Saxophone Forum

by g400martin
(4 posts)
16 years ago

bari sax. good buy?

I found an ad on craigslist today for a bari sax. my parents talked to me about buying it seeing that i will probably try to stick with bari through college. for some reason, the seller was not answering our question of simply "what brand is this thing?" we came to the conclusion that it's most likely a bari. (based on the fact that they're only asking $950, its black and gold and the only other black and gold bari we found was a $6-7,000 keilwerth) My problem is, I know nothing about or how they're saxes play/sound. The school i go to uses yamaha intermediate ybs-52 and the directors seem to be fans of the tone of those. i play a standard yamaha 5C mouthpiece with vandoren 3.5 reeds. can anyone tell me anything about this bari sax? would it be an improvement from an intermediate yamaha or a selmer BS500? thanks, martin

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  1. by bigtaveras
    (3 posts)

    16 years ago

    Re: bari sax. good buy?

    bro to tell you the truth,im not a very big fan of buying a sax just by the may look good and you might get a great deal but i think that its best for you to go and actually playing on a sax before you actually buy it. people have different preferences in saxes so idk what to tell you about which one to choose, the selmer or the yamaha.ive played on the yts52 and the selmer....i forgot what model it is and im currently playing on a big bell series cannonbal.but its all in the taste you have.just dont let anyone tricking you into buying something that you might it because you know that you are going to like the sax and for your own reasons.but thats just my opinion

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    1. by g400martin
      (4 posts)

      16 years ago

      Re: bari sax. good buy?

      oh yeah deff. i wouldnt buy any instrument without playing it first but it was a rare price for a bari sax. anyways, turns out the thing is a Monique(?) sax. it's something related to none the less, both of those kinds of saxes have terrible reviews. i talked to a couple people who owned a and said they were awful. so nevermind this thread haha.

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