Saxophone Forum

by Dark Eyes
(138 posts)
19 years ago

Kickin' my butt

Hello everyone. Its rare nowadays that I make a trip over to the legit section but I have a question. I've recently taken on the task of learning Paul Bonneau's Caprice en Forme de Valse. This is one of the hardest solo pieces that I've played for the reason that it has no piano accompinament (spelling?). I was having a little trouble in progressing due to some of the time issues and rhythms in the piece and was wondering if anybody has played it before. If you have played it, what was the hardest part of the song for you and how did you cope with it? By the way, if you haven't heard it Nicolas Prost does it extremely good justice on his album Caprice, track #2. Any info would be appreciated, thanks. -Dark Eyes

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  1. by Dark Eyes
    (138 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Kickin' my butt

    Here's a link to a sample of the song if you haven't heard it before. He plays this on alto and he uses a Yamaha. The sample is at the bottom of the page.

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    1. by Dark Eyes
      (138 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Kickin' my butt

      Did I scare you guys away. Roar ;-) Does anybody have any advice? Any is appreciated. Cheers, Dark Eyes (unloved thesis)

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