there are alot of levels of playing. That means there are lots of people to ask question to. There are always players better then you, and sax players are arrogant about thier playing, but usually very friendly. That's been my experience. Don't rag on their playing but they will talk to anyone. I can't say the same thing about some brass players I have known. I think it's the horn. It just makes you wanta talk.

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          6. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            3 isn't that hard of a reed for a mouthpiece that small. Most beginners start out on a Selmer C* mpc with size 3 reeds. He's playing on a meyer 4, SMALLER than a C*, and a size 2 reed is so hard to make a noise on on that closed of a mouthpiece.

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          7. by connsaxman_jim
            (2336 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Let me refer back to my post titled "Damage Control" Count, I know you're trying to help here and I appreciate that, but you're barking up the wrong tree. (I just got a new puppy by the way....Jack Russell Terrier, CUTE DOG!!!) But anyway, there are many different factors involved here, like Johnson said. Rico Royals are not bad reeds. I use them quite often and I like them. I have found them to be much more consistant that Vandoren. People like to trash Rico in favor of Vandoren or Hemke. I can't really say much about Hemke because I have never used them, but I wasn't too impressed. I'm not a big fan of Vandoren at all. "All the band teachers start their students out on a Selmer S80 C* with size 3 vandoren or hemke (that I know of)" ------- Not all of them, thank God. There are a few band teachers who haven't been brainwashed by the Selmer Snobs, who appreciate good tone! But yes, MOST band directors will tell you to use a Selmer C*. The Meyer mouthpiece you have is much better than the C*. It's a good mouthpiece for an entry level player, and it's a great concert or symphonic band mouthpiece. The Meyer is a little more open than the Selmer C*. I wouldn't recommend a reed any harder than a # 3, and I think a 2 or 2.5 would be best. Try a LaVoz medium soft. I really don't think that your problem is so much equipment related as it is embrochure and adapting to saxophone from Flute. I would recommend a few sessions with a private instructor to help you with some of the essentials before developing bad habits on your own. I can relate to this. I am mostly self taught on guitar and keyboard. I had to "un-learn" a lot of the bad habits that I had picked up on my own before I could advance. Best of luck to you. Jim

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          8. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Sorry I say that because all the saxophones I met use one, the kids in highschool all use a C*, and 3 teachers that have a dr. degree all play on C*s, i just not seeing the bad part about them >_

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          9. by connsaxman_jim
            (2336 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            They all have Dr.'s degrees... That tells me a lot! I'd be surprised if half of them can even play a C scale on a sax! That Dr.'s degree means that they have had at least 8 years of BRAINWASHING! They may be able to play classical French horn like a bitch, but I promise you that when it comes to scales, improvisation, and jazz theory, these "Dr.'s" don't know their ASS from a HOLE!

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          10. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Cuz they arnt jazz teachers... And you never answered my question

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          11. by definition
            (963 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            To answer your question count: Meyers arent really as amazing on tenor as they are on alto. for tenor, Jim and I both tend to end up recomending an otto link, rubber or metal is your preference with a 7 or 7* tip, or thereabout. I also very HIGHLY recomend you try a Runyon Custom mouthpiece, one of my most commonly recomended brands for sax mpcs

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          12. by connsaxman_jim
            (2336 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Amen, brother! Meyers are great for soprano and alto. The Meyer G Series sounds great on tenor for some of the Duke Ellington stuff I like to play, but for great tone on a tenor, the Otto Link metal is really the way to go. I've never tried any of the Runyon Custom pieces, but I have heard that they are pretty good. I'll have to check them out. My Jody Jazz ESP sounds nice on my 10M without the spoiler. I don't care for the spoiler much. I still prefer the Otto Link though.

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          13. by MarkLavelle
            (300 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            When you say you prefer the Otto Link, do you mean current or 'vintage' (if so, how old?), and regular or NY (or do you care)? Some folks seem to think that current production pieces need more quality control...

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          14. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Aight, I played on the schools tenor and they had these silver (not gold) tenor otto link mpcs in them for jazz band...I can't remember the name RG or something they were easy to play on. So by otto link metal which one do you mean? You know I guess the easy way to say this would be a mpc that sounds like michael brecker (if i spelled that right).

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          15. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Hah okay I looked up Otto Link metal at cuz i do a lot of shopping there, and i found 3 different ones Otto Link Metal (24k Gold) Otto Link New York Model (Gold plated) Otto Link RG Metal (Not gold) Vintage ones are so expensive...$400 for Florida Otto Link? Ouch...

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          16. by connsaxman_jim
            (2336 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            I have a couple Otto Link metal mouthpieces for tenor, and one for alto. The one that I use most often for Tenor is a vintage Florida Super Tone Master from the mid 1960's. My father purchased this mouthpiece new. It has a bold, brassy tone. It's bright, but not shrill. I bought one of the newer Otto Link New York 7 metals. I prefer the vintage Florida, but the New York also sounds really good, and I think the quality of the mouthpiece is also very good. The Florida seems to project a little better, and may be just a tad brighter, but they sound similar. I have tried the RG before. I also have a Meyer metal piece for tenor that is similar to the Otto Link RG. It's considerably brighter than either the Florida Super Tone Master or the New York Otto Links, and a bit raspy sounding. I think it sounds more like a Berg, if that's the kind of sound that you're looking for. It doesn't have the low end, brassy sound of the Florida or New York Link though. Actually I thought the bottom sounded a little thin, but that's typical of those types of mouthpieces. I have a new Otto Link 6* metal for alto (24k gold plated) It's similar to my vintage Florida in design. It's a good quality mouthpiece, but as I've said, metal mouthpieces don't work so well on alto. I've used it only a few times when I really needed the power and volume of a metal piece, but my Otto Link Tone Edge hard rubber piece has a much better tone for alto. I've seen vintage Florida Links sell for $600 or more, so if that vintage Florida is in really good shape, $400 is a fair price. But, if you want my honest opinion, the newer ones are good. Maybe not AS good, but I wouldn't spend the extra for a vintage.

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          17. by stevenm1955
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Hey Dudes & Dudettes: Ya'll so right- Yes, a heavier reed is it!! Had a 3 Vandoren (as a gift)- it doesn't squeak like the 2 Ricos! Even w/ a chip in the center of the reed it still has a good sound. I can feel w/ my tongue it is a much more sturdy & heavy reed. Yes- I am over w/ the 2 reeds. I will experiment & find exactly what I need for $2 a clip- I can afford to make a mistake or 2 on reeds! My impression of Valdoren- They stanp SH*T all over their reed. Paris Valdoren (in cursive) France. Like okay- it is an import! Woopee! No one has rights to these reeds except the Chinese- Isn't ALL GOOD bamboo from China anyway? Thanks- 10-4! I'm still listening.

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          18. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Bamboo and Cane are two different things right? The cane is cut in France, there for its not from China. Eh this choice on otto link mouthpieces is gonna be a tough one >_

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          19. by connsaxman_jim
            (2336 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Most likely the cane comes from Asia, although I really don't know or even care for that matter! Most likely it does come from China. It's not important. What IS important is the quality of the cane that they use and the way that it is cut, filed, etc. Personally I like LaVoz reeds. I have found them to be of consistant quality and they are cut from a better grade of cane than the some of the others; Ricos, etc. The Vandorens are cut from better quality cane, but I just don't like the way that they are cut. It's really a matter of preference. As for the Hemkes, I really don't have much experience with them. I've found what works for me and that's what I use; Rico Jazz Selects, LaVoz, Alexanders when I can find them, and occasionally Rico Royal. What do I mean by raspy? Do you know what raspy means? If you have a cold and your mom tells you your voice sounds a little raspy, what does she mean? I guess you'll have to try it for yourself to see what I mean.

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          20. by CountSpatula
            (602 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            As in edgy? I really like Michael Breckers sound, and I cant hear a tenor and tell weather its bright or not because Ive played alto all my life, so if you could say Otto link metal or RG whichevers closer would be fine haha. And while im at it do you know what would be a very bright alto mouthpiece but not really edgy, like a Nelson Rangell sound? I dont think i've ever asked so many questions before in my life haha.

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          21. by stevenm1955
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Well- I'll be damned- Cane not bamboo- sure didn't know what the heck I was talking about- nonetheless- What a wonderful piece of work a saxophone is. A relative new instrument as per Adolphe Sax & patented in 1846- its history & maturity (of the instrument) is a wonderful story. It is now a beautiful piece of art to hold, w/ a complicated series of holes, rods, pins, springs, keys, & offset-interconnecting ports to view & play- but mostly it is a very tamable, predictable & sensual sounding Instrument. Initially there were unmistakably many improving versions of the saxophone- & what fun it must have been to have been around in the 1840-1890s while this beast was experiencing labor pains & recreations to its present day accepted (and varied) orchestral kin. For me- Music, like dance encompasses so much under such a ‘limited’ title. I can see how understanding the growth of the saxophone (from its infancy) (for me)- is informative & inspiring to appreciate this Instrumental Family even moreso. Again pardon my intrusion- but here are 4 sites- I have found to be excellent & fast reading including some of the ONLY KNOWN original saxes by Adolphe Sax. Wow- have they grown since that time!!!! Additionally- I have found a nice potential source for information on the subject:

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          22. by stevenm1955
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?


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          23. by Radjammin
            (255 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Wow so much great information, you should put it on a web site as articles, here in the forums you just keep reposting it over, and over, and over again... Don't your hands get tired.

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          24. by stevenm1955
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Thanks for the warm fuzzy, but actually I (may) borderline on the obnoxious. I have been told lots of things regarding my postings- & unfortunately MOST are not so good. I try never to threadjack-, as that is almost sacrilegious. My downfall in the venues that entertain me is that often I post detailed info that interests me. It’s almost as if I don’t mind taking hostages either ;-) . I employ excellent search engines- (Professional)

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          25. by definition
            (963 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            A good book you'll want to look at for all things saxophone in general is larry teal's book "The Art of Playing the Saxophone" history, techniques etc

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          26. by selmer 4evr
            (309 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Sqeak you say it i simple it is caused by the reed working unevenly from one side before the other can be caused by iether poor embouchure or bad reeds or even a bad table on the mouthpiece. if all that is fine then you are in luck Sax is supposedly to be played as close as possible to squeaking without crossing that fine line ,,unfortunately most players are taught to bite in order to prevent the squeaking ,,,,bad advice!!! You want as loose an embouchure as possible and as much air pressure as possible,,, control comes with air not with the lips !!! As for the cane story,,, yes it is cane not bamboo and the cut is so important,,,, for sax the U cut is superior to the V cut as it affords a better vamp and a more resistant reed as well as a more complex sound .

            Reply To Post

          27. by candyapple
            (16 posts)

            16 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Greetings, has anyone played on brancher reeds? If so how do they compare to rico and vandoren. Seeing as though none of you mentiond brancher in previous post's i may have my answer already.

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          28. by Frege
            (1 post)

            13 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            I also have a problem. Every time I try to blow a low D on my Alto Saxophone, it comes out as a ear-killing, shrill squeak. As for when no squeak comes from it (just the normal note), it is not full and very soft, like a PPP and very raspy. What should I do? And let me note that this is a new saxophone (but it has been second-use), along with a new mouthpiece. My other one did not squeak, but it was a school instrument. My saxophone may need adjusting or breaking in. Another quick thing-- tips for tuning? I never seem to get the right note. Thank you so much!

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          29. by krestonsmith
            (12 posts)

            12 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            I would recommend veiwing Tim Mcallister from Arizona State . ..I saw him play live and well  . .. he is a beast and how about Donald Sinta from Michgan . .. . . Google a few fof these guys and ask them to play for you and I am sure you wil be humbled. They can definitely play and mighty well I may add . .. oh and I gorgot one of the most ridicouls players that I studied with that is now teaching in Nashville and he can play his fool head off . .. . Dr. Jeff Kirk. Not trying to burst your bubble. . . .but would know your facts before you jump in with a harsh comment that is comes acroos kind snuff.

            Good Times and Happy Playing . . .

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          30. by krestonsmith
            (12 posts)

            12 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            Clarification . .. The above comment was in reference to the slam on Saxophonists with a Doctorate.

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          31. by Kattamaki
            (15 posts)

            12 years ago

            Re: Why do I squeak @ times?

            I've read through these old threads and must say there were so many opinions and not enough simple facts. I don't think I saw once that the reason why a tone (not a note, thats the black dot on the paper) can squeek is that the reed is too dry, or the reed is warpped, uneven. 

            I would be interested if the gentleman who started this subject is still playing and enjoying the saxophone?

            Cheers, Kattamaki 

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