Saxophone Forum

by jacob0045
(3 posts)
17 years ago

i just want to know if it is p

Is it possible to play jazz wi

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  1. by peter090
    (155 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: i just want to know if it is possible to play jazz with a normal plastic mouthpiece and normal r

    Yes. In fact if you are a relatively new player it is probably a good idea. Once you develop a concept of how you want to sound and can get reasonably close on a good student mouthpiece it will be much easier to choose an upgrade.

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    1. by saxjunkie89
      (393 posts)

      17 years ago

      Re: i just want to know if it is possible to play jazz with a normal plastic mouthpiece and normal r

      I actually did my eighth grade year in our middle school's eighth grade talent show. Our sax quartet (of which is completely different from my current sax quartet) played "Jump Jive an' Wail". I don't know even to this day what it was or how it happened, but i found an edge on a student plastic mouthpiece . *Twilight Zone theme*.

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      1. by saxjunkie89
        (393 posts)

        17 years ago

        Re: i just want to know if it is possible to play jazz with a normal plastic mouthpiece and normal r

        oh, then again, this happened around when I realized that music was more than notes on a page :]

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