Saxophone Forum

by straightj23
(103 posts)
19 years ago

marching band camp senior pranks?

anyone have any good ideas? I'm a senior now and band camp starts in a little more than a week. We need ideas for pranks. I already have a couple ideas: -Put IcyHot on the toilet seats. -Grease the door handles. -(Assuming that the younger people will be up watching the prank out the cabin windows, as they always do) Dress up as a sasquatch and scare the living heck out of the other campers. Are those good? You guys have any ideas? What have you guys done?

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  1. by gottydot
    (41 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: marching band camp senior pranks?

    Are there dorms? If there is, put an alarm clock outside one of the instructors doors in the middle of the night, set it for 2 A.M. or 3 A.M., and go back to bed :) be sure not to get caught though! Have fun lol

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    1. by gemster
      (51 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: marching band camp senior pranks?

      Oh wow what fun! If you are feeling very hardcore, shaving just ONE of someone's eyebrows off is good, coz when they wake up they have the choice of drawing it on, or shaving the other one off to match. Tbh i've never done it though.. Erm what else...stealing all the underwear of the people in the dorm next to you and freezing them in a block of ice is fun (I have done this, and got thrown in the lake for it!) Also prank calling people in the stly of 'the ring'. i know its really silly but it scares the living daylights outta people. Have fun!

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